Suzanne Berkeley
Aaron Slonim
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Razie & Daniel Benedict
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Shira & Jeff Eisenberg
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Chaya & Howard Friedman
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Lauren & Martin Geller
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Erica & Mark Gerson
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Lisa & Paul Glazer
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Ruchi & Avremi Melohn
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
In Honor of Tracy & Sander Gerber and all those who also support Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan
Lenore & Glenn Richter
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Chana Ringel
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
In honor of Tracy and Sander Gerber
Faige & Steven Sales
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Rachel & Harry Skydell
Tracy and Sander Gerber Tribute Committee
Cheryl & Sid Taubenfeld
Rabbanit Malke Bina Tribute Committee
In honor of Tracy & Sander Gerber,
Jodi & Adam Weinstein,
and Rabbanit Malke Bina
Nicole & Ranaan Agus
Rabbanit Malke Bina Tribute Committee
Shelli & Harvey Dachs
Rabbanit Malke Bina Tribute Committee
In Honor of Rabbanit Malke Bina
Suzanne Eisenstat
Rabbanit Malke Bina Tribute Committee
Barbara & George Hanus
Rabbanit Malke Bina Tribute Committee
In honor of Malke Bina
Esther & Motti Kremer
Rabbanit Malke Bina Tribute Committee
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Rabbanit Malke Bina Tribute Committee
Barbara & Mark Silber
Jodi & Adam Weinstein
Alice & Leon Wildes
Pamela & George Rohr
Beth & David Shaw
Lauri & Lewis Barbanel
Tracy & Sander Gerber
Anjelica & Richard Rubin
In honor of Jennifer and Erik Schetina
In Memory of Sarah bat Yehuda Leib
Yudi Hercenberg
Joan & Shael Bellows
In double honor of our dear friends, Rabbi Mark and Jill Wildes, for their ongoing dedication and impact on future generation of the Jewish people, an for Rabbi Ezra and Stephanie Cohen, on the welcoming of their new son - Mazal Tov!
Jackie & Omri Dahan
Glazer Capital Management
Yenny & Ralph Herzka
Deborah & Daniel Schwartz
Robyn & Shukie Grossman
In honor of Rabbanit Malke Bina, Tracy and Sander, and all the honorees
Mazal Tov on these well-deserved honors
Sharon & Sinclair Haberman
Hudson Bay Capital is proud to honor Tracy and Sander Gerber
Hudson Bay Capital
Deborah & Robert Marcus
In Honor of Tracy and Sander Gerber
Shannon & Andrew Penson
Deborah & William Rand
Beth & Joshua Schwartz
Revital & Ariel Ackerman
All City Remodeling, Inc.
In Honor of Sander and Tracy Gerber: Blair and Elisabeth Axel
Elisabeth & Blair Axel
Gerald Barad
Mazal Tov to All the Honorees, and in honor of Mark & Jill Wildes for all that they do
Jessica & Azi Cutter
Steven Davidovitch
In Honor of Rabbi Mark and Jill Wildes
Debbie & Elliot Gibber
Dr. Barrie Weinstein & Avi Ishofsky
Congratulations to all worthy Honorees
Especially Barrie Weinstein & Avi Ishofsky
Of Whom we are Most Proud
Dr. Helen & Harvey Ishofsky
In memory of Sunny Hercenberg, z"l
Gideon Levy
Massive Mazel to the Honorees! Very proud of you and well-deserved.
Love, Tovah & Josh Marmer, with Jackie, Michaela & Violet
Tovah & Joshua Marmer
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!    We love you Jen and Erik !!!
Chani & Alan Perlman
In honor of Rabbi Wildes and the entire MJE team; Tracy & Sander Gerber; and Barrie Weinstein & Avi Ishofsky.
