New York Yachad
New York Yachad
New York Yachad
New York Yachad
New York Yachad
New York Yachad
Thank you to 
the Barbanels, the Hershkovichs
and Tani Sussman and UPS
for your unique and meaningful contributions
to the Yachad community.
Special thanks for your efforts
in making tonight's gala a huge success.
May Hashem repay you and your families
with boundless bracha.
Mitch & Lita Aeder
On behalf of the OU Yachad Commission, 
I am honored to welcome and introduce
our new director, Avromie Adler.
May you and your extraordinary staff
be blessed to build on our 35-year old foundation
to expand and deepen Yachad's impact
on our community.
Thank you to Ahron and Danielle
and the entire team for going above and beyond
in making this gala such an amazing event!
Mitch Aeder, Chairman
With tremendous hakaras haTov to the Yachad staff
for the amazing job they do providing fabulous services
to the special needs community.
Your dedication to social interactions, job training,
education, and resources is unparalleled! 
Thank you for all that you do!!!
Mazal Tov to tonight's honorees!

Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
Wishing a very special thank you to all the dedicated staff
at Yachad for their tireless dedication and love
for all the Yachad members.
Their friendship and support means so much
not only to Sarala, but to our entire family as well.
We wish you continued success in your amazing work!
Mazel tov to the Sussmans and Barbanels
on their well-deserved honors. 
Martha & Howie Hershkovich 
Sarala, Moshe, Chanie, Simmie and Yehuda
Mazel tov to the honorees
on this well deserved honor!
The Nagler Family
We have tremendous admiration and hakaras hatov
to all those being recognized tonight
for their efforts on behalf of Yachad.
A special Yasher Koach to Ahron Rosenthal
and the entire staff at Yachad
for their tireless efforts and the amazing results
achieved at Yachad.
We admire their collective effort
in turning visions into realities.
Shari & Jonathan Lauer
Mazel tov to all the honorees
To Howie and Martha Hershkovich,
We couldn't think of a more appropriate award
for you to receive than the Keter Shem Tov.
You are both the epitome of a Shem Tov.
May you continue to inspire us all
with the unbelievable chesed that you do.
Hashem should continue to give you nachas
from all of your children in good health and happiness.
We love you and are so proud of you!
Ronen, Sylvia, Isaac, Rachel, Aharon, Moshe and Yosef
Mazal tov and thank you to our honorees
for your commitment to and passion for Yachad:
Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
Martha & Howard Hershkovich
Tani Sussman
And to all the volunteers, professionals
and members of Yachad,
keep up the wonderful work you do
you inspire us all to greatness.
Arnold & Esther Gerson
Mazel tov to
Lauri & Lewis
Outstanding members of Klal Yisrael
With much admiration and friendship,
Steven & Marjorie Kellner
A very special Mazel Tov Howie and Martha on accepting
the Keser Shem Tov award. It is truly well-earned!  
Congratulations to Lew and Laurie for taking it
upon yourselves to be the guests of honor
for such an incredible organization.  
May you continue to inspire. Wishing you continued Brocha.
Judah Hammer & Lipa Lieberman
To all of our well deserved honorees and their entire families,
I wish you mazel tov and continued success
in all of your endeavors.
You truly emulate Yachad's mission in so many ways
and your commitment to our work is an inspiration to us all.
Thank you for joining us at this wonderful milestone dinner
celebrating 35 years of Yachad.
To all of the staff in New York and at Yachad HQ,
I thank you for your tireless devotion to our mission
and always being willing and available to help
on any project and event.
I am honored to be part of such an amazing team.
Thank you Danielle Bergman for living and breathing
this gala dinner the last number of months.
Your efforts and attention to every detail
are the reasons behind its success.
Rabbi Ahron Rosenthal
Mazel tov to all the of the honorees
Thank you and Yachad for everything you do
for our son Jake.
Our entire family is profoundly grateful
Shawn & Karen Rosenthal
Mazel tov and thank you to our Guests of Honor Lauri and Lewis Barbanel.
We thank you for what you do every day as a passionate Commission member of Yachad
and for allowing us to pay tribute to you tonight.
Thank you for always pushing us to be better.
Kol Hakavod to our Keter Shem Tov awardees Martha & Howard Hershkovich.
You are an inspiration to all who know you.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us!
Yasher koach to Tani Sussman who epitomizes community service every day
by employing Yachad members. Thank you for making a difference!
Thank you to our dedicated chairs and committee members
for helping to make this evening a success.
We gratefully appreciate the hours of dedicated effort by Rabbi Ahron Rosenthal
and Danielle Bergman to make tonight's event a reality.
Thank you to each of you for joining us this evening. We look forward
to an exciting future of continued growth for NY Yachad!
With much appreciation,
Avrohom Adler                                 Ken Saibel
International Director                     Associate Director
With acknowledgement of the outstanding efforts
of the Dinner Chairs, Deena & Marvin Nagler,
we send best wishes to all of tonight's honorees.
Congratulations to Martha and Howard Hershkovich
on receiving the much deserved Keter Shem Tov award.
Special thanks to our dear sister in law
and Yachad superstar Joyce Eisner for all you do
for the community and the Yachad organization.
Pinchas & Fay Schwartz
Mazal tov Tani Sussman
On this well deserved honor
May you continue to act
as an amazing role model
to our children.
Shani Sussman
I would like to thank the Yachad team for this honoring,
I am truly humbled to receive this honor
from such an amazing organization.
May Yachad continue to unite the Jewish community
through bringing dignity, respect
and inclusion to individuals with disabilities.
I would like to thank my best friend and soulmate Shani Sussman
for her continued support and encouragement. I could not accomplish
anything in life without her, and her smile lights up day
and lifts me up when I am down.
I would like to thank my parents and inlaws for their continued support
and encouragement, and for teaching me
proper Jewish values and community involvement.

