Innovation in Teaching Award

The Innovation in Teaching award recognizes creative pedagogy that makes a mark on students and has the potential for wider application and teacher growth. Launched in 2022, the award honors the creative and thoughtful ways that MILTON educators approach student learning.
2023 The Mishkan Project, 7th Grade 
The Mishkan Project culminates 7th graders’ study of Sefer Shemot (Book of Exodus) and the building of the Mishkan (temple). Bringing history, math, engineering, art, and design thinking to Torah study, this collaborative, hands-on project challenges students to articulate their own conception of the Mishkan. Receiving the award for the Middle School Judaics Team are Devora Hornstein, Ora Cohen Rosenfeld, and Mat Tonti. Special thanks also to Elana Cohen, STEM and Design Thinking Coordinator and Shifra Chelst, Judaic Studies Teacher and Curriculum Coordinator for their support of the project. 
2022 Climate and Culture, 4th Grade 
The Climate and Culture Project is an interdisciplinary, research-based unit that begins with the question, "What is Normal?" and brings empathy and science to the practice of global citizenship. The project encourages nuance and critical thinking, and weaves together primary source text analysis, design thinking, collaborative learning, and presentation. Receiving the award for the 4th Grade Team are Elana Cohen, Hanina Goldstein, Steven Magenheim, and Vinny Prell. 
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