Mazal Tov to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
on this well deserved honor.
You have touched so many lives
and we are deeply grateful. Ramona & Avi Elishis
With sincerest appreciation and הכרת הטוב to
Rav Marcus and Barbara
for all that they did for the Staten Island community
and our family.
In times of יגון ושמחה and everything in between, you
were always there to teach us, to guide us, to support us and to strengthen us, and you are the foundation upon which any of our accomplishments are built.
יהי רצון שתזכו לברכה והצלחה מתוך
מנוחת הנפש, בריאת הגוף והרחבת הדעת
Leah Tager
Fagie & Michael Wachsman and Family
Shani & Bruce Tager and Family
Julie & Yaakov Rosenberg and Family
Mazal tov to Rabbi Jay Marcus
As you celebrate your 25th year, your dedication and
hard work on behalf of your yeshiva is always recognized.
May Hashem give you, Barbara and your family
120 years of Yiddishe Nachas, health and happiness always.
It is our pleasure to honor you.
Chaim & Carol Jacobowitz Zeesh &
Shoshana Jacobowitz and families Diamond
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs.Marcus
Thank you for all you have done
for our family and the Jewish people
Lianne & Etiel Forman
The entire Mackler Family
is proud to have supported Reishit
and the Marcus Family
since the school's founding.
We also honor the memories of
Joseph Alexander, Helen Mackler, Al Mackler
and Dr. Scott A. Mackler.
The Joseph Alexander Foundation
Rav Jay & Barbara,
Thank you for always elevating
our family's Avodas H-shem
and inspiring us to grow in Torah
and work on behalf of the Tzibbur.
You have built Torah across the world
and brought Torah to generations.
Words cannot express what you mean to us.
May H-shem bless you and your family
with good health Ad Meah V'esrim Shanah.
We love You.
Karen & Paul Goldstein
Mazel Tov to Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus!!!
Everything that Reishit achieved
over its 25 year history is your zechus!
Thank you for all you've done
to make Reishit the family it is,
and the immeasurable impact Reishit has had
on making my family, and countless others,
the families they are today.
Mazel Tov,
Ben, Daniella, Yakira, Maytal,
Tzofia and Atara Hoffer
In honor of
Rav Jay & Barbara Marcus
You're both some of the finest people
I've ever met, and your impact on my life
and family cannot be measured.
Your trailblazing record of inspiring the next generation
of Jewish leaders year-after-year is extraordinary.
You created not only a school, but a family of students
whose connections and friendships will last a lifetime.
Thank you for taking a chance on me and including me
in such an outstanding experience.
Ari, Sarah, Jacob, & Julie Kadish
In Honor of
Rabbi Jay & Barbara Marcus
Who not only have built communities
and Yeshivot throughout the world,
but have been instrumental in building Jerusalem.
Mazel tov, may they have much nachat
from the entire family.
With much love and gratitude,
Frieda & Yogi Loshinsky
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Jay & Rebbetzin Barbara Marcus
Dr. Marvin & Annette Eisenberg
Dr. Bruce & Rachel Eisenberg & Family Diamond
Yasher Koach and Mazal Tov
to Barbara & Rav Jay Marcus
For building, growing and nurturing this magnificent Yeshiva
and community that is Reishit Yerushalayim.
And for building, growing and nurturing our family.
May you and your children and your children's children be zocheh
to continue building on your successes.
With admiration and love,
Sharon & Jonathan Sherman
Laren & Jeremy Doberman
Matthew Sherman
Sarah & Michael Sherman
Mazal Tov to Rav Jay & Barbara Marcus
Hashem provided you the vision
and 25 years ago, you both created
a beautiful Yeshiva filled with warmth and love,
dedicated to Torah Study, Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.
With this most deserved honor
may you and your family go from strength to strength.
With much Admiration,
Sherry, Henry, Barry, Michelle & Alyssa Stein
In honor of our dear friends
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus.
Their dedication to the yeshiva and its
talmidim for the past 25 years is truly remarkable.
May you continue to lead by example for many
more years. Shoshy & Mutty Vegh
Mazal tov to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
and the entire Marcus family
on reaching this exciting milestone.
Sara & Elisha Blechner ('96-'98) and Family
Thank You for being two of the most generous people
who we are honored to call our friends.
