Honoring Community Leaders, Supporting Jewish Education
Purim Ball,  a celebration of leadership and excellence in Jewish education, is the school’s largest community fundraiser. This year we honor the faculty and staff who make MILTON an extraordinary place to learn. Our teachers bring unparalleled expertise, warmth, and energy to the classroom. Our staff wear many hats, creating an environment of joy, respect, and purpose. Collectively, these essential workers have given decades of service to the school. Their multiplicity of talents, flexibility, and commitment to innovation bring a kaleidoscope of wonder to each new day. And while a school day may be 8:30 to 3:30, our teachers and staff begin and end their work long beyond those hours – working behind the scenes and together to create the magic that everyone sees. 
Join us March 7 online as we celebrate and honor each and every staff member. General admission is free. All gifts and sponsorships made through Purim Ball support The MILTON Fund, which makes exceptional and nimble programming possible and bolsters the school’s priority investment – the faculty. If you’ve already given to The MILTON Fund this year – thank you! If you’d like to make a gift today, it will count toward the school’s annual need – a more than $1 million difference between tuition revenue and the real cost of an outstanding Jewish education. This year, given the unