Director’s Circle
Mazel Tov to the Bermans and Liebermans on
this very well-deserved honor.
Thank you for your lifelong dedication to Camp
Ramah in the Berkshires.
Our joint camp experiences have shaped our
families' lives forever.
Mindy and Alan Schall
Shomrei Ramah Circle
Mazel Tov to such an amazing roster of honorees. You each embody what being a dugma is to
Ramah. To the Bermans: The Golf Outing wouldn't exist without you and is the most fun.
We're forever in! To the Liebermans: Thank you for taking Tikvah to the forefront for
our Camp. To our alumni honorees, Arielle, Josh and Eli: We celebrate our son idolizing
you and how to generation build. And an RBA championship sponsored by Glasenglitter!
The Atlas Family
Shomrei Ramah Circle
Mazel tov to our fellow honorees and to the
entire Ramah Berkshires family for supporting
our beloved Camp.
We are proud to be part of such a wonderful
community and to have given our children and
grandchildren the gift of camp.
Susie & Joel Berman
Shomrei Ramah Circle
Mazel Tov to Susie and Joel Berman, Arielle,
Eli and Josh on your recognition as Honorees.
Thanks to all of our family and friends for
supporting this worthy cause.
And Our Best Wishes to Camp Ramah to Go from
Strength to Strength in contributing to Jewish
Continuity and Inclusion.
Eileen and Jerry Lieberman
Shomrei Ramah Circle
Bonei Ramah Circle
Congratulations to all the
honorees on your
well-deserved honors!
Melissa Kushner, Jeremy Kaplan & Family
Bonei Ramah Circle
Dearest Arielle,
You are a source of illumination to the Jewish community. Your dedication, enthusiasm and love for Camp Ramah is infectious and you have made a difference in the lives of so many. Yasher Koach for all the hours and hard work you have spent to make Camp Ramah truly wonderful. Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
May you go from strength to strength,
Kol HaKavod to Arielle, Josh and Eli! MAZAL TOV!
With much love, Jewel, Robert, Jimmy, Susan, Mike, Jamie, Ilan, Aiden, Roem, Byron, Tali, Nili, Caleb, Amanda, Moti, Boaz
The Brenner & Edwards Family
Dugma Circle
Mazel Tov to Eileen &
Jerry on your devotion to Camp
Ramah in the Berkshires.
Jake Aronov
Dugma Circle
Mazel Tov to the
outstanding honorees!
Victoria & Ben Feder
Dugma Circle
Dugma Circle
Dear Jerry and Eileen,
Congratulations on your well-deserved honor.
You do an immense amount of good work in the Jewish community.
We're honored to be your friends.
You are real mensches.
Alan and Peggy Mendelson
Dugma Circle
Mazel Tov to our 2024 Honorees

Eileen and Jerry Lieberman
Susan and Joel Berman

Alumni Leadership Award
Josh Wohl
Arielle Glaser
Eli Grossman

Thanks for everything you do for our beloved Camp Ramah
Ellen and Jay Steinberg
Dugma Circle
Congratulations to all the
honorees on your
well-deserved honors!
Heather & Benjamin Werber
Mazel Tov to the
outstanding honorees!
We are inspired by your
commitment to Ramah!
Rachel & Jon Apter
Mazel Tov to the outstanding honorees
this year!
Your impact on the long-term success of Ramah
is a model for all of us.
We are so proud to support the Tikvah program
with you; to enrich and enable our community
to benefit and grow from a summer at Ramah.
Arielle, Yoni, Liat, Nessa, and Zev Saposh
Mazel tov Saba & Savta!
We are so proud of you and look forward to celebrating together.
Love, Zachary, Eli, Sean, Danielle, Jordan, Ranit, Aviva, and Leah (plus Mattie, Knox, & Perci)
Mazel Tov to all of our honorees for their ongoing commitment to Camp:
Eileen & Jerry Lieberman
Susie & Joel Berman
Arielle Glaser, Eli Grossman, Josh Wohl
Thank you for your many years of service and generosity!!
We are so grateful for your spirit, dedication
and leadership of our community.
Atara Jacobson and Scott Bieber
In honor of Susie & Joel Berman | Eileen & Jerry Lieberman |Josh Wohl, Ariella Glaser, Eli Grossman
וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה
הקדוש-ברוך-הוא ישלם שכרם
וישלח ברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיהם
And all who are involved faithfully in the needs o the community-may the Holy One, Blessed is He, pay their reward...and send blessing and success to all their handiwork... The Siddur
Joan and Harvey Bucholtz
Mazel Tov to our fellow Gesher '06
alumni leaders!
Arielle Glaser, Eli Grossman, Josh Wohl - you
are an exemplary dugma for everyone in the alumni community.
We can't wait to see the new Beit Breira mitbachon!
גשר על האש
Gesher 2006
Yasher Koach to all our honorees.
Your generosity and support enhance our camp
in so many ways.
Todah rabah!
Sue Och & Brian Kalver
Mazel Tov to Eileen & Jerry on your
devotion to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.
As great long time friends we are so proud of
your good works on so many fronts.
Jerry and Aimee Ostrov
Mazel Tov to the Liebermans for their
enthusiastic and proactive support of a camp
organization we love and for bringing joy into
the lives of so many campers who will attend
and have attended Camp Ramah.
Barrie and Chuck Richter
Congratulations to Susie & Joel on this honor!
115 West 27th St Co.

Mazel tov Mom & Dad for this well-deserved honor. Thank you for giving us the gift of camp! Love, Ari & Becky, Mark & Rachel, Michelle & John
Thank you for summers filled with lifelong friends and enduring Jewish values. Tov Li B'Machaneh Ramah! Amy, Jeremy, Aly (Gesher '23) & Mia (Gesher '26) Biloon
Amy, Jeremy, Aly and Mia Biloon

Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Gena, Larry, Sydney, Paige & Rachel Cobrin
Mazal Tov & Thanks - Susie and Joel for all that you've done for CRB!
Mazal Tov Eli - Your involvement is genetic, there's no limit!
Mazal Tov to all others!!!!!
Judy and Rob Hirsch

Mazel Tov to our wonderful honorees. Your devotion is Camp is inspiring to us all!
Rabbi Luciana Pajecki Lederman and Alon Lederman
Mazel tov to Josh Wohl, our wonderful son-in-law. Thank you for all you do for Camp Ramah, a
place that has been so important to our family.  With much love, 
Julie and Dan Leffell

Mazel Tov to our friends Eileen & Jerry on this well-deserved honor and on their tremendous dedication to the Tikvah program.
Beth and Gabe Nechamkin
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Park Avenue Synagogue Clergy Department

Mazal tov Eileen & Jerry - We are inspired by your leadership throughout the Jewish community. And we are blessed by your friendship. Yasher Koach to Eli Grossman for demonstrating the leadership skills as a camper and staff, with the RBA and the Alumni Association. Kol Hakavod to Rabbi Eytan Kenter and the new Ramah leadership team for their vision for Ramah and commitment to our extraordinary Ramah family
Dr. Hugh & Martha Pollack
Congratulations to Susie & Joel Berman on this honor!
Salem Golf Club

Mazel Tov to Eileen & Jerry on your devotion to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.
David and Randi Sultan
Mazel Tov to all the honorees! Your commitment to Ramah is inspiring. Thank you to the professional team at Ramah for making all of this possible.
The Rothman Family

Dear Eileen and Jerry, You are a wonderful inspiration to our family. Your dedication to the Jewish people, disabilities and community are so admirable.
Stephanie & Jules Sasha & Yoni Trump and Weiss Families
Mazel tov Auntie Susie and Uncle Joel on this well deserved honor! Thank you for initiating our love for camp! Here's to continuing our family's tradition!
Verstandig and Cutler Families

Mazel Tov to Eileen & Jerry on your devotion to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.
Cathy and Bert Distelburger

Mazel tov to the honorees. Wishing Machaneh Ramah continued success for generations to come! We all have baggage, Josh Romirowsky 
Door-va-Door Trucking
Bree Schonbrun and Ian Dumain