You both give so much of yourselves,
expecting nothing in return.
Throughout the years we have witnessed
how your open hearts and open minds have helped shape
the lives of many young and old.
May Hashem give you both the strength and desire
to inspire the future of Klal Yisroel.
With deep respect and love,
Elkie & Harry Bram
In honor of Barbara my much older sister
and Harav Jay my brother in law.
You guys have always set the bar very high
as to what one can accomplish in life.
For that we are indebted.
Miryam & Mendy Feder
In Tribute to the Entire
Marcus Family
For your incredible achievements
in creating a world class center
of Torah learning. Tom & Debbie & David Furst
Mazal tov to all the
wonderful rebbeim and staff of Reishit.
Especially to the
entire Marus family and my dear freind Rav Bronfeld Marc Gibber
Thank you to an outstanding couple
for what you have done
for our family and Klal Yisrael. Rena & Mark Goldstein
THANK YOU to Rav Jay and Barbara for everything:
Thanks for your clear vision and determination
to open a wonderful Yeshiva 25 years ago.
Thanks for promising American OJ, late minyan and no curfew
as incentives to come to 1st year Reishit. Thanks for providing
an opportunity for Reishit talmidim to grow into well-rounded Bnei Torah.
Thanks for amazing lifelong friendships and connections to
Rabbeim, friends and alumni.
Thanks for a truly life-changing experience in terms of having
a major impact on the kind of person I married, the values
and middos by which I raise my family and for instilling within me
a deep appreciation for being kove'ah itim within a work/life balance.
Just wanted to say thanks, now and forever.
Wishing you and the Yeshiva much continued Brachah V'Hatzlachah
Shira & Adam Katz
In memory of our parents,
Melvin & Margot Rosenberg,
who loved Rabbi & Barbara Marcus
as much as we do.
Thank you for all that you have done for us
personally, our family, and Staten Island.
Mazel tov!
Sara & Joel Rosenberg
Mazel Tov to
Rav Jay & Mrs Marcus
On raising so many wonderful תלמידים.
May ה׳ grant you the strength and good health to
educate many many more
תלמידי חכמים, בעלי חסד & בעלי צדקה
Thank you, Lynn & Marvin Rosenzweig
In Honor of
Rav Jay & Barbara Marcus
In recognition of their contributions
to the Jewish Community
Miriam & Billy Schreiber
In Honor of
Rav Jay & Barbara Marcus
Mazel Tov on this milestone.
Best Wishes,
Marc Schwartz & Family
Thank you Rav Jay & Barbara
for all that you've done and continue to do for Reishit.
Thank you for your devotion to Torah
and the greater Jewish community
which has allowed you to make
an everlasting impact
on each and every one of us.
You are truly role models to all.
Mazel Tov
Hadassah & Jeff Smulevitz
With heartfelf hakarat hatov and admiration to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
For everything you have done for the students of Reishit
and for me personally since the founding
of Reishit.
May Hashem bless you with continued strength
and good health until 120. Dani Strashun
Sarei Alafim
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
on 25 years of your dedication
to the dream and reality of Reishit!
May you continue to go m'chayil l' chayil
for many more years to come
Benjamin Blumenthal
Sarei Alafim
Ad Maya Ve-esrim Shana
Dr. Pnina & Eric Distenfeld
Sarei Alafim
Mazel Tov to
Rav Jay & Barbara Marcus
on this Wonderful Honor
Velvi Engel
Sarei Alafim
We are so grateful to
Rabbi Jay and Barbara Marcus
and the entire Marcus family
for building and sustaining
this incredible institution.
The life-changing impact that Reishit has had on my life
is hard to put into words.
May HaShem continue to shower blessings
upon this family and this Yeshiva.
Adam Englander
Sarei Alafim
Dear Rav Jay and Barbara,
Mazal tov on a wonderful honor.
Thank you for building an incredible yeshiva
and giving us the opportunity
to be part of the Reishit family.
Lori & Yehuda Friedman
Sarei Alafim
Mazal tov
Rav Jay and Barbara
on this well deserved honor.
Your tireless efforts on behalf of Reishit
and Am Yisrael is an inspiration to us.
May Hashem give you continued nachas
from your family and the Reishit community until 120.