Elisa & Alan Pines, Tali & Justin, Nicole & Avi Lieberman; Michelle & Elliot Pines
In honor of Sander and Tracy Gerber
RWN Management, LLC
Joy & Barry Sklar
Shaina Slonim
Rona & Andrew Steinerman
Caron & Michael Strulowitz
Jill & Rabbi Mark Wildes
We're so happy to celebrate another wonderful year of MJE! Love the Batalions
Natalie & David Batalion
Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman, LLP
Mazel Tov to all of the honorees, and congratulations to MJE
Chanie & Greg Bell
Debbie & Phillippe Benedict
Mondonna & Nadar Bolour
Scott Brenner
Yocheved & Tzvi Diamond
Howard Felson
Byrna & Joshua Landes
Shaid Mahmood
David Rosenberg
In honor of Adam and Jodi Weinstein, I would never have come to MJE if not for Adam.  You changed our lives!
Ilyse & Larry Rukin
Cheryl & Yehuda David Scharf
Mazal Tov to Avi & Barrie and all of the honorees!
Michelle Shirian & Howard Schor
Judy & Isaac Sherman
In Honor of Rabbi Wildes and Jill
Shira & Yudi Teichman
Mazel Tov to Tracy and Sander Gerber on this Outstanding Honor
And Best Wishes to Rabbi Mark and Jill Wildes
Thank you for all that you do for our commnity.
Yosie Levine, Rabbi
Avi Schwartz, President
The Jewish Center
Mazel Tov to Jodi and Adam Weinstein on this most deserved honor
Wendy & Jonathan Turetsky
We're so proud of Avi, Barrie, Jenn, Erik and Danny! Mazel tov.
Emily, Andrew, Delilah & Sylvie Weiss
To Rabbi Wildes for his tireless dedication to enriching Jewish life.
Eliot S. Bickoff, Esq.
David R. Chabbott, MD
Mazel Tov to all the honorees and to MJE for another successful year!
Debra & Daniel Faizakoff
Lauren & Daniel Feinberg
To our Dear Rebbetzin (and Rabbi)
Yasher Koach to you!
Mazel Tov!
Harriette & Eli Garber & Family
In honor of the passionate staff, dedicated volunteers, and enthusiastic participants that, together, make MJE such a remarkable community.
Ahron Herring
Devra Seidel & Adam Hyman
In Honor of Sander and Tracy Gerber
Denise & George Karasick
In honor of Rabbanit Malke Bina
Marci & Jeffrey Lefkovits
Nicole Liebman
Miriam & Allen Pfeiffer
Janelle & Sheldon Pike
Elianna & Ari Platt
Leyla & Donny Posner
In recognition of
Dr. Barrie Weinstein and Avi Ishofsky.
You are msot certainly "the couple of the year(s)." You are committed to your family, friends,and community, and are exemplary role models. This is a most well-deserved honor.
In honor of
Jodi and Adam Weinstein
Your dedication to outreach and the continuity of the Jewish people is illustrated by your dedication to MJE.
May you and the other honorees continue to go from strength to strength.
Gedaliah & Anna Riesenberg
Derika & Philip Rosenthal
Tamar & Yitzchok Rosenthal
In Honor of Lew Barbanel
Ruthy & Aaon Jungreis
Rosewood Realty, Inc
Mindy Steen
In honor of Tracy and Sander Gerber
Shifi & Judah Wassner
In honor of Chani and Alan Perlman
Elaine & Hillel Weinberger
The Bannets would like to acknowledge Barrie & Avi and their contributions to the community
Jonathan Bannet
Dahlia & Moshe; Nina, Elizabeth & Apple Bellows
Sander and Tracy: We are so proud to call you employer and family!  Mazel tov on the TF Act.
Marnie & Scott Black
Shai Canaan
Ilana & Adam Chill
Vera Cooper & Leo Cooper
In honor of Rabbanit Malka Bina
Bini & Adam Dachs
Michelle & Sruli Deutsch
Kol Hakavod to Mark and Jill for their enduring friendship and tireless efforts on behalf of Klal Yisroel
Adele & Dan Dubin
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!   