Mom and Dad, Congratulations on this much deserved honor. Thank you for making Ramah an experience everyone can enjoy. Love,
Andrea, Jonathan, Samuel, Maya and Bela Feldman
Mazel Tov to all of tonight's honorees! A special todah rabah and kol hakavod to Arielle, Eli and Josh for their many years of meaningful support and contributions to the RBAA and Camp. CRB is incredibly lucky to have alumni like you who have given back so much to this community and volunteering alongside you was always a joy.
Amy Winiker Forrest (Gesher '04), Andrew, Noah (Gesher '38), Margo Forrest (Gesher '40)

Mazel Tov to Eileen & Jerry on your devotion to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.
Suzanne Katz and Richie Friedman
Eileen and Jerry - Kol Hakavod! Mazal tov on this well-deserved honor.  We are proud to call you our friends! 
Marisa and Edward Altabet | Susan and Phillips Ben-Zvi Joanne and Stuart Goldberg | Ilene and Jeffrey Greenbaum Diane Edelson and Burt Henry | Josh Henry  | Debbie and Rabbi Chaim Rogoff | Andrea and Manny Schrager | Vicki and Les Silverman 

Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Marc Kushner and Chris Barley
Mazel tov Joel & Susie. From your loving family,
Rabbi Barton and Jane Shallat, John, Michelle, Laura, Zachary, Sean and Jordan

Mazel Tov to Eileen and Jerry for this most deserving honor. Your support of Camp Ramah in the Berkshires is inspiring. With love,
Martin & Tobi Rogowsky
Kol Hakavod to Eileen & Jerry Lieberman for their devotion to Camp Ramah!
Love, Debbie, Greg, Katherine, Melissa & Theo

Susie & Joel-Thanks so much for all that you do for the Camp community. Arielle, Eli & Josh - It's been great to see you grow into the amazing people you are.
Aviva & Steven Seiden
Mazel tov to the honorees and alumni leaders! Thank you for all you do for CRB and our community!
Harriet and Joel Shaiman

Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Julie , Jeff, Joshua, Rachel and Sarah Shlefstein
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Sarah, Jeremy, Isaiah, Coby and Arianna Sokolic

Mazel Tov to the fantastic honorees! Your commitment to Ramah makes our community thrive l'dor v'dor generation to generation!
Sofia Hubscher, Rina, Margi (Gesher '27) and Adam Wallach
In honor of Eileen and Jerry Lieberman as we celebrate their continued support of Camp Ramah in the Berkshires. 
Alan Feld, Kim Katz, and Bernstein Private Wealth

So proud of Arielle for this well-deserved honor. Our many shared Ramah experiences evoke happy memories. Mazal Tov to Arielle and all the honorees.
Shira Schecter and Rabbi Arthur Weiner
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Sarah Klagsbrun & Eric Weinstein

Mazel Tov to the all the Honorees. May you always enjoy a lifetime of delicious meals at Camp Ramah.
Wolfoods Food Services
James & Suzanne Aisenberg

Mazal tov, Aunt Susie & Uncle Joel! Your honor is well-deserved. With love from,
Nancy, Adin, Caleb and Grace Berman

We are so proud of you Jerry & Eileen and so fortunate to call you our dear friends.
Marcy and Rick Curtis
Mazel Tov to Eileen & Jerry on your devotion to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.
Joan & Marc Feldman

Mazal tov Eileen and Jerry! We hope we can share many more happy times together for many years to come.
Geri and Aaron Gindea

Mazal Tov to our wonderful Machatunim and friends,
Susie and Joel Berman
Our thanks to you, and to the other honorees
For all of your work, for all of your support, for all of these years, on behalf of Camp Ramah!
Lynne and Arnie Gordon
Congratulations to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.
Graham-Pelton Consulting

Mazel Tov Eileen and Jerry on this meaningful honor. May you go from strength to strength. Best wishes,
Hilary and Allan Greenberg

It is our honor to support Camp Ramah/Berkshires which is a critical force in Jewish education and continuity.
Shira Nadich Levin and James L. Levin
Harold Lindenthal

Steve Goldstein & Marlene Noveck

Arielle, Your commitment, devotion, and efforts on behalf of Camp Ramah are exemplary! We are proud of all that you do.
Louann and Allan Reed
We congratulate all the most worthy honorees.
A shout out to our wonderful Ramah campers,
Nessa and Zev Saposh and Eliana, Kayla, and Joelle Shiff 
Savti and Saba
Linda Holof-Saposh and Stuart Saposh