Shana & Paul Kalman and Family
Sarei Alafim
Mazal Tov
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
on this well deserved honor.
Daniella & Jamie Stadtmauer
We Congratulate
on their Magnificent Achievements
(Grandchildren and Otherwise!)
Miryam & Amos Alter
ושיננתם לבניך ודברת בם בשבתך בביתך ובלכתך בדרך ובשכבך ובקומך
"Teach them thoroughly to your children and speak of them
while you sit in your home, while you walk on the way, when you retire and when you arise."
Mazal Tov and Best Wishes to
Rabbi Jay and Barbara Marcus
on this well deserved honor.
Yaffa & Larry Liebman
Sheri & Ariel Rotenberg (Reishit 2006)
Atara & Mitchell Liebman
Jon Liebman (Reishit 2012)
Dear Rav Jay and Barbara,
all of the Marcus families, and all the amazing
Rebbeim in Reishit,
Mazel Tov on the 25th anniversary!
Thank you so much for your friendship and
everything you have done for our entire mishpacha over the past 20 years.
We are so happy and grateful to be part of the
Reishit family.
Your constant love for Torah and chessed
continues to inspire us.
Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor!
Honigsfeld & Berman Families
Mazal Tov!
May you continue to be
Marbitz Torah ad meah v'esrim.
Hindy & David Feder
Rav Yaakov & Barbara Marcus
Words cannot express what you have done
for the Staten Island Community.
You have done the same for Reishit.
The Torah you have instilled will last forever!
Even after your move to Eretz Yisroel,
you have been there for us as our Rabbi, without question!
We wish you and your entire family
mazel and hatzlocha rabah in everything that you do!
With much love,
Chaya & Moshe Ginsburg
In Honor of
A lower east side kid whom we have known almost forever.
Who has over the years achieved international stature
as Rabbi, Leader, Scholar, and Rosh Yeshivah
and yet still remains a warm friend and comrade.
Rabbi Jay, thank you for building our shul, almost singlehandedly,
and for establishing and creating a thriving Chutz L'Aretz community
that still remains indebted to you and Barbara after all these years.
Thanks to Rabbi Joe and Lillian Marcus OB"M
for producing such a dynamic and accomplished leader.
With love, respect, admiration and gratitude,
Arlene & Yacov Goldberg
In honor of
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
Your impact on Klal Yisrael is immeasurable.
Lisa & David Goldberg and Family
Mazel Tov
Rav Jay and Rebbetzin Barbara Marcus
on this wonderful honor.
It was a z'chus to be there the first year you came
and took the seat in front of the Beis Medrash.
Mazel Tov to my Rebbi, Rav Elie,
the other Marcuses, and all the other Rebbeim
and staff in the Yeshiva.
Terri & Yitzi Karasick
In Honor of
Rabbi Jay and Barbara Marcus
Esther & Jonah Loewenthal
Mazel tov to Yeshivat Reshit Yerushalayim
on achieving this incredible milestone anniversary.
We greatly appreciate and are thankful for
the organizational commitment to Torah, Chesed
& Mitzvot while promoting Achudt
and Ahavat Yisrael b'Eretz Yisrael.
May the Rebbeim and Staff be zocheh
to continue with strength in this important mission
and serve as a tremendous example for us
to strive to follow, until 120.
Rena and David Maryles & Family
& Alex Maryles, Reishit 5775
Mazel tov Rav Jay and Barbara!
Thank you for the impact you have had
on thousands of us talmidim over the years.
We appreciate your endless energy and immense contribution
you have made to the community.
May you be blessed with much nachas and love
from your family and the yeshiva community. Lizzy & Josh Trump
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Jay & Barbara
for all their hard work
May Hashem give them many years
of good health to be able to continue
In appreciation to them from our 35 years
in Staten Island and our current relationship
living in Lawrence Roz & Robby Vegh
Mazal Tov to
Rav Jay and Barbara
May Hashem grant you health and strength
for many years to come.
Thank you for all your guidance and advice!
Caryn & Jay Weinblatt & Family
Thank You!
May you go from strength to strength.
Caryn & Larry Weiss
In honor of our Rav and his Aishes Chayil
Rabbi Yaakov and Barbara Marcus
Our family is grateful for your friendship, guidance,
care and concern.