Adler and Landau Families
In honor of Jodi and Adam Weinstein
Arlene & Edward Fox
Mazel Tov to all the honorees and our dear friends Jennifer and Erik
Sivan & Sholom Frank
In honor of Tracy and Sander, with love & admiration for all you do on behalf of Am Yisrael
Zoya Raynes & Naftali Friedman
Barbara & Richard Gitlin
Sharon & Gary Greengrass
In honor of  Rabbi Mark & Jill Wildes and Rabbanit Malke Bina. We Cherish Our Friendship.
Anita & Richard Grossman
Rivka & Reuven Hellman
Rivkie & Lance Hirt
Eliane & Justin Karr
In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Joshua D. Klein
Susan & John Klein
In honor of Sander and Tracy Gerber
Ruchie & Michael Landau
In honor of Adam and Jodi Weinstein for all that you do for the MJE
Elana & David Landman
Sam & Neil Lester
Mazal Tov to our Dear Friends Tracy & Sander Gerber
Rebecca & Saul Lubetski
In honor of Sander and Tracy Gerber
Simi & Leon Melohn
In honor of Amanda Dryer
Paula & David Menche
Miriam & Alan Pfieffer
Yasher Koach to the Honorees and Rabbi Mark and Jill Wildes
Mary, Jacob and Abigail Pleeter
Fay & Eli Rabinowich
Jessica & Shlomo Ressler
Glen Rosenberg
In honor of my colleagues Rabbi Mark & Jill Wildes, Hezzy Jessin, Rabbi Jonathan & Shifra Feldman, Rabbi Ezra & Stephanie, Rabbi Adam Dubin
Marie & Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal
We honor Sander and Tracy for their herculean efforts on behalf of our community and well beyond.
Naomi & Ali Scharf
In honor of
Rabbi Mark & Jill Wildes
Sander & Tracy Gerber
May HKBH bless you with the Koyach to continue to do all your great work on behalf of the Klal
Shoshana & Yoni Schwartz
In honor of Sander and Tracy Gerber for all that you do on behalf of Klall Yisroel
Mariam & Shea Schwebel
In Honor of Danny Hackman
William Shrago
In Honor of Malke Bina
Malky & Jay Spector
In honor of Jodi and Adam Weinstein
Randi & David Sultan
In Honor of Jodi and Adam Weinstein
The Fisher Family
Leigh & Daniel Waxman
Ilana & Moshe and Tzvi, Judah & Joshua Wertenteil
In honor of Rabbi Mark and Jill Wildes and the outstanding work they do
Denise & Alan Wildes
In honor of Sander and Tracy Gerber
Tammy & Carey Wolchok
Cindy & Jay Worenklein
Katie Altman
Approved Oil Company
Congrats to Honoree Danny Hackman
Julie Herman & Chad Ayoub
Yasher Koach to Sander and Tracy
Deveaux & Andrew Berkowitz
Naava & David Broxmeyer
Congregation Keter Torah
Anne & Natalio Fridman Foundation
In honor of Jodi and Adam Weinstein
Lisa & Daniel Friedman
Joel & Jayde Golovin
In Honor of Dan Hackman
Hackman Family
Mazal tov to the Ishofsky's and all other recipients!
Kim & Evan Hershenson
With deep appreciation to MJE
Danielle & David Hertz
Lauren & Joseph Hyman
Jack Chehebar Foundation
Jason D. Boroff & Associates, PLLC
Mazel Tov to our niece and nephew Barrie & Avi - Couple of the Year!
Rachelle & Sid Kivanoski
Anat & Gabriel Levi
Mazel Tov to all the honorees, and a big thank you to R'Wildes, Rebbitzin Jill and the MJE staff! The Levine Family.
Meredith & Noah Levine
Congrats to Jodi and Adam Weinstein!!
Ruth & Ted Mirvis
In honor of Rabbanit Malke Bina
Audrey & Danny Mondrow
In honor of Adam and Jodi Weinstein
Alan Nickman
Congratulation to Rabbi Wildes & all the deserving honorees.