Tani Sussman
To our dear friends Lauri and Lewis
Mazel Tov on this honor.
We are fortunate to have you in our lives .
You continue to inspire us with the kindness
that you do .
May hashem give you the strength
to continue to do the quiet chessed
that defines who you are.
Jeff & Sharona Weinberg
Mazel Tov to
Martha and Howard
And all the honorees
On this well deserved honor.
May hashem give you the strength to continue
your wonderful work on behalf in klal yisrael
Sharona & Jeff Weinberg
Best Wishes,
Rabbi Hyman & Ann Arbesfeld
Yasher Koach to
With Much Love
From Your Brother
Mazel Tov to 
Howie and Martha
on this well-deserved honor.
You are both such incredible role models
for everyone around you.
Hashem should give you continued strength
to keep helping all of Klal Yisroel.
Charlie & Dena Harary
Josh & Aviva Brody
In honor of Tani Sussman-
Pe jmke fwfejptt fckpeqleq bh srm Maaq'l nnux
ia tbgubl, af px's ggiipiell ynigm yae jxhvvw
tum lcrvxs.
Gptt ombnt atiq, ghu czhbnjey wclt nadeq, igd
jm aaim reg bh srm aiz aty aw mo n khmzcgay
qgsgqmugqhn, emzaeleefa hf gqfe, rnyoeb
hr rfieaax.
Aal mo Fptnv, nhr pwgtvvniao mo om lhbkdeq
baag ex aem lhbkdeq baag ghu pwgtvvne gw iug
ci wvba tum Lufafea'a oaeqhuf aaeaigitigs, nvw
fbz hue qgvbtoezmgt vv phvka wr iioywzimm.
Lhnvb aal Zaizb Bhbeee
In honor of Lewis and Lauri.
Your dedication and enduring commitment
to Torah, Chessed and Klal Yisroel
are truly an inspiration to so many.
Rebbe & Mrs. Israel Chait
Rabbi & Mrs. Pesach Chait
Lauri & Lewis,
We are in awe of all you do for klal yisrael.
You do so much for Yachad
and so many worthy organizations,
always with such grace, class
 and of course, a smile.
With deep admiration,
Chana & Justin Cohen
Mazel Tov to three extraordinary models of chesed
and community leadership:
Lauri & Lewis Barbanel, who are dedicated to
so many wonderful causes.
We are touched and appreciative that Yachad
is one that is near and dear to your hearts.
Martha & Howard Hershkovich, who in a very short time
have made an extraordinary impact on their new community
in the 5 Towns and have contributed to helping Yachad
gain exposure, dignity and traction.
Tani Sussman, who is the embodiment of the greatest expression of
Tzedaka, providing employment opportunities to Yachad members.
We are honored to be your neighbor and friend.
With great admiration,
Rabbi Dovid & Ruchi Cohen
In honor of our dear friends
Lewis and Lauri Barbanel
The devotion and commitment in which you serve our community
and Am Yisroel is truly remarkable. Your steadfast devotion
to Torah values, and exemplifying the importance of giving of yourself
to help others is an inspiration to all who know you.
We are truly grateful for all that you do and we are honored
to be counted as your friends.
Mazal Tov on this truly deserved honor.
Sharron & Adam Cohen
In honor of
Dr. Jeffrey Lichtman
Creator, inspirator,
Champion of inclusion.
Jeff, you made our world
Immeasurably better.
We are grateful.
Alan, Fanny, Talia & Rachel Forman
In honor of Lauri Barbanel and the Yachad Commission
ברכנו אבינו כולנו כאחד
Together we can bring change to the members of Yachad
Shmuly & Tzirl Goldman
Thank you to the hard working and endlessly
dedicated faculty, staff and volunteers of Yachad
for all that you do to spread the message of inclusion
and ensuring that people of every ability
have an opportunity to shine.
May Hashem continue to give you the strength
you need to continue your good work.
Alison & Ari Gross
Yair, Jordy, Yishai & Amir
Yasher Koach to Martha and Howard Hershkovich
and all the worthy honorees this evening
and their meaningful contributions to Yachad.
We would also like to honor our children, firstly, Leora our Yachad member,
who teaches us every day that there are no excuses in this world to settle for
life's circumstances because she works every single day to overcome them.
Avigail, Yehoshua and David, thank you for being the driving force giving us the strength
to fight another day.  We could not be prouder of the compassion and sensitivity you embody.
To the staff, employees and volunteers that make up the network that show up for Leora
day in and day out, whether it is school, camp or Shabbaton's we are forever grateful
and indebted to you all. We constantly marvel at the level of your dedication,
kindness and genuine affection for our daughter.
There are too many names to mention, but none will be forgotten in our hearts.
Thank you YACHAD!
Raizy & Shlomo Hackel
In Memory of 
Dr. James Hain z"l
A dedicated and loving YACHAD Parent
Rabbi Kenneth & Nancy Hain & family
To our dear Machatunim
Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
You have the unique quality
of identifying true value in all aspects of life.
By embracing Yachad, you have demonstrated
your commitment to the kiyum of the Mitzvah
 of ואהבת לרעך כמוך
May you continue to support worthy causes
like this and may all of us emulate
your continued generosity B'simcha.
Mark & Suzan Kaufman
Zevie & Sabina Kaufman
Congratulations & Mazel Tov
to Yachad's worthy honorees
the Barbanels, Hershkovichs
& Tani Sussman.
Jeff-we love you and miss you already.
Best wishes and only good things,
The Kosofskys
Mazel to our dear friends
Martha and Howie
on this well deserved honor.