You built our Staten Island community,
and "put us on the map".
Your leadership in Torah, and your commitment to
the Jewish people have made you a driving force
in Eretz Yisrael and worldwide.
May Hashem give you the good health and nachas
to enjoy seeing your children and grandchildren
follow in your footsteps.
Sheila & Albie Zachter
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
During my time in the Yeshiva, I often thought to myself
that you probably knew me better than you knew
some members of the Young Israel of Staten Island.
Even when you weren't living in Israel, you took an interest in the students
of the Yeshiva and really connected with us when you visited.
On a personal level, the kesher was felt once again when I came
to the Yeshiva for the Yamim Noraim. When I got engaged in Israel
during Chol Ha'moed Succos, I had the privilege of having Rav Jay
speak at the le'chaim. The connection has been kept alive by the fact that
Rav Jay's nephew - Rav Shmuel Marcus - is my Mora D'Asra.
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue doing
the great things that you do for many years to come.
Jonathan Dyckman YRY 1996-1997 (5757)
Mazal Tov to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
On being recognized as the leaders
of Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim
and for providing a warm
and wonderful environment
for our young people to learn Torah.
Zelda & Izzy Farkas
Mazal Tov
Uncle Rav Jay and Aunt Barbara
on this well-deserved honor!
We all look forward to
spending time with you this summer.
Elie, Aliza, Ayala, Ezra,
Shmuel & Hillel Feder
Mazal Tov to
Rav Jay and to Barbara
Mindy & Saul Feder
Mazal Tov to
Rav Jay and Rebbetzin Barbara
on their years of dedication
to the Reishit Family
and to Klal Yisroel as a whole.
Talia & Jonathan Feder
Mazal Tov Rabbi Marcus and Barbara
on this honor.
Your work over the years has been endless.
May you continue till 120.
Malki &Jay Gelbein
Mazal Tov to
Rav and Barbara Marcus
Barbara Goldfarb & Family
You made the Reishit dream a reality so many years ago!
Our family will always be a part of yours.
May Hashem bless you both with good health,
much nachas from your children, grandchildren, and all your past, present, and future talmidim for another 120 years.
With tremendous gratitude and love,
Lori, Eli & Yocheved, Tani & Daniella Guterman and Family
Mazal Tov Rav Marcus
and Thank you
for all that you have done.
Justin Hirmes
Mazal Tov to Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
on this tremendous milestone.
You have both dedicated your lives
to enhancing and changing the lives of others,
and your work at Reishit is just one example of that.
May Hashem bless you both with long years
and good health IY"H, so you can continue
your incredible work on behalf of Klal Yisroel
and the talmidim of Reishit.
Aleeza & Avi Lauer and Family
In Honor of
Rabbi Jay and Barbara Marcus
Chanie & Moshe Moskowitz
Mazal Tov to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
on this wonderful and well
deserved honor. Freeda & David Muller and Family
Mazal Tov To
Rav Yaakov Marcus
Our teacher, Rav and friend.
And to his Outstanding Rebbetzin, Barbara
And to Reishit.
Fred Naider
Mazal Tov to Rav Yaakov and Barbara
Blossom and I wish you both much ברכה
and הצלחה with continued נחת
from your entire family.
Thank you for your support for our family over the years.
May Hashem grant you good health to continue
your lofty work on behalf of Eretz Yisroel
and Klal Yisroel.
With much gratitude,
Blossom & Jack Newman
To Rabbi Marcus and his wife,
Thank You for building
the community I grew up in,
and building the foundation
for my roots that I hope to emulate
in my own home
and pass onto my children.
David Ochs
In Honor of
Rabbi Jay and Barbara Marcus
for a lifetime of service to Klal Yisrael.
Special thank you
to all of the wonderful Rabbeim of
Yeshivat Reishit
who have changed so many lives over
the past 25 years.
Rabbi Marc & Adeena Penner and Family
In appreciation of the
outstanding and devoted staff at Reishit Atara & Aryeh Yudin
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Jay & Barbara
On attaining this milestone of 25 years
since the beginning of Yeshivat Reishit
We have gone through much from
"Kids growing up on the Lower East Side"
to being our Rav for many years on Staten Island,
to just being friends for many years.