Nisha & Yitz & Pastreich
With thanks to all honorees and our friends Barrie Weinstein & Avi Ishofsky! - David, Karen, Ayelet, & Benjamin Poppers
Karen & Dr. David Poppers
Matt Ronen
In honor of MJE and tonight's dinner honorees
Golda Reena & Henry Rothman
Suzanne & Jeff Rubin
Michelle & Eli Salig
Shaun Smolarz
Melissa Maiellano & Josef Taviv
Yocheved Wasserman & Sholom Adelman
Ronen Agadi
Ann & Hyman Arbesfeld
Mara & Elliot Attie
Lauren Baum
Marvin Baum
Shawn Bramson
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees and MJE Staff!
Sybil Britton
Andrea & Marshall Brooks
Congratulations Jennifer and Erik Schetina
Abigail Bryskin
In honor of Rabbi Mark and Jill Wildes, the great accomplishments of MJE,
Their dear friends Tracy and Sander Gerber, and their efforts on behalf of the vital Taylor Force Act,
Rabbanit Malke Bina and her great educational achievements,
and all the worthy honorees
Aidel & Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald
Mazal Tov to Avi and Barri Ishovsky and Jen and Erik Schetina!!
Cheryl Chomali
Allan M. Cohen
Yasher Koach to my dear friends, Jen and Erik Schetina, Danny Hackman, and the Ishofsky's! Love my MJE family!
Heather Conn
In honor of Jennifer & Erik Schetina and Chani & Alan Perlman
Dafna & Yossie Davidovitch
Congratulations Jen & Erik!  Love you both!
Moshe Chaim Dodes
Michael Doft
In honor of Adam and Jodi Weinstein
Michael Doppelt
Mazal Tov Sander & Tracy- wonderful parents with outstanding attributes!
Alan Dorfman
Gilah Dorfman
Felix Family
Adam Feit
Sherry & Mark Fessel
In Honor of Tracy and Sander Gerber, Jennifer and Erik Schetina and all the MJE Honorees
Tzvi and Nancy Fishman
Hindy & Seth Galena
Yay Weinstein's and Ishofsky's
Isaac Galena
In Honor of Sander and Tracy Gerber.  Mazel Tov!! We are very prod of you all!!!
All our love,
Mom & Dad
Florence & Marvin Gerber
Shelley Goldfarb
Eric Goldman
In honor of the Fellowships Program, our community, and life-long learning
Gail Goldspiel
Jessica Golian
Adrian Gucovschi
Maia Haimson
Mazal Tov to Avi & Barrie Ishofsky upon receiving this well deserved honor.
So very proud of you!
Susan, Ephraim & Tovi, Shmuli & Devora, Yitzy & Shani, Shmuel & Leah Herskovits
Anna Hertz
Jenna Winstars-Herzog & David Herzog
So many friends being honored for support of MJE's mission - Priceless
Steven Hirsch
Mazal Tov to Adam and Jodi! We're so happy that you are receiving this well-deserved award
Jodie & Zvi Hollander
Heather Holtman
David Isaacson
Tzion Jerusalem
David Kase
In honor of Jodi & Adam
Our young friends "out east"
Judy & Uri Kaufthal and Family
Vivian & Dovid Kestenbaum
Klaff Family Foundataion
Alizah Kramer
Congrats to all the honorees. Special recognition and thanks to Rabbi and Mrs. Feldman
Jenny & Bryan Leeds
Adina Lempel
Nicole Liebman
Haina Just-Michael & Bernard Michael
Carey and Jonathan Miller
Carey & Jonathan Miller
Rebecca & Randy Modell
Alexandra Moller
In Honor of Dan Hackman
Adina Neidich
In honor of Barrieand Avi Ishofsky
Risa & Pierce Neuman
Lisa Noonoo
In honor of Tracy and Sander Gerber and Rabbi and Rebbetzin Wildes
Iona & Ari Bergmann & Penso Advisors, LLC
Meredith Pershes
In honor of Amanda Dryer
Carol & Seymour Pinewski
Iin honor of Karen and Dr David Poppers
Ann & Dr. Paul J. Poppers
Alan Proctor
In Honor of Dan Hackman
Congregation Bnai Yeshurun - Rabbi Steven Pruzansky
Shereen Rashidi
Congratulations to Jen & Erik and to Tracy & Sander on this well-deserved honor.