May Hashem give you strength to continue
in your avodas hakodesh
and your wonderful dedication to Klal Yisroel.
Lauren & Andy Lauber
Yonina & Dovi Wisnicki
Chavee & Yossi Klein
Sarah & Shalom Yona Weis
Lizzy & Terel Ross

Tani and Shani -
Mazel tov on this very well deserved honor
and thank you for setting such a wonderful example
of love and respect for all people.
You are true role models for us
and the entire community.
Elana & Aryeh Lebowitz
Mazel tov to all of the honorees. Your leadership and commitment has helped to ensure
continued success for the organization. A special Hakarat Hatov to Yachad on achieving
this organizational milestone and, in the process, demonstrating on a daily basis by way of
its courageous example the transformational possibilities and positive impacts the members of
Am Yisrael can have on the greater Kehilah when acting B'Achut for the pure purpose of
Ahavat Yisrael. Yasher Koachachem. May each of the honorees, as well as the multitude of people who comprise the Yachad Family, all be zocheh to continue in their selfless efforts
to benefit the wider community, with strength until 120!
Rena & David Maryles & Family
West Hempstead NY
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
Yashar Koach to
Rebecca Schrag Mayer
for her tireless devotion to Yachad
Naomi Mayer & Family
To our friends and the most deserving honorees:
Lauri and Lewis Barbanel
Martha and Howie Hershkovich
Your integrity, wonderful  מידות, kindness and warmth
towards your friends is truly admirable.
You are both always ready to extend any help,
any chesed or  הכנסת אורכים in your humble way,  בלב שלם
without any fanfare, which has earned you a  שם טוב.
In this זכות, may  הקב"ה grant you  ברכה והצלכה, good health,  אריכת ימים
and lots of nachas from your wonderful children until 120!
With Respect and Friendship,
Dani & Leora Mishaan
Mazel Tov to our dear friends
On this well deserved honor
May Hashem grant you good health,
happiness & much nachas from your family
We salute all the honorees
and all of the amazing Yachad staff,
volunteers, participants and families.
Kol Hakavod!
With admiration and affection,
Seryl Ritter & Buddy Skydell
Dear Lauri and Lewis,
You make such a mark
where ever you get involved.
You are both so real.
You give your all!
Whether it's raising an outstanding family
or impacting our community, you bring
your values, your sincerity, and your devotion
to the task.
We are proud to be a part of your life
and your circle.
Touché and Mazal Tov on this recognition.
Rivki & Lindsay
Congregation Beth Sholom
Lawrence, NY
is proud to honor our dedicated
and beloved members
Lauri & Lewis Barbanel 
for their compassion, leadership
and generosity
May Hashem continue to bless them
and their family
Kenneth Hain, Rabbi
Barry Gurvitch, President
Dear Lauri and Lewis,
You continue to impress us as pillars of our community
for everything that you do for every type of person
and need. You are both generous, supportive, kind,
and empathetic. Thank you for the time and resources
that you put towards bettering people's lives
and the example that you provide to us all.
May Hashem continue to bless you and your family
with the strength to continue your commitment
to the Jewish people.
With much admiration,
Natasha & Eli Srulowitz & Family
Dear Tani,
This is such a well deserved honor.
You are truly an exemplary person.
Not only the best older brother but an inspiring role model.
I love seeing you all the time and learning with you.
And Shani, Everyone knows that behind every great man
is a greater woman.
All your chesed and kindness
to everyone around you is beautiful and astounding.
Love you both,
Shaya & Effie Sussman
To Tani the technical honoree, and Shani, his partner in good:
Tani and Shani--
Your names do rhyme.
Bestowed upon you is an honor
For your good deeds and time.
Tani and Shani--
You guys don't fail
To step up where needed
So an organization can sail.
Tani and Shani--
I'm all out of rhyming words...
But you get the point,
We'll stop before this gets absurd. 
Congratulations on your well deserved honor. May your business and your lives
continue to prosper on the merit of your good deeds.
--All the best,
Rochelle & Scott Taub
To our dear Martha and Howie,
Mazel tov on your well deserved honor.
We are so proud of all that you do.
We love you!
Love your very proud family,
Joseph & Greta Vays
Eddie, Judy, Aaron, Ella & Ethan
Mazel Tov to our dear friends 
and MJE Board Chairman 
Lew and Lauri Barbanel
for their love and devotion to Jewish outreach, Yachad
and all that is noble in our community. 
We are blessed to have you as our friends and role models
to the many MJEers whose lives you have impacted.
May you go from strength to strength!
Rabbi Mark & Jill Wildes
Manhattan Jewish Experience
Dear Martha and Howie, 
Your selfless devotion
to the klal is an inspiration to us all.
We treasure your friendship.
Mazel Tov and may you have continued nachas
from your beautiful family.
With love,
Shulamit & Yoni Zakutinsky
Half Page
In honor of the dedicated NY Yachad Staff.
Chaim & Dani Bergman