May 'ה grant you good health עד מאה ועשרים
To continue all your wonderful acts of chesed
on behalf of Klal Yisrael.
Phyllis & Mel Zachter & Family
Mazal Tov
Rav Jay & Mrs. Marcus
on this milestone
With much Hakarat Hatov
Zehava & Michael Atlas
To know Rav Jay & Barbara Marcus,
as we have (been lucky enough to) for over two decades,
is to see the very definition of "role model."
From them we learned how an open a home can be, how much one can
simultaneously dedicate themselves to community and to their own family, and, how one can seemingly never tire of doing even more for the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland.
We learned how much one can do if they don't take no for an
answer, and if they really are doing it l'Shem Shamayim.
This is an honor well deserved, and we are excited to see you go
mi'chayil l'chayil.
With gratitude, and in appreciation,
Shani & Howie Beigelman
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi Jay and Barbara
Gavriel, Susie & Yitzchok Dov Cohen
Mazal Tov Rav Jay!
Jonny Daniel
Mazal Tov Rav Jay & Barbara!
Your dedication to Klal Yisrael and the
Yeshiva is inspiring!
May you have the strength to do it at least
another 25 years! Kandelman Family
In Honor of Yeshivat Reishit
and Rav Jay Marcus
The Goldofsky Family
Best Wishes on this well deserved honor.
Thank you for leading by example,
continued naches.
The Nadritch Family
Mazal Tov to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
Irene & Stanley Fogel
To Rav and Rebbetzin Jay Marcus
Mazel Tov onthis well deserved honor.
Thank you for all of your hard work
and dedication to Yeshivat Reishit.
Much Appreciation,
Sara & Lee Gherman
Mazal Tov to a truly amazing couple
Rav Jay and Barbara
Thank you for taking care of our three Reishit
alumni Zvi, Jeffrey, and Josh
Kol Hakavod and Yasher Koach to you both
May we always share Smachot
Atara & Lazer Goldgrab
Mazel Tov to
Rav Jay, Barbara, and the entire Marcus family
on 25 amazing years of Reishit!
May we continue to share many more
years together! Meira & Jeffrey Goldgrab
עשה לך רב וקנה לך חבר
We are fortunate to have 2 in one.
We are honored to share friendship
with Harav Jay and Barbara.
May you go מחיל אל חיל
Arlene & Aryeh Keehn
To Rav and Rebbetzin Marcus-
כה יהי-ה זרעך
While every Talmid that came through your door,
you treated as a son,
after 25 years they are no longer individual children,בניך,
but your lasting legacy, זרעך.
Mazal Tov on 25 years
and continued Beracha to many more!
Michele & Yoni ('02) Kirschner
Mazal Tov to
Rav Yaakov and Barbara Marcus
May Hashem grant you the strength
to continue to serve Klal Yisroel in good health.
A personal thank you to the entire Marcus family
for being there for me in my spiritual growth
With tremendous gratitude,
Dovid Newman
With Great Appreciation
Mazal Tov Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
on this well deserved honor. Bruria & Jason Rozen
With deep appreciation to
Rav Jay and Barbara
Rabbi Eliezer & Carolyn Rubin
Kol Hakavod to
Rabbi Yaakov and Barbara Marcus
for your amazing achievements
on behalf of Clal Yisrael!
Mazal Tov and Best Wishes,
Susan & David Schneider
Mazal Tov to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
For all you have done to establish
Reishit Yeshiva and developing
the Staten Island community.
Ronee Sklar & Family
Mazal Tov to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
On this well deserved honor.
Laura & Steven Slomnicki
With Respect and Admiration of
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus.
Your years of devotion and limitless commitment
to Am Yisrael is an inspiration to us and many others.
May HaShem bless you with good health
and nachas until 120.
With warmth and Hakaras Hatov,
Estee & Elon Soniker and Family
Kudos to
Rav Jay and Barbara Marcus
for helping create and perpetuate
this wonderful Yeshiva.
Yasher Koach to Rabbis Bronfeld and Feldstein
for all you do to inspire
and serve as role models
for so many students Barbara & Efraim Weinblatt
What an incredible honor for an
Amazing couple!
Sammy Weiss
Mazal tov to
Rav Jay and Rebbetzin Marcus!
Thank you for the amazing
25 years at Reishit!
Akiva Wiener