Grand Builder
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Abraham and Bessie Hann Foundation
Grand Builder
Mazel Tov to All Honorees!
Thank you Dr. Frank, Dr. Avery & Dr. Lacy
for your incredible leadership and dedication,
especially during such challenging times.
To the RPRY Administrative Team
- you are one in a million
and the HP/Edison/EB communities
are endlessly blessed to have you.
Harriet & George Blank
Grand Builder
As grandparents of Sally ('23) and Joey ('21) Cypess,
as well as Ben ('18), we greatly appreciate
the exemplary efforts of the 
Medical Advisory Committee
and the Professional Leaders of RPRY,
who created a safe, supportive environment
for all students and staff during this difficult year.
Kol Hakavod and thank you
for your tireless efforts!
Drs. Sandra and Raymond Cypess
Grand Builder
Jewish Federation
extends its heartfelt congratulations and appreciation
to RPRY's professional leadership and MAC members,
and to the entire RPRY family,
for investing in today's youth
and tomorrow's Jewish community.
Jewish Federation in the Heart of NJ
Grand Builder
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees
upon this well deserved honor.
And Much Hakarat Hatov to RPRY
for all of the years of educating
the children of our community.
Rachel Lefkovits
Grand Builder
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Steve and Cheri Mayer
Grand Builder
Warmest congratulations to
all of the Honorees!
Rona and Jeffries Shein
Grand Builder
Congratulations to the wonderful and inspiring honorees
and their families and to all the RPRY families
as we celebrate RPRY's continued success!!!
Thank You!
Chaim and Shira Shenkman
Grand Builder
Warmest congratulations
to all the honorees.
Zev and Rachelle Stern
Corporate Patron
Mazal tov to all the Honorees!
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
The Lowenthal Foundation
Corporate Patron
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees!
May they go from Strength to Strength
in all they do
for the Yeshiva and the community.
In loving memory of Renee Silverstein A"H
Gerald Silverstein
Gold Sponsor
Thank you to all the Honorees
for their dedication and hard work.
Talia Adika
Gold Sponsor
Mazel Tov to the deserving honorees!

Saritte and Dr. Michael Atkin,
Diplomate, American Board
of Emergency Medicine
Hackensack Meridian Health
Raritan Bay Medical Center
530 New Brunswick Avenue
Perth Amboy, New Jersey 08861
(646) 491-0791
Gold Sponsor
To my wonderful colleagues on the MAC,
Dr Elliot Frank & Dr Cliff Lacy
'twas an honor and pleasure to work with you.
To the Professional Leaders of RPRY,
Thank you for your dedication
to keeping school open during these crazy times!
Keren, Peter, Kayla ('21)
and Tahlia ('23) Avery
Gold Sponsor
Thank you to the members of
the school's professional
leadership for their tireless
efforts during this past year.
Gary and Toby Balsam
Gold Sponsor
Dear Members of the Administration and the MAC,
Thank you for the countless hours you have contributed
to ensure the safety and emotional well-being
of RPRY students this year!
Drs. Meir Flancbaum and Atara Hiller, and the team at
Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy
East Brunswick, NJ
Gold Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts during this past year.
Thank you to the MAC for their guidance
over the past year and keeping us safe in school!
Drs. Marni and Arkady Broder
Gold Sponsor
To the MAC and our professional leadership team,
Please accept our deepest thanks and admiration
for your leadership throughout the past 15 months:
for your dedication to the health, education,
and growth of our children, and for setting an example
that benefited our entire community.
  Rabbi Joshua, Rebecca, Ben,
Joey, and Sally Cypess
Gold Sponsor
You stepped into the Executive Director role
at RPRY at an unprecedented time.
Using your creativity, humor, kindness,
calmness & common sense you joined a special team,
skillfully navigating the school through.
Yasher koach!!
Shmuel Davis, Rona & Michael Rosen, Ruchel & Jack Markowitz, and Susan Davis
Gold Sponsor
In great appreciation of the
Rebbeim, teachers and staff of RPRY -
You go above and beyond!
Rabbi Josh and Rena Einzig
Gold Sponsor
In honor of Dr. Cliff Lacy
for all his efforts on behalf of RPRY
and the larger ecosystem
that he supports.
Looking forward
to davening next to you again - soon!
Michael and Toby Eleff
Gold Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Payam and Joanne Hanian
Gold Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC for
their guidance over the past
year and keeping the
students safe in school.
Yehuda and Faigie Hecht
Gold Sponsor
We cannot adequately express our sincere gratitude
to the MAC and the RPRY administration
for their tireless work, dedication
and self sacrifice safeguarding our children's safety,
well-being and education this past year!
So thank you and Tizku L'Mitzvos!
Marninah & Josh Hersh
Gold Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Liz & Murray Katz
Gold Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Dr. Rama & Mr. Mark Koslowe
Gold Sponsor
It has been an honor and a privilege to participate in such an important
and meaningful effort for this great institution and its students. 