"Do well for yourself and acquire a friend" (Pirkei Avot)
Mazel Tov to Eileen & Jerry!
Steven Winter

Quarter Page
Congratulations to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires and all the honorees! 
Jonathan Funk & John Arnold

Mazel Tov to Susie & Joel Berman for your commitment to Ramah Berkshires!
Philip & Carin Atlantic Veal & Lamb

To the glue of our Gesher 06 crew, who inspires us with the biggest and most generous heart! We love you so, Glaze!
Aytan, Benji and your girls

Ansche Chesed celebrates all our campers, staff, alumni, and parents who are part of the CRB family.
 !!טוב לנו במחנה רמה
Rabbi Yael Hammerman | Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky
Congregation Ansche Chesed
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to Eileen & Jerry on your devotion to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.
Tova and Barry Effron

Jerry & Eileen- Congratulations honorees! We are thrilled to be able to share this special night with you. Mazel Tov!
Jerry & Sally Gattegno

Eileen & Jerry, your perspicacity, tenacity and warmth inspire us all. Mazal Tov! 
Karen & Henry Glanternik

Mazel Tov Arielle on this most deserving honor! You're the best sister, aunt, friend, and role model. We love you!
Andrew, Elissa, Asher, Harlow Glaser
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov Liebermans & Bermans on this honor and thank you for all you do for the CRB community.
Glaser, Eli & Wohl

Mazel Tov to the entire Berman family! Our decades of memories and friendship all stem from Ramah Berkshires!
Glaucoma & Cataract Center of NJ / Miriam & Amir Cohen

Mazel Tov Arielle! We are so proud of all that you do & your dedication to Ramah! We love you!
Jordan, Heartly & Honey Herzog

Congratulations Jerry & Eileen! We appreciate your staunch support for CRB and Tikvah.
David and Lilly Icikson
Quarter Page
Mazel tov to all of the honorees! Bermans - thanks for opening your home for so many staff days off!
Jessica and Adam Kaplan

Arielle, A young camper became a dedicated leader. Thank you for continuing to make me proud. I love you, Poppi
David Luria

To our dear friends Sue and Joel - Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor! You're a true inspiration!
Fred and Sharon Natter

Eli - We are so delighted at this recognition of your outstanding leadership and dedication.
O'Melveny & Myers
Quarter Page
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Barbara & Peter Paris

Eileen & Jerry - Your leadership and commitment has inspired us for many years now. Mazal tov!
Julie Sissman and Phil Richter

Mazel Tov to Susie & Joel Berman for your commitment to Ramah Berkshires!
Marvin and Mimi Sandler

Mazal Tov to the honorees! 
With many thanks for your dedication to Camp, 
The Bressman Family
Quarter Page
Thanks CRB for our family's many happy summers as hanichim & tzevet. And your programming coordinator is amazing!
The Kalmanofsky Family

Mazel tov & much gratitude to all the deserving honorees, but especially to our Arielle! From the JCCP to the kikar, we watched you grow up. Thank you for your incredible leadership. Love,
Andy & Judy Jaffe, Sheryl Jaffe, & Lisa, Dov, Aaron & Eitan Weinstein

Josh, you found Ruach and Love at Ramah & we are so proud of you for giving back! Mazel Tov, Arielle and Eli, too.
Maury, Steve, Aliza, Avi, Yoni,Sara,Elie, Eve, Naomi and Grandma Wohl-Sadiky-Gabel-Frank

Congratulations to Susie & Joel Berman on this well deserved honor. With Love & Admiration,
Aron, Arthur, Joe, Jeff, & Joe Woodmere Game
Journal Greeting
Mazal Tov Eli on being recognized for your leadership and dedication to Ramah. Aunt Lisa, Uncle Alan and Cousins
Lisa and Alan Avery-Peck

Mazel Tov to Eileen and Jerry Lieberman on this beautiful honor. We wish much continued success to Camp Ramah!
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Cohen

Mazal Tov Eli -- We've Known You Are Special From Your First Day!
Gordon Tucker and Amy Cohn

Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Congregation Agudath Israel
Journal Greeting
Mazel Tov to Susie and Joel Berman, and the entire Berman family!
Lauryn and Adam Covitt