In Honor of Our Friend Tani Sussman
Your commitment to Yachad and support of its programming is a source
of inspiration to your friends and community. We are in awe of your efforts
and congratulate you on this well-deserved acknowledgment.
We are proud and privileged to call you our friend.
The Burns Family, The Pinchasov Family, The Rose Family
Half Page
Congratulations to all the honorees and to all the amazing Yachad staff members that makes this such a unique organization.
Special shout out to Dani Bergman and Ahron Rosenthal
Rikki & Assaf Cohen

Mazel Tov to Tani Sussman and all the honorees
  for being recognized by such a great organization in Yachad!
We couldn't be prouder of you and hope to celebrate
many more events in your honor!!  
David & Shoshana Epstein
Half Page
Dear Martha and Howie, Congratulations upon
a well deserved honor. You make our family proud!
May we continue to share in many more Simcha's together.
The Fraymovich & Weiss Families

Mazal Tov Lauri and Lewis! You are such incredible people
and May Hashem continue to give you the strength
to do all the wonderful things you do!!
Rachael Schindler & Family
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Martha and Howie, Thank you for being great friends and great role models. You inspire us and those around you. Continued nachas from your children.
Yonina & Jeremy Feder

Howie- Tennis is a game where love means nothing
..... but in this case it means everything!
Mazal Tov to you and Martha-
Looking forward to many years on the courts together- 
David Brier, Daniel Buchinger, Simmie Chiger, Eytan Feldman, Aaron Fleksher, Eddie Gluck, Ernie Goldman, Heshy Kestenbaum, Howie Kris, Bernie Lebovic, Joel Mandel, Chaim Pfeiffer, Daniel Rafelowitz, Harold Rubin, Steve Savitsky, Alan Schulman, Dovid Schulman, Eitan Shoshan, Yossi Tabak, and Baruch Weinstein
The Early Bird Tennis Group
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Mazal Tov to Howie and Martha
on this well deserved honor. Our friendship may have begun
on the tennis courts, but extends beyond.
Keep being a shining example to all those around you.
Eytan & Aliza Feldman

Mazel Tov to
Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
Ariel & Baruch Glaubach
Half Page
Wishing a hearty Mazel tov to all the honorees: 
Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
Martha & Howie Hershkovich
Tani Sussman & The UPS Store Financial District
 Yachad- you are an organization so close to our hearts
and JJ is such a fan! Keep up the good work-
Brenda & Stan Goldstein & Family

Mazel-Tov to Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
on this well deserved honor. May you continue
your important work on behalf of Yachad and K'lal Yisroel.
Judy & Kal Hartstein
Half Page
Mazal Tov to Lauri & Lewis Barbanel,
Two selfless people who embody  חסד in all they do.
Thank you for continuing to raise the bar for all of us.
The Hofstetters

To our friends Lauri & Lewis Barbanel.
We join you in supporting YACHAD
and appreciating this wonderful organization. 
May you continue to go from Strength to Strength! 
Doba & Kalman Isaacs
Half Page
Your commitment to and involvement in many Jewish causes
 is exemplary. We are proud in helping you support Yachad.
Esther & Robert Klein