And to work closely with my esteemed colleagues 
Dr. Elliot Frank, Dr. Keren Ebel Avery 
who combined evidence-based medicine and heartfelt concern to protect the health, wellness, and safety of students, school personnel, and the community 

And to work closely with the school's superb professional leadership team
Rabbi Daniel Loew, Rabbi Joshua Einzig, Mrs. Chana Luchins,
Mr. Josh Caplan, Mrs. Ilana Bohm, and the entire RPRY faculty and staff

whose outstanding efforts during this extraordinary time maintained academic and social/emotional learning and the physical well-being of all within their charge

And to the great RPRY students, their families, and the larger community for   
their contributions to achieving the missions of education, public health, and safety in the face of extraordinary circumstances and profound challenges

Best wishes for continued great success to the school and its students
Clifton, Ellen, and Jessica Lacy
Gold Sponsor
Mazel tov to our Honorees!
Dr. Frank, Dr. Avery & Dr. Lacy
- you are gems & we can't thank you enough!!
Rabbi Loew, Mrs. Luchins, Rabbi Einzig,
Mrs. Bohm & Mr. Caplan-
-our RPRY & broader community are blessed by
your leadership & dedication to the current and future
of our Jewish people.
Thank you
Leslie and Josh Ostrin & Family
Gold Sponsor
Thank you to Leslie Ostrin
for her tireless dedication to RPRY,
for always making time when it seems there is never enough, and striving to ensure RPRY is always propelling forward.
Gold Sponsor
L'chvod Rabbi Einzig,
With much הכרת הטוב for all of your time and dedication.
Thank you for your constant guidance and support.
Chaya Schulgasser
Gold Sponsor
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Yaakov Shapiro
Gold Sponsor
Thank you
Dr. Keren Ebel
for your part in caring for
the health and well being of our children.
Best wishes,
Somerset Pediatric Group
Bedminster - Hillsborough - Lebanon
- Long Valley - Raritan - Somerset - Warren
Gold Sponsor
לכל הצוות הרפואי
עזרתם לקהילתנו בנאמנות ובמסירות
.נפש בזמן שכולנו היינו בחרדה
התמודדתם במגוון של בקשות, קשיים
.ורגשות. מודים אנו לכם מקרב לב
Thank you for all you have done during this difficult time.
You worked day and night and always with grace and a smile.
.תמשיכו בעבודתכם הנעלה ברוב שנים של נחת וברכה
Sheldon and Drora Waltuch
Gold Sponsor
To Dr. Keren Ebel Avery, Dr. Elliot Frank, & Dr. Clifton Lacy,
Thank you for leading and guiding, not just RPRY,
but our whole community through the pandemic.

Thank you to your families for putting up with all the time you spent
on working to keep RPRY open and safe. 
It is immensely appreciated!

Thank you to RPRY's professional leadership for working as hard as ever
to give our kids the most normal school year possible.
You have all done what many thought to be impossible.
Sara and Ari Welner
Gold Sponsor
Thank you to the School's Professional Leadership
for making RPRY a place where children smile
and are happy to come each day
despite the challenges of this past year.
May the entire community be blessed mei'chayil el Chayil
and zoche to the fulfillment of לַיְּהוּדִ֕ים הָֽיְתָ֥ה אוֹרָ֖ה וְשִׂמְחָ֑ה וְשָׂשׂ֖ן וִיקָֽר
Ruby Sponsor
In an extraordinary year,
that the school functioned as well as it did
was due to
the exceptional leadership
of the RPRY staff.
Thank You!
Bonnie & Sheldon Freidenreich
Ruby Sponsor
Thank you to the RPRY leadership,
volunteers, and staff
for keeping our kids safe
while maintaining a positive
and comfortable learning environment.
Malka and David Friedman
Ruby Sponsor
Thank you to 
Dr. Frank, Dr. Avery and Dr. Lacy 
for the countless hours you put in over this past year to ensure the health and safety of the RPRY community. We truly appreciate your devotion, selflessness and commitment!
Thank you to 
Rabbi Loew, Rabbi Einzig, Mrs. Luchins, 
Mr. Caplan (aka the "other" Josh Caplan!) and Mrs. Bohm 