Toby & Naftali Reich
Chana Ringel
In honor of Rebs Mark, Ezra, Jill & Chani
Saranne Rothberg
MAZAL TOV Jen and Eric!! love you both!
Kiki & Daniel Rothenberg
Davida Ruben
In memory of Shaindy Rudoff & Shalom Rudoff
Hedda Rudoff
Lauren Salter
In honor or Jodi and Adam Weinstein
Leah, Ethan, Miryam, Mike, Dalia and Avi Schild
David Schranz
Jonathan Senker
Benjamin Sherman
Eric Smith
Avi Steinberg
Stephanie Sussman
Eric Swerdlow
The Hacken Family
Karyn & Yonatan Vega
Jodi & Adam, you are both an inspiration to me through your actions. Love, Joe Weilgus
Joseph Weilgus
Joy & Morey Wildes
Sunny Esther Zar
Andrey Zikherman
Ariel Zucker
Ronen Abergel
Kathy Benedict
Amy & Fred, Emma, Isabelle Bennett
In honor of Jenn Beiber Schetina & Erik Schetina
Marc Berger
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!
Cat & Jeff Buchmann
Rabbi & Mrs. Israel Chait
Melissa Davis
Mazal tov Jennifer and Erik, Rabbi Wildes and Jill & the entire MJE family!
Jackie & Jason Demby
Amanda Dryer
Rosemary Fisch
Forsenic Private Investigations honors Lewis Barbanel
Madelyn & Mark Fogel
In honor of Lewis Barbanel
Forensic Private Investigations, Inc
Jesse Frankel
Gabriella Francis & David Fridman
Furs by Robert Payne
In honor of Chani Perlman.
Thanks for Bolstering Yiddishkeit.
Aviva & Abraham Zev Golombeck
Steven Gonzalez
In honor of Barre and Avi Ishofsky
Helaine & William Helmreich
Karin Klein
Larisa Lamnina & Yefim Lamnin
Lea & Dan Lasman
Sharie & Eric Leopold
Mazal Tov Jodi and Adam!! We are so proud of you! Love Talli and Matt
Talli & Matt Levine
Daniel Lindenberg
Nechama & Billy Liss-Levinson are thrilled to honor Avi Ishofsky & Barrie Weinstein for their contributions to MJE.
Nechama & Billy Liss-Levinson
In honor of Mark Wildes
Gladys & Matthew Maryles
Susan & Robert Messer
 In Honor of Avi and Barrie Ishofsky
Ann & Larry Neuman
Michelle and Joel Orgel
In honor of Rabbanit Malke Bina
Wendy Ottensoser
In Honor of Barrie and Avi Ishofsky
Laura & Avi Radzik
In honor of Rabbi Wildes and Yudi Hercenberg
Rivki & Lindsay Rosenwald
Thank you MJE for your hard work & dedication. Special thanks to the amazing Feldman Family #bestpurimcostumes
Jenna & Matthew Rubin
In honor of Adam and Jodi Weinstein
Rabbi Allen Schwartz
Bonnie & Rabbi Gideon Shloush
In honor of Danny Hackman
Sandra Shrago
Rebecca Silver
Dana & Joey Small
In honor of Adam and Jodi, Avi and Barrie, Jen and Erik, and All of the Honorees 
Debbie Veetal
Mazel Tov Rabbi and Jill, Jen and Erik and and all the honorees!