In honor of
Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
Estee & Amir Kornblum
Half Page
Congratulations to Martha and Howard on this award
and thank you for your commitment to this worth cause.
Cynthia & Harry Kotowitz

Mazel Tov to the Honorees and to our friend
Big T-Tani Sussman
We know that you have always been community minded
and this is a very befitting honor. 
Keep up the good work.
Tzipora & Aaron Laub T$U$ FTW
Half Page
Mazal Tov to Lauri and Lewis on this very special honor.
You never cease to amaze us with your dedication
to our community and to Jewish causes across the globe.
May your passion and commitment continue to inspire those around you.
Astrid & Mordy Leifer

Mazal Tov to Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
on this well deserved honor.  
Lynn & Joel Mael
Half Page
Mazel tov to Tani Sussman. It is an honor bestowed upon
a truly befitting person. Your dedication and commitment to
this wonderful organization among others is a true inspiration
to us all. May Hashem grant you the strength to continue
in your many ways of Chessed.
Always, Aviva & Dovi Breskin, Malky & Avi Davies,
Jessica & Asher Klein,Chevi & Moshe Medetsky,
Hindy & Mendy Yudin

Mazal tov to our dear friends
Howie and Martha Hershkovich
on this wonderful honor! May you only have nachas
from your family and continue to do great work
for klal Yisrael.
Abby & Steven Miller
Half Page
Mazel Tov Tani on the well deserved honor.
Your service to the Yachad community is a model for all of us! 
Becky & Jeff Misher

Mazal Tov to an outstanding organization
that truly appreciates and welcomes our young adults
into an inclusive environment. 
The Orlansky Family
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Mazel tov to our neighbors, Howie and Martha.
May your family be blessed in the merits of all your hard work
on behalf of Yachad. 
Avi & Shulamit Penstein

With gratitude to Hashem,
in honor of my amazing granddaughter, Mackenzie Taller
I am so very proud of you! All my love, Bobbi
Half Page
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!
Thank you to the wonderful YACHAD staff for all that you do.
Chaya & Lester Pollak

In honor of our dear friends Martha & Howie
There is no one more deserving of being recognized.
You are an amazing power couple who are constantly inspiring
those around you by your endless desire to help the Klal and love
for every Jew. May Hashem give you koach to continue The amazing work
you both do for so many and may you have continued nachas
from your beautiful family.
Deena & Rabin Rahmani
Half Page
Mazal Tov to Lauri & Lewis Barbanel! You are both Torah role models
for our community and we are honored to be your friends.
May you both be blessed with many years
of Bracha V'Hatzlacha and Chochmah!
Rabbi Pinny & Marie Rosenthal

In honor of our dear friend Tani Sussman
כל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה הקב״ה ישלם שכרם
May Hashem grant you the ability to continue your dedicated work
for all of Klal Yisrael for many years to come!
Chavi & Yehuda Balsam, Lauren & Shlomo Balsam,
Tanya & Natan Farber, Ilana & Ephraim Friedman,
Jessica & Elly Rosman, Meira & Shamshi Szlafrok
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Mazel Tov Lauri & Lewis on this well deserved honor.
May you receive much nachas from your family and your efforts.
Alan & Shuly Rubel

Mazal Tov to
Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
On this well deserved honor
David & Rena Saffra
Half Page
In honor of Mitch and Lita Aeder, whose level of Chessed
and community involvement is off the charts. 
Ronnie & Miriam Schlanger

Mazal Tov to all the honorees on an honor well deserved
May you all continue to inspire everyone around you 
Marc & Natalie Sellouk
Half Page
Congratulations Martha & Howie
on your Keter Shem Tov Award! It's a well deserved honor.
You both are an inspiration to us all and we're so proud
to call you family. Keep up the good work.
Love, Nachman & Raizy Shafar & Jack & Vicky Hershkovich