for your tireless efforts and dedication to the faculty and students. Thank you for helping to keep our doors open and the students healthy and happy!
We cannot thank each of you enough!
Jordan & Shoshana Kaplan
Shaya, Roni, Dani and Gavi

Ruby Sponsor
Congratulations on
your well-deserved recognition
and for all the work you do
on behalf of
Rabbi Pesach Ramon Yeshiva
and the community.
Penny and Michael Kaplan
Ruby Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC
and the school's professional leadership
for their guidance and hard work
during the past school year.
RPRY couldn't have done it without you.
A hearty yasher koach to you all.
Barry and Marcia Levinson
Ruby Sponsor
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Alexander and Masha Sherman
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Shoshana and Brian Allen
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the Medical Advisory Committee,
Rabbi Loew, Rabbi Einzig, the wonderful RPRY staff
and all the honorees for making this school year
successful, educational and enriching.
We appreciate all your hard work!
Sarah and Dov Banner
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to all of the school's teachers, administration,
as well as the MAC for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
We are so grateful for keeping the school open,
and creating a loving and nurturing environment
for all of the children.
Andrew and Esther Bierbryer
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to our dear friends
for all their service to the children of our community
Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to the HONOREES
Suri and Jay Blum
Silver Sponsor
Thank you RPRY for providing an excellent
education for our children.
We appreciate all you have done for them this
year and every year!
Ilana & Mendy Bohm & Family
Silver Sponsor
We express our deepest appreciation and
admiration to the members of the MAC and my
colleagues on the RPRY Leadership Team for
your wisdom and selfless devotion.
We especially give hakarat hatov to all RPRY
parents and our amazing, resilient students.
You are simply the best!
Naomi and Josh Caplan
Silver Sponsor

With profound gratitude and appreciation to 
Dr. Clifton R. Lacy
Dr. Keren Ebel Avery 

Two consummate professionals
For their wisdom and insights
For their collegiality and sense of humor 

And in honor of
Rabbi Daniel Loew
Rabbi Joshua Einzig
Mrs. Chana Luchins
Mrs. Ilana Bohm
And the entire amazing RPRY faculty

 For their extraordinary dedication to the children of our community

And with thanks to 
All the wonderful RPRY students, their parents and siblings
Who kept our community safe and our school open