Mazel Tov to Susie & Joel Berman for your commitment to Ramah Berkshires!
Faye Dittelman

Mazel Tov to Arielle Glaser and all the honorees for your well deserved recognition and tremendous devotion.
Hillary and Fred Evans

Mazel Tov to Eileen & Jerry on your devotion to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires.
Paula Blumenfeld and Joe Gantz
Journal Greeting
From Golf to Gesher '06, LDW, RBA and beyond - Mazal Tov to this incredible group! ~ Dina and Sam Goodman and Fam ~
Dina and Sam Goodman

Mazel tov to Susie & Joel. May Hashem grant you many more years to continue your acts of Chesed. Your dedication to Camp Ramah is truly inspiring. With all our love,
Marcia & Stanley Haber

Arielle, Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor highlighting your love, dedication & leadership to Camp Ramah!
Andrew & Alice Herzog

Mazel tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Thank you for all that you do for Ramah Berkshires!
Liya and Ross Kahan Goldstein
Journal Greeting
Kol Hakavot to our dear friends - Susie & Joel Berman. 
Marion & Nathaniel Lazan

Mazel Tov to the well deserved friends & honorees: Susie & Joel Berman. מזל טוב 
Karen & Alfred Mann

Mazel Tov to Susie & Joel Berman for your commitment to Ramah Berkshires!
Paul Rolnick CPA LLC

Mazel tov to Eli Grossman & Josh Wohl from RBA -- your dedication to Ramah Berkshires has been a total slam dunk!
Ramah Basketball Association
Journal Greeting
Mazel Tov to Eileen and Jerry on being honored for their caring and commitment to Camp Ramah.
Susan and Marvin Reiss

Susie & Joel Ramah has been so influential in our lives. Your family is an inspiration to all. Love & Blessings
Moshe (AKA Mickey) & Shoshana Shur

Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Robin and Philip Spencer

Mazal tov to all of the honorees. We are so grateful for all you have done and continue to do for Ramah Berkshires.
Staci Zemlak-Kenter, Eytan Kenter, and Family
Journal Greeting
Mazal tov to Susan, Joel, and the entire Berman family. The Steinermans love you and your Ramah spirit!
Rachel and Joshua Steinerman

Mazel Tov to Arielle Glaser on this wonderful honor and your dedication to Camp Ramah.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman

Mazel Tov to Arielle Glaser! We're so proud of you!
The Labor Day Weekend Committee

Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Jessica and Avi Yood - Deener
Name Listing
Michael Dittelman
Fruithandler Family
Thalia and Daniel Federbush
Josie and Josh Flug
Lori and Alon Gitig
Harry and Arlene Grossman
Jenny Leon, Josh, Miles, Lyla and Esty Hirsch
Amy, Dan, and Mia Kamensky
Name Listing
Neil and Alisa Rubin Kurshan
Neil Kuttner
Ann and David Kwiat
Leslie and Alan Pearson
Harry and Lisa Pell
Daniella Phillips
Gabe Cohen and Deb Pollack
Ramah Berkshires Alumni Association
Name Listing
Susan Ticker and Hazzan Henry Rosenblum
Rachel & Jon Rosenfeld
Leah Krakinowski & Andy Silberstein
Beth and Craig Spickler Lerman
Deborah Toll
Jill and Barry Viuker
Community Partners
Community Partners
Community Partners
Community Partners
Community Partners
Community Partners
Community Partners
Mazal Tov to Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
and their most deserving honorees!
Thanks for being the summer home and happy
place for so many in our community.
The Temple Israel Center Family
Community Partners
Mazel Tov to all of our outstanding honorees for supporting our incredible Ramah Berkshires community! We are so grateful to be able to work alongside you for our kehillah kedoshah!
Rabbi Eytan Kenter, Director

Seth Adelsberg | Aleeza Adelman | Allen Frangione | Eric Fenchel | Liya Kahan | Shaya Kalmanofsky |
Susan Kennedy | Elisheva Layman-Salant | Abe Leinwand | Adina Rothman | Yoni Samuni | Jason Smalley | Emily St. Lifer | Alana Tilman | Yael Wallen
Year Round Ramah Berkshires Team