In honor of Martha and Howie Hershkovich
Your dedication and commitment to the community at large
is an inspiration. Mazel Tov on your well deserved honor.
Alex & Esther Shulman
Half Page
Dear Martha and Howie Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor
You Added so much to the Woodmere Community
and Aish Kodesh, Your Home is a shining example to Chessed
and True Leadership. May you see much nachat from your kids
and continue your dedicated work on behalf of our community.
David & Orly Simai

Howie and Martha, yasher koach for your involvement with
this worthy organization. In the few years that we've been friends,
you have set an example of how to the help the כלל
by hosting and supporting many causes.
May you continue your fine work in good health.
Tova & Dov Singer
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Kol Hakavod to Howie and Martha upon accepting the award from Yachad.
 A truly amazing organization. You guys are true role models
to not only your family and friends but to all of Klal Yisroel.
 May Hashem keep blessing you with the Zechut
to keep up all your holy work for am Yisrael B'ahava.  
Melany and Mordy Solomon, Meir, Aaron, Basi, Binyomin and Eli

Kol Hakavod to all the worthy honorees.
Steven & Gale Spira
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Mazel Tov Tani on your well-deserved honor. Your dedication and support to the community and your family make you a role model for all of us.
Your Brothers and Sisters-in-Law & Nephews
Miriam & Tzvi, Shira & Ari, Mickey & Dov

Mazel Tov to Tani Sussman - our favorite son-in-law.
You are an inspiration and role model to all of us.
We are so proud of you and so happy that you are a member
of our family. We are always amazed with all your wonderful accomplishments both at home and for the community
and look forward to more of the same throughout your life.
Steve & Frieda Sprio
Half Page
Thank you Tani Sussman for all of the things you do
for the Sussman families and for your work with Yachad.
Mazal Tov to you and the other honorees.
Tizku l'mitzvot
Abba & Mommy, the Epstein's & the Vidans

Mazal Tov and Kol Hakavod to our friends Lauri and Lewis.
We are in awe of all the good you do
for our community.
With love and appreciation,
Mendy & Deb Tepler
Half Page
Congratulations to my dear friends Martha and Howard.
Through their hard work and dedication they have been able
to provide for these children, who have been put through
so many difficulties, a chance at a normal Jewish life.
I'm so proud of their accomplishments
and am honored to be here for them tonight.
Avital & David Vecselberg

To Tani
Mazel Tov!
You're an inspiration!
The Vidans & The Epsteins
Half Page
In honor of Martha & Howie Hershkovich.
מזל טוב on an honor well deserved.
Wish you much נחת וברכה from your entire family. Fondly,
Suri & Ari Weinrib

To our dear friends Tani and Shani Sussman
Mazel tov on this beautiful honor!
From the
Rabe & Weisfeld families
Half Page
In honor of the Hershkovich & Barbanel families
Eva & Aaron Wexler

To our dearest friends Martha and Howie-Mazal Tov!
We know personally how much this award fits the people you are
and strive to be, we are so proud to be connected to you,
we hope to learn and grow together with you. Mazal Tov! 
With love,
Rachel & Benjamin Wygoda
Half Page
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Martha and Howie Hershkovich
on this well deserved honor.  May you continue to be
a source of inspiration to the community.
Sarah & Ian Boczko
Daniella & Joseph Zelefsky


Mazel Tov to the Barbanels
Wayne Zuckerman
Quarter Page
In Honor of Our Friends Lauri & Lewis Barbanel!
Your devotion to others along with your commitment to YACHAD,
have made you truly deserving of this evening's honor.
May Hashem grant you the strength and ability to continue
your dedicated service to YACHAD and to the community
for many years to come. 
Aliza & Zev Cinamon & Family