Susan & Elliot Frank
Silver Sponsor
Thank you for your extraordinary efforts
during a very difficult time.
The MAC and the school's professional leadership
team worked hard to make sure our school
remained open despite horribly adverse conditions!
Keep up the amazing work!
Lisa and David Goldberg
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC and RPRY
professional leadership
for your guidance and tireless efforts
during this past year.
Thank you!
Dan and Becky Huberman
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC for
their guidance over the past year!
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Robert and Riki Kreitman
Silver Sponsor
Kudos to the Medical Advisory Committee
and the RPRY Professional Leadership
for their dedication, wisdom and hard work
during this extraordinarily challenging year.
A special shout out to our son
Rabbi Daniel Loew -
we are very proud of you!
Love, Mom and Dad
Helen and Les Loew
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to my partners this year:
Dr. Elliot Frank, Dr. Keren Ebel Avery & Dr. Cliff Lacy
Your dedication and wisdom guided our yeshiva
and I am so grateful for your support.
Mrs. Ilana Bohm, Mr. Josh Caplan,
Rabbi Josh Einzig & Mrs. Chana Luchins
Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of our students' academic,
social, emotional, and medical needs.
And thank you to the faculty, staff and parents of RPRY for your patience
and commitment during an extraordinary year.
Rabbi Daniel and Chanie Loew
Silver Sponsor
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Eli Mirlis
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
  The parents and step parent of
Naomi & Bentzi Woitovich
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to everyone involved
in the tremendous effort
of keeping the school open
and safe this past year.
Jacob and Alisa Oslick
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC
for their guidance over the past year
and keeping us safe in school.
Susan and Hillel Raymon
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC dream team of
Drs. Frank, Lacy, & Ebel-Avery
and administrators, Rabbi Loew, Rabbi Einzig,
Mrs Luchins, Mrs Bohm, & Mr. Caplan
for all of your dedication, creativity,
and care to make this year the most normal possible.
The results of your efforts will be felt for years to come!
Tova & Jeremy Renna
Silver Sponsor
With great thanks to the teachers, staff,
and leadership of RPRY
and appreciation to the expert professionals
of the MAC for their Manhigut Hokhmáh
in keeping our community safe.
T.D. Ritch de Herrera, MD, MPH
Silver Sponsor
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Barry and Lisa Schanzer
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the members of
the school's professional
leadership for their tireless
efforts during this past year.
Henry and Sheila Schanzer
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Deena and Adam Schindelheim
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the RPRY MAC
& professional staff for a wonderful year.
A special thank you to Mrs. Luchins
for your vision and support
throughout the year and always! 
Robyn & Chaim Schneider
Silver Sponsor
To the
MAC and Professional Leadership team:
Thank you for your guidance, dedication
and tireless efforts during this past year.
Sherry and Giyora Simantov
Silver Sponsor
Warmest congratulations to
all the honorees.
Marc and Debbie Turansky
Silver Sponsor
Mazel Tov to the honorees.
Thank you to the MAC and the professional leadership
for another successful year at RPRY.
We appreciate all the tireless work and effort
that you put into ensuring the safety and well being
of our children, students and faculty.
You are our heroes!
Chani and Eli Wiesel
Silver Sponsor
Thank you to the members of
the school's professional
leadership for their tireless
efforts during this past year.
Morris and Susan Wiesel
Silver Sponsor
Our sincerest gratitude to the MAC
and the professional leadership team
for their steadfast leadership
during this time of crisis and recovery.
Your tireless work and dedication
safeguarding our children's safety,
well-being, and education
are an inspiration to us all!
The Zelingher Family
Copper Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC for their guidance over
the past year.
Thank you to the members of the school's
professional leadership for their
tireless efforts
Seth and Frumi Cohen
Copper Sponsor
Thank you to the members of
the school's professional
leadership for their tireless
efforts during this past year.
Daniel and Sigal Epstein
Copper Sponsor
Thank you for the unending effort
that kept RPRY open
and safe this year
and that gave all the students
such a successful year.
Bruce and Sara Fischer
Copper Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC
for their guidance over the past year
and keeping us safe in school.
Joshua and Bethany Goldstein
Copper Sponsor
Thank you to the members of
the school's professional
leadership for their tireless
efforts during this past year.
Rabbi Symcha and Temima Klerer
Copper Sponsor
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Jeffrey and Dana Korbman
Copper Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Asaf and Penina Shmuel
Copper Sponsor
We are most grateful
to RPRY's professional leadership
and the MAC for their incredible efforts
to keep the children and staff safe
and to maintain in-person learning this year.
Mark and Rachel Stein
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC for their many hours of dedication,
self sacrifice and unparalleled wisdom
over the past year facilitating a safe learning environment.
We are also grateful to the members of
the school's professional leadership
for their boundless efforts
overcoming the many COVID challenges
allowing RPRY's students to continue to prosper.
With much Hakarat Hatov,
Russell and Nitza Adler
Bronze Sponsor
Mazal tov to all
the Honorees!
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Shulamis Benjamin
Bronze Sponsor

Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Mindy & Seth Berman
Bronze Sponsor
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Jerry and Rochelle Blum
Bronze Sponsor
Dear Ilana, Philly Girls Rock!
We're SO proud of you!
Who Loves You?
Abba and Ema
Sherry and Michael Bohm
Bronze Sponsor