Lea & Yitsy Weinreb
In Honor of Barrie and Avi Ishofsky
Macia & Avraham Weinstein
In honor of Adam and Jodi Weinstein
Roslyn & Gerald Weinstein
Rivka & Marc Wiznia
Michele & Howard Wolf
Evan Yougn
Mazel Tov Adam and Jodi! Love - Sheemon and Briana Zackai
Briana and Sheemon Zackai
Joey Zimet
Esther & Matthew Zimmelman
Elaine Zinberg
Simmy & Bob Atkins
Ornella Beresi
In Honor of Ezra Cohen - Esteemed Rabbi & Friend
Charles Berger
Dania & Zev Berkowitz
In honor of Barrie and Avi Ishofsky
Elisia & Keath Blatt
Ellen Cherrick
In honor of Jodi and Adam Weinstein
Jonathan Cogan
In honor of Barrie Weinstein and Avi Ishofsky
Dara & Mike Cohen
In Honor of Sander Gerber
Dovid Cohen
Crescent Properties
Jaclyn Diamond
Mazal tov to Adam and Jodi -- we're so proud of you guys!!!  Tami and Shlomo
Tami & Shlomo Drapkin
In honor of my teachers and friends -  The Wildes, the Rosenthals, the Feldmans, and my dear Jen Bieber-Schetina. The Ecksteins, Jerusalem
Michal & Joey Eckstein
Esther & Rabbi Moshe Frank
In honor of Sivan and Sholom Frank
Mirel Frank
Congrats Big Daddy Ezra
Donny Frenkel
Sharon Friedman
In honor of Barrie Weinstein and Avi Ishofsky
Stephanie Glenn
In Honor of the Ishofskys
Drs. Amy & Martin Griffel
Mazel Tov to Avi and Barrie
Raphaelle & Richard Haimowitz
Mazal Tov to the honorees, with special regards to our friends Erik, Jen, Avi and Barrie
Shira & Rabbi Avi Heller
Mazal Tov Jodi and Adam!
Sara Hiltzik
Michael Hollenberg
Ish Gam Zu
Mazal Tov Avi and Barrie! So proud of you now and always!
Rachel & Mat Ishofsky
Noah Jaffe
In honor of Erik and Jen Schetina
Malka & Mordecai Katz
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Jodi and Adam Weinstein on this well deserved honor!
Ayala & David Lallouz
Marianna Lamnina
Sheera & Keith Landsman
Rysia & Boris Lasman
Ilene & Stephen Leibowitz
Jessica Levine
In honor of Barrie and Avi Ishovsky: We are proud of you
Doreen & Matthew Lustigman
Jenn & Gaby Minsky
Veronica & Erwin Muth
In honor of Dr. Barrie Weinstein and Avi Ishofsky
Amy Gruenhut & Daniel Oppenheim
Mazel Tov!  Avi Ishofskly and Barrie Weinstein
Alice Shechter & Lee Ornati
The Paretsky Family
In honor of Barrie Weinstein and Avi Ishofsky, Couple of the Year.
Jason Shames & Dorit Rabbani
All best wishes to our dear friends, Sander and Tracy!
David and Elky Retter
Mazel Tov Rabbi Wildes on your continued success!
Beryl Rosenberg
Michael Sankari
Congratulations to Jodi and Adam Weinstein on a well-deserved honor. You continue to always inspire us.
Nicole & Marco Sardar
Chana Shechter
Ari Siegel
Mazel Tov to Avi and Barrie. With Love from the Spektor Family
Michael Spektor
Michal Strick
Chana Schalit & Adam Thaler
Gavi Unger
Thank you for all your great work!
Julie Wasserman
In honor of Barrie Weinstein & Avi Ishofsky.
Erica Weinstein
I honor of Barrie Weinstein and Avi Ishofsky
Judy & Jerrald Weinstein
In honor of Barrie and Avi Ishofsky
Gony Weiss
 Kol HAKAVOD Jill and  Rabbi and Wildes. With admiration and love, Sari and Simcha Willig
Sari & Simcha Willig
In honor of Adam and Jodi Weinstein
Amy & Jonathan Yaffe
Howard Zeisel