Mazal Tov to Martha & Howie on this well deserved honor
Avi Esses

In honor of Lauri and Lewis who helped start Rambam
& Tani Sussman Who almost came! Keep up the great work!
Rabbi Zev Friedman
Quarter Page
In Honor of Tani & Shani Sussman. A (not so) small
business owner with a big heart. This honor is not surprising
and well deserved. We are honored to call you our friends.
Rachel & Daniel Frogel

Mazel Tov to the honorees for all the work you do on behalf of
this exceptional organization. Especially to our friends
Martha and Howie Hershkovich for always being an example
of dedication and commitment on behalf of Kal Yisroel.
Jay & Shani Gelman

To Lauri & Lewis, Mazel tov on this well deserved honor.
May Hashem give you koach to continue your wonderful deeds.
Esther & Nachman Goodman
Quarter Page
Mazel tov to Howie and Martha on a well deserved honor
for your dedication and commitment to Yachad and the community.
May Hashem bless you with bracha and Mazel to continue to do
the wonderful chessed you do! We are so proud of you!!!!
With much love,
Sam & Evelyn Gross

Mazel Tov Tani Sussman on this well deserved honor.
Your efforts to help the community and Klal Yisroel
know no bounds. 
Tova & Duvi Kupfer

In honor of Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
for all their hard work on behalf of the klal
Rena & Marc Kwestel
Quarter Page
Yashar Koach to Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
Shloime & Aliza Leichtung

In honor of our dear friends Lewis & Lauri Barbanel
Betsy & Ben Lopato

In tribute to Lauri and Lewis Barbanel
from The Avi Maryles Children's Benefit Fund
Gladys & Matthew J. Maryles
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to our friends Lauri & Lewis
on this well deserved honor.
Shulamis & Norbi Moskovits

Dear Lauri & Lewis, Congratulations on this wonderful honor. 
Jon & Bobbi Schwartz

Howie & Martha, You are deserving of such an honor
with all you do for klal Yisroel. We are proud to call you friends.
The Sendzischew’s
Quarter Page
Mazel Tov to Tani Sussman and the UPS Store Financial District
for being appropriately recognized for your community service and devotion
to Yachad members! Your chesed and kindness permeates every part
of your personal and professional life. May you go Machayil L'Chayil! 
Nicole & Simcha Solomon& Family

Suri Stern

In honor of the esteemed Guests of Honor
Lewis & Lauri Barbanel
Everyone at Barberry Rose Mgmt.

The Law Offices of Lauren A. Baum, P.C.

Shani Sussman Rocks! (Tani is OK) - from the Farrells
In honor of Elaine Grossman and Dr. Jeff Lichtman
Carol & Harold Finkel

Mazal tov to the Hershkovich family
on this well deserved honor.
Counting down the days until camp!
Laura Fruchter

Mazel Tov Tani on this very worthy honor!
Hillel Glazer & Ellie Schainker
In honor Lauri & Lewis חזק ואמץ
Aviva & Zev Golombeck

Mazal Tov Lauri and Lewis
on behalf of your great work for Yachad
Naomi & David Kaszovitz

Mazel tov to Tani Sussman on this well-deserved honor!! 
Dovid & Alisa Lasky
Mazal Tov to Lauri & Lewis on this incredible honor.
We are so proud to be your friends.
Jenny & Mordy Lent

Mazal Tov to Lauri and Lewis
on this very well deserved honor!
Gabe & Anat Levi

In honor of our friends Zev Diamond and Bezalel Kosofsky. You inspire us!
With Love,
Ruthie & Joel Simon
Mazel Tov Tani on this well deserved Honor. May you continue to inspire
your family, friends, and community to do acts of Chesed.
Chanan & Amy Vogel

Tani, your eclectic genius is bested only by your heart. MT! 
Cohen, Guttman, Schachter, Weiss

Mazel tov to Tani Sussman on receiving the Community Service Award!
Your willingness to always help anyone
is a tremendous asset to Klal Yisroel!
Danny & Gabby Winkler