With a great sense of gratitude and admiration
we congratulate the
Medical Advisory Committee
as well as
Members of the School's Professional Leadership

for their hard work and for keeping our school open
and safe in these challenging times.
Lori and Jonathan Caplan
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC for providing time,
energy and medical guidance to allow safe
reopening of the school
for the 2020-2021 school year.
Thank you to the school leadership
for your tremendous efforts
in steering the school during this tumultuous time.
Your leadership was and remains invaluable.
Aaron and Nilly Ciner
Bronze Sponsor
A Davis (as many as 5 at once) has attended RPRY
for 13 consecutive years.
Thank you to everyone that played a role in getting our family to this point, especially those that actually had all five of them.
Rabbi Lapa, Rabbi Miodownik, Morah Rachel,
Mrs. Shalmon, Ms. Liebhaber & Mr. Mac
  Chaya & Dani -  Moshe ('13) & Shayna, Avrumi ('15),
Binyamin ('17), Kivi ('19) and Shmuli ('21) Davis
Bronze Sponsor
Thanks to our good friend,
medical advisor and 'mashgiach'
Dr Elliot Frank
and to the medical and professional leadership
for their dedication and sound advice
which helped get the community
through this difficult time.
Ricki & Moish Nat
Shosh & Ted Diskind
Bronze Sponsor
Congratulations to the RPRY "MAC", comprised of
Dr. Keren Ebel Avery, Dr. Elliot Frank, and Dr. Clifton Lacy,
and the RPRY Professional Leadership comprised of
very talented educators that were able to ensure
that RPRY would continue to maintain stellar education.
Fran and Sam Ebel
Bronze Sponsor
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Ed and Bette Epstein
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC for
their guidance over the past
year and keeping us safe
in school.
Marc and Melissa Feder
Bronze Sponsor
Our kids have been blessed with
as normal a school life, as often as possible,
throughout 2020-2021.
The MAC and school administration
have worked diligently to make this happen.
Thank you!
A huge thank you to all the staff, as well,
who have done all the extra daily work
of teaching in a pandemic.
Hava and Avi Freidenreich
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the members of
the school's professional
leadership for their tireless
efforts during this past year.
Charlie and Mimi Gershbaum
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to all the Honorees
for your leadership in unprecedented times.
In Memory of June Getraer z'l
Grandmother of Sandy '07, Alec '10, Benjy '10,
Lindsay '14 and Sarah '17
Andrew and Jean Getraer
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC
for their guidance over the past year
and keeping us safe in school.
Lisa and Andy Gross
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the members of
the school's professional
leadership for their tireless
efforts during this past year.
Irwin and Denise Hametz
Bronze Sponsor
With great admiration to
the Medical Advisory Committee
With great appreciation to
the RPRY Leadership Committee and their Staff
With great affinity to the amazing RPRY Parents
and Students who weathered the storm gracefully
We are so proud to be members of the RPRY Family.
Barry and Rosa Katz
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC & Professional Leadership team
for your effort during the pandemic
in keeping the staff & students learning & safe.
In honor of our past and future graduates:
Avital (01) & Yaakov (01) Rosenberg and their family,
Atara (26) Judah (29) Max (31) & Noah (31)
Jackie and Alan Kelin
Bronze Sponsor
Our most heartfelt thanks and appreciation
to our friends, Elliot Frank and Josh Caplan
and all of the honorees
for your tireless devotion to RPRY.
Debbie and Barry Leskowitz
Bronze Sponsor
Mazal tov to the distinguished RPRY honorees,
The Medical Advisory Committee
and Members of its Professional Leadership.
Kol Hakavod as well to RPRY for serving our community
for over 75 years under the inspired leadership
of the Administration and the outstanding faculty.
Rabbi Yaakov and Faigie Luban
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC
for their guidance over the past year
and keeping us safe in school.
Avi and Lauren Maza
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you for keeping the school running so magnificently
under very challenging conditions!
All of your hard work and attention to detail have paid off
and RPRY's children have grown so much this year
under your leadership.
Rabbi Steven and Gila Miodownik
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to all of the honorees
for your leadership, guidance,
and commitment
to safety in our community
during this most challenging time.
Randi & Elliot Ostrove
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC
for their guidance over the past year
 and keeping us safe in school.
Nancy & Gil Reich
Bronze Sponsor
With sincere gratitude to
our medical and school leaders
for guiding us
through this unprecedented year.
May Hashem reward
for your courage and kindness!
Elisha & Tzippy Russ-Fishbane
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Dovid and Shuli Salhanick
Bronze Sponsor
Best wishes to the
Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Marc and Ida Scheiner
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to our dear friend Elliot Frank
for his tireless devotion to our community and school.
Your work has saved lives and made it possible for RPRY
and other community organizations to get through
such a difficult year.
This is not new for you! You are always there for everybody!
Lorraine and Abe Schwartzbard
Bronze Sponsor
With an abundance of gratitude,
we thank all those who made our beloved RPRY
remain open and safe during a turbulent time
with no precedence to follow.
Our admin, and faculty
along with the MAC did an amazing job.
Thank you,
Ronnie and Judy Schwarzberg
Bronze Sponsor
To the MAC and RPRY Administration,
we are deeply grateful for the time and hard work you dedicated
to opening the school and keeping it open.
You gave our children the opportunity
for the best possible education
through these trying times.
They had a great year!
Thank you!
Moshe and Shira Sheldon
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership,
especially our good friend and neighbor,
Mrs. Chana Luchins,
for their tireless efforts during this past year.
Ken and Naomi Shlian
Bronze Sponsor
Best wishes to
the Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Greg and Sari Sholom
Bronze Sponsor
Sharon and David Stern
Bronze Sponsor
In honor of Josh Caplan,
who personifies selflessness and dedication.
מזל טוב on this well deserved honor.
Susan Davis and Irving Rotter
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to the MAC for
their guidance over the past
year and keeping us safe
in school.
Felix and DanThuy Urman
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to Ilana Bohm, the RPRY Administration
& the MAC for guiding our children & grandchildren
through this pandemic with kindness and wisdom.
Ava Waisbord & Family
Bronze Sponsor
Mazel tov to all the honorees.
Thank you for all that you did
to keep our school open
and safe.
Debbie and Ethan Wasserman
Bronze Sponsor
Thank you to Elliot Frank
and the entire medical committee
for their outstanding leadership.
Best wishes for continued success
to the Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva
Susie and Barry Wolf
Full Page
Thank you to the MAC
for their guidance
over the past year
and keeping us safe in school.
Rivka and Evan Abrahams
Full Page
Congratulations Josh Caplan
and fellow Honorees
Best Wishes for continued Success
to Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva
Assemblyman Robert Karabinchak
Full Page
We are so thankful for Dr. Keren Avery
and the entire Medical Advisory Committee's efforts
in keeping students safe and healthy this past year.
Keren has always taken care of our family
and we know she's just as dedicated
to the RPRY community.
Daniel and Evelyn Avery
Full Page
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Regina & Zvi Ben-David
Full Page
Congratulations to
Josh Caplan, the MAC
the Professional Leadership Team
on this well deserved honor
and for guiding RPRY through the pandemic.
Avi & Cyndi Berger
Full Page
Thank you to each member of the MAC
for their tireless efforts to ensure
that the 2020-2021 school year was in person!
Thank you to each member of the RPRY administration
for your ongoing dedication, support and communication.
Thank you for making the year as 'normal'
for our students as possible!
Ally & Aryeh Cooper
Full Page
Thank you to the MAC
and to the members of
RPRY's professional leadership
for your hard work and devotion.
Thank you Elliot Frank
for all of your guidance and patience
during this difficult year.
Debbi and Alex Diament
Full Page
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts
during this past year.
Dina Fahmy and David Levy
Full Page
To an educator who makes every student feel special,
who thinks about his students beyond the classroom,
whose greatest joy is sharing in others simchas,
who knows how to make a classroom fun and informative,
and who goes above and beyond his 9-5.
We are lucky to have this 24/7!
Einzig Children; Bracha, Danny, Yakov, Yehudis, Tani, Meir Simcha, Yosef Tzvi, Ezra, Orli, N'eema (17') and Yakir (19')
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Mazal Tov to our dear niece and cousin 
Dr. Keren Ebel Avery 
On your esteemed honor as a member of the
RPRY Medical Advisory Committee.  
We are very proud of your commitment and dedication as a physician
and as a member of the RPRY community.

We are grateful to have you as our very own family medical advisor
and for always being there for us. Your thoughtfulness, kindness
and positive attitude make a difference in the lives of so many. 

An extra special Mazal Tov to Kayla
and the class of 5781 on your graduation!

May you all continue from strength to strength!

With much love always,
The Epstein, Jarashow and Nessel families
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With so much gratitude to the MAC
and to the RPRY professional leadership
for always putting health and safety first.
Mazel tov on this beautiful honor.
Abby and Avi Eserner
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Thank you to
Dr. Keren Ebel Avery, Dr. Elliot Frank and Dr. Clifton Lacy,
for their guidance over the past year
and keeping RPRY students safe in school.
Thank you to RPRY's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts during this past year.
With much gratitude,
Jennie and Josh Fine
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To Mrs. Chana Luchins,
Who went above and beyond this year to make sure
that virtual learners did not fall behind
academically and emotionally.
Thank you for advocating for our children
and for making them feel "seen."
We are grateful for your compassion.
With gratitude,
Tova and Josh Halpern
Fresh Theatre Arts, LLC
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Kol Hakovod to
the entire educational team at RPRY.
We wish you and the students
continued success.
Harriet and Joel Gersten
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Thank you to all the honorees
for your hard work and dedication
during this challenging year!
Sarah and Gabi Grunstein
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ישר כח to Ilana Bohm & all of the honorees!
Ilana, you are an inspiration to us all
on what it is to give to your community.
כל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה, הקב''ה ישלם שכרם
You should be blessed with continued excitement & energy
to do what you love, helping others.
Mer, David, & family
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Yishar Ko'ach to the MAC
and RPRY's professional leadership.
Mark & Rivka Kaplow
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Thank you for your tireless dedication
and great efforts
to keep our kids in school
and off of zoom
as much as possible!
Shira and Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner
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Thank you to the school leadership, MAC,
administrators, teachers and staff
for keeping our school open
and safe during these challenging times!
Shira & Asher Klein & Family
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Best wishes to
the Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Rabbi Dovid Kraus, President of ASHREINU
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Our children needed school,
the teachers needed school
and parents needed school.
You all made it happen
and for that we have endless hakarat hatov!
Thank you to the MAC and our professional leadership
for making that happen.
We are so grateful and appreciative.
Elana & Elie Kurtz
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Saluting our daughter in law
and her talented colleagues
Vivian and David Luchins
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Thank you to the members of
the school's professional
leadership for their tireless
efforts during this past year.
Jenny and Irv Mandelbaum
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We want to thank the MAC
and school's professional leadership
for all they have done this year!
We also want to thank our children's teachers
Morah Lerman, Morah Michal, Ms. Liebhaber, Morah Nitza,
Morah Kaplan, Ms. Hader, Mrs. Bick and Mrs. Shalmon
for all of your hard work! 
Emily & Ben Menasha
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Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts during this past year.
Thank you to the MAC for keeping us all safe in school.
Thank you to everyone for providing our children
with a wonderful yeshiva education! 
Zev and Rachel Moskowitz
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Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
and administration for their tireless efforts this past year.
We are grateful for your commitment
to RPRY and our students!
The RPRY Faculty & Staff
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Thank you to the MAC
for their guidance over this past year
and keeping all of the students and staff
safe in school.
We are grateful for your commitment
to RPRY and to our students!
The RPRY Faculty & Staff
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Kol Hakavod to the MAC,
the members of the school's Professional Leadership
and the entire faculty who worked tirelessly
to keep the RPRY students in school
during these unprecedented times.
Alan and Tobi Schilowitz
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Mazel tov to all the honorees.
Thanks so much for all you do
for RPRY and our community.
Leslie and Jeff Silber
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We are immensely grateful
to all the honorees,
as well as the entire school staff,
who worked tirelessly
to make the school year
a safe and resounding success.
Thank you!
Mark and Tamara Sofair-Fisch
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Thank you to RPRY's professional leadership
team for their tireless efforts and steadfast
partnership throughout this challenging year.
Congratulations to the honorees
for this well deserved honor.
Teach NJ
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Thank you to the professional leadership, teachers,
staff and the MAC for all your hard work this year
making in-person school happen.
Thank you especially, Keren,
for enduring countless questions
and for being a friend throughout.
The Levin Family
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Yasher koach to the administration, staff
and the MAC
for your expertise and dedication
in supporting our school and community.
Your efforts should be a zchus
for all of Klal Yisroel.
Evelyn and Eric Wallenstein
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In honor of our dear friend, Elliot Frank,
and the entire team
for taking such good care
of the students and staff
Marsha and Michael Wasserman
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In honor of the MAC and the RPRY Leadership
for a job well done.
Special thanks to Dr. Elliot Frank
for his guidance at Ahavas Achim.
Yossi and Kara Benedek

