Caren Ford
Harry S Feller Award
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Caren has been active in the MetroWest community as both a professional and a volunteer over 35 years.  She is the immediate past Chair of the JCC of MetroWest. Along with her husband, Herb, she was a founder of the New Jersey Jewish Film Festival, which is now celebrating its 22nd year.  She currently serves on the Boards of the JCC and Jewish Vocational Service (JVS). She is a past Board member and Social Action Chair at Temple B’nai Abraham.
After a teaching in Montclair for several years, she went back to school for an MBA.  After working in the real estate industry for a few years, Caren decided to redirect her career goals.  She started by volunteering with National Council of Jewish Women to help in the resettlement of over 500 Russian emigres arriving in the MetroWest  community. This led to a job at JVS as volunteer coordinator. Caren worked at JVS for over 27 years, holding many different positions, including her last, Interim Executive Director.
She lives in Verona with her husband Herb.  They have 3 wonderful children and 6 perfect grandchildren.
Jcc Metrowest
Mazel Tov Caren on this well deserved honor. Thank you for all that you do! Yasher Koach.
Janet Warm Fliegelman
Perlstein Family
Joyce and Neil Goldstein Nj
100 Years of making jewish memories...and to the future of NJY camps Congratulations to Caren and the honorees
Lawrence Rein
Mazal Tov to Caren Ford for her amazing leadership in the Greater Metrowest Community, especially her term as Board Chair of the JCC.
Best wishes to all of the honorees who play a major role in the success of NJY Camps.
Welcome to the fabulous new CEO, Michael Schlank - you are off to a great start!

Lawrence Rein
The Adelsohn Family & Frank H. Lehr Assoicates
Amos and Evelyn Gern
Esther Staum Katz
Mazal tov to all of our honorees!
Can't wait to see what the next 100 years of NJY Camps looks like.

May you continue m'chayil el chayil

- Esther Staum Katz and family
Nancy Fisher
Paula and David Saginaw
Elizabeth and Sam Warshawer Ebw Consulting, LLC
Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this most well deserved praise.
Dana & Will Eastman
Rita and Lawrence Gotfried
Sara & Hal Halman
Barbara and Stuart Raynor
Suzanne Albin Tucker and Robert Tucker
Mazel Tov to our honorees Caren Ford, Elyssa Wright and Michael Schwartz!
Many thanks to CEO Michael Schlank, and the leadership and staff of NJY Camps for their yeoman efforts to create a wonderful experience for our campers and their families during Summer 2021 and all year round!
Sara-Ann and Robert Sanders Sanders
Best Wishes to NJY Camps on Celebrating over 100 Years of Exceptional Camping
Judith & Kenneth Peskin
Caren and Herb Ford
Text will follow
Sara and Harold Halman
Sharon and Norman Spindel
Steve & Sharon Seiden
Ilene and Michael Schlank & Family
Jason & Talia Hosiassohn
Camp America
Best Wishes to NJY Camps on Celebrating over 100 Years of Exceptional Camping
Judith Lieberman
Judith Lieberman
Warren Page
Larry and Deborah Neher and Prinz
Caren is a genuine advocate for children and families in need!
Jeff Horowitz
Howard & Meg Jacobs
Congratulations Caren on this well deserved award
Daniel, Arielle, & Jacoby Hosiassohn
Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest Nj
wording forthcoming from our marketing team
Anne Tursky
Jaime Chavkin
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