Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you years of success at the JCCH!
With Thanks to Ronit
For Her Devotion
To Jewish Education.
Susan and Jim Dubin
The Gordon Family
Ronit Razinovsky
"Shammai would say: Make your Torah study
a permanent fixture of your life. Say little and do much.
And receive every person with a pleasant countenance."
Pirkei Avot 1:15
Kol HaKavod, רונית, on bringing joy and love
of Judaism to our students!
Rabbi Eytan and Rebecca Hammerman
Mazel Tov on your honor
as we celebrate you,
the JCCH, and Israel
as ONE!
Eileen and Jerry Lieberman
"Make for yourself a teacher
and acquire for yourself a friend."
-Pirkei Avot
Mazal Tov to Ronit Razinovsky
on this well-deserved honor.
May you go from strength to strength.
With admiration and gratitude,
Beth and Gabe Nechamkin
To Ronit,
Congratulations and best wishes to
our Educational Director extraordinarie! 
Our Kehilah School is thriving
under your leadership.
Here's to more success and opportunity.

All the best,
Tobi and Marty
Congratulations on this meaningful honor.
We are so proud of your accomplishments
and the way in which you achieve your goals;
by lifting up the people around you and making them shine.
Thank you for a friendship that runs deep.
We love you!
Cantor Marcos, Joanna, Isaac,
and Robert Askenazi
To Ronit,
A woman of valor!
Your smile and radiance
brings an aura of happiness
to our synagogue.
A well-deserved honor.
With love,
Joy and Avi Avidan
Mazal Tov to Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you years of success at the JCCH!
Ofir, Jonathan, Izzy, Ben and Emma Danziger Family
Your enthusiastic
inspirational approach
to teaching is refreshing.
You are a role model
to all of us.
Best Wishes,
Annemarie Gordon
To Ronit,
Thank you for your passion
and commitment to our Kehilah School students.
Your positive energy and contagious enthusiasm
inspire them to find their own Jewish identity.
You make our synagogue a better place.
Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor!
With love and admiration,
Ellen and Joseph Kaidanow
Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you
years of success
at the JCCH!
Jamie and Ellen Raboy
Ronit --
Thank you
for teaching us
613 ways to tie
our Jewish lives together. 
Betsy Bernstein and Keith Satter
Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you
years of success
 at the JCCH!
Steven & Bede Levinson Foundation, Inc.
Mazel Tov on tonight's celebration
and thanks for all you do
for our children
and the JCCH Kehillah School!
We are lucky to have you!
Shoshana, Kenny, Chloe,
Harley & Phoebe
The Dichter Family
Thank you for teaching us how to be kind
and what it means to be a proud Jew.
Your enthusiasm is inspiring
and you teach us something new
every time we see you.
Your energy and creativity are contagious
and you fill the halls with such joy and happiness!
We love you.
Rona, David, Rikki, Jake & Ellie Javitch
Mazel Tov to Ronit Razinovsky
on this most deserved honor!
Your dedication to our children and our community
is truly an inspiration to all.
We wish you continued success, and we thank you
for your wisdom and friendship.
With much love, respect and admiration,
The Mendelsohn Family
Abby, Bruce, Peri, Matthew and Julia
In Honor of
Ronit Razinovsky!
With love,
Alan, Svetlana, Jacob,
Bella & Aiden Wasserman
A.W Real Estate, LLC
Mazal Tov Ronit!
You are an inspiration
to us all!
With Love,
Lauren and Gregg Abramson
and Family
Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you
years of success
at the JCCH!
Steve and Stephanie Axinn
Thank you, Ronit,
for your
steadfast commitment
to the children of JCCH!
David & Lara Buchwald
Congratulations to
Carole and Dan Burack
Kol hakavod to Ronit,
our dear friend
and colleague.
Eric Nussbaum
Fredda Cohen
Mazel Tov Ronit!
May you continue to inspire
our JCCH children
for many years to come!
Lenore and Michael Hyatt
Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you
years of success
at the JCCH!
Carla, Philippe, Olivier,
Veronica, Jack
and Marc Ifrah
Some call you Director.
Some call you Teacher.
We call you a Friend.

You are a מתנה to the JCCH .
Mazel Tov on this honor!

Wendy and Jeff Levi
Amanda, Ilyssa and Ben
Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you years of success
at the JCCH!
  Sandy and Norman Marrow
& Family
Teaching kids to count is fine,
but teaching kids what counts is best.
You are a true inspiration.
Thank you for all that you do.
Paula, Drew, Eli and Lani Lapkin
Ronit -
Mazal Tov, and Thank You
for Your Commitment
to the JCCH Community!
Dan & Patti Rube
Ronit, Mazel Tov!
May you follow the call of your soul,
and may you come to laugh with pure joy
on the day your deepest yearning becomes a reality.
Thank you for all the light you bring to our lives.
With love and gratitude,
Heather, Alec, Jules, Jillian and Jadyn
Kol HaKavode Ronit!
Mazel Tov on being recognized
for your lifelong
passionate leadership
in Jewish education
and your vibrant role
at the JCCH.
Sylvia and Tom Rogers
and Family
Kol Hakavod!
With sincere thanks and appreciation
to Ronit for her warmth, leadership
and vision in support of our children
and the entire JCCH community.
The Benson Family
Mazal tov Ronit!!
We are awed every day
by your inspiring leadership
of the Kehilah School
and we wish you
many more years of success!!
Lucy, Jeff, Micaela, Alec and Daniela Udell
Mazal Tov 
Ronit Razinovsky
our esteemed
Hebrew Language
Coordinator and Colleague
on this well deserved honor.

Rabbi Jeffrey Beer
Westchester Hebrew High School
Mazel Tov,
on this well-deserved honor.
Rachel and David Berkey
Yasher Koach Ronit!
Your inspiring leadership,
endless energy, and warmth
is felt throughout the JCCH.
May you continue to be an inspiration to children
in the Kehilah School
as well as the entire JCCH community.
Minna & Ken Brown
Congratulations to our dynamic teacher!
A well-deserved honor.
Yasher Koach.
Lois and Herm Dinkin
To Ronit,
Your joy of Judaism
inspires us all!
Mazel Tov, 
Tova and Barry Effron
Mazal Tov!
We love you and we are so proud of you.
May you always shine bright and keep on bringing light to all who surround you.
Aba, Ima & Orly Elyadi & Shoer Family
Mazel Tov, Ronit!
Thank you for all that you have done
for the JCCH community!
We love you!
Dina, David, Alyssa,
Ethan, and Olivia Fisher
Ronit, you are a star!
Congratulations on a well deserved honor.
You bring light and joy to our community.
With best wishes,
Caroline and Shlomo Freidfertig
Dear Ronit,
Thank you for being our guiding light
and inspiration for the Kehilah School.
Our children are enriched and engaged
due to your enthusiasm for being Jewish.
We appreciate all your love and support.
Mazel Tov on this event and always.
Kehilah School Board
Mazel Tov Ronit!
Thank you
for inspiring us! 
Lee and Larry Leva
Yasher Koach.
All the best.
Arnie and Emily Lewis
Mazal Tov to Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you years of success at the JCCH!
Sue, Mike, Isabel & Zach Pearson
Mazel Tov Ronit!
Thank you for helping keep
the flame of Judaism alive.
Wendy, Howard,
Romy, Jessie Pein
Mazal Tov
Cheryl & Lloyd Pine
& Family
You continuously inspire us with your achievements and accomplishments. You push us to be the best version of ourselves by showing us through actions and being the best version of yourself. Thank you for your love, leadership, guidance and instilling in us all the values that make you so loved and successful. We love you and appreciate everything that you do for us.
Edan, Ben, Matan, Ronny, Katie,
Yael, and Abigail
Mazel Tov
and all good wishes!
With our best wishes,
Susan and Marvin Reiss
What a well-deserved honor for a friend and a colleague,
who constantly shares her passion for learning
and Israel in and outside of the classrooms
at Westchester Hebrew High School.
Kol Hakavod,
Daniela Rosenblatt
and Donna DeMarco
Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you
years of success
at the JCCH!
Geri and Mike Rubenstein
Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you
years of success
at the JCCH!
  Hyla, Steven, Sarelle
and Giddy Ruby
Thank you for the wonderful influence,
warmth and love you have given
to our grandsons,
Benji and Jonah,
and all of our family.
Howard and Linda Strauss
Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky.
For your incredible devotion
and dedication to
our religious school
and to
our synagogue community.
Mark Teich and Family
To a Fabulous Woman, 
Who Inspires Us All.
Much love, success, happiness
and the best of everything!
Denise, Craig, Zack,
Joey and Rebecca Tenner
Mazal Tov to
Ronit Razinovsky!
Wishing you
years of success
at the JCCH!
Elizabeth, Stephen, Max, Noah & Eli Thurer
In honor of a very beautiful, giving
and talented educator and woman.
The world is a better place because of you.
Steven and Yael
Mazel Tov Ronit!
The JCCH community is so fortunate
to have you as our Kehilah School Director.
Looking forward
to years of enthusiastic teaching!
Gerald, Phoebe and James
Zaidman Rabbin Family
Name Listing
Lousie and Bill Herman
Florence & Allen Kraut
Krouskoff Consulting
Susan Lawi
Lewittes Family
Juli and Rick Palmon
Susan and Bob Schack
Deborah and Andrew Schiff
Name Listing
Tanya Ofer & Danny Schultz & Family
Nora and Robert Stonehill
Andrea Strone
Ana Turkienicz