In honor of Ilana Bohm for her tireless dedication
to the students and school!
We are so proud of you!
The NY Bohms
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To our dad JOSH CAPLAN
A hometown hero whose devoted service kept school
open and safe for the community.
Your proud RPRY grads,
Ariel, Rachel, Dani, & Yair

In Honor of Our RPRY Heroes, Medical Advisors
and Yeshiva Leadership, Our 3 RPRY Graduates,
and Our current 3 RPRY Grandchildren
Debbie & Milton Erdfarb
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Kol HaKavod to all of the honorees and special recognition to Ilana Bohm for her selfless dedication on behalf of RPRY.
Talia Stern '07, Karen & Chayim Stern
Stern Family

Mazal Tov to our fabulous mechutanim,
Naomi and Josh Caplan!
RPRY is lucky to have you!
Mindy and Yisrael Gottesman
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Kol HaKavod to our dear (oldish) friend Joshua Caplan
(& Naomi and the entire mishpacha).
With much love and admiration,
Suri & Dave & Marcella & Robbie

Thank you to the members of the school's professional leadership and to the MAC for your tireless efforts this past year. Special thanks to our friend Josh Caplan
Cheryl and Gary Minkoff
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Thank you to the professional leadership and MAC
for their incredible and successful efforts
in guiding the school this past year.
Debbie and Moshe Schneider

Mazal tov to Keren on a well deserved honor.
Your medical guidance to your family and community
is invaluable. You make our family proud!
Rina & Allan Schwartz & family
Half Page
Thank you to the members
of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts during this past year.
Thanks also to the school's lay leadership.
Steve & Helen Stein

Quarter Page
Yo Josh, thanks to you & your crew for seeing us play
at the Stone Pony. Those were such tender years!
Beaver Brown

Thank you to Josh Caplan and the MAC for your tireless efforts
during these challenging times. Chazak U'Varuch!
Aaron and Leora Epstein

Daniel, We're so proud of your leadership and hard work for RPRY! Love,
The Kovacs and Einbinder Families

Mazal tov to Dr. Keren Ebel Avery and all the deserving honorees
for their dedication and service to RPRY
Gail Katz and Mayer Bick
Quarter Page
Thank you to the members of the school's professional leadership
for their tireless efforts during this past year.
Rona & Seymour Kessel

With boundless appreciation to the MAC and esteemed Administrators
who cared for our physical and emotional health!
Helene and Allan Lockspeiser

In Honor of Josh Caplan.
It is a pleasure to work together with you!
Ezra and Danielle Malitzky

Yasher Kochachem on an extraordinary job
of keeping everyone safe & happy in trying times.
Anne and David Merzel
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov & best wishes to all the honorees.
May you go from Strength to Strength.
Rabbi Dr. and Mrs. Israel and Rebecca Rivkin

Congratulations Josh Caplan on this honor.
Henry Salmon of Equity Valuation Associates
(Real Estate Appraisal Co.)

Mazel Tov Ilana! Your dedication, creativity and energy are an inspiration!
Love, Ariella & Eitan and Family

Dear Keren, Mazal Tov on this special, well deserved honor!
Marilyn and Yechiel Schwartz
Quarter Page
In honor and recognition of
Dr. Keren Avery and her colleagues
Sherri, Alex, Jacob, Noah and Elliot Libin

Much thanks to the MAC and RPRY administration for giving its staff
and students a safe place to go this past year.
Marsha and Jay Shulman

Best wishes to the Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva.
Victor Cohen Tehnical Pro

Journal Greeting
Sandy & Mark Abraham
Susan and David Blain
Yitzchok Yaakov and Mimi Blumenkrantz
Michael and Barbara Epstein
Josef & Orit Goldstein
Marc &lynn Hanfling
Peri Horowitz
David & Daphne Price
Journal Greeting
Tzippy and Josh Rapps
Roselyn Bell and Eli Leiter
Joshua and Chana Salamon
Joseph & Esther Sherr
Alan and Anna Steif
Brondy and Ken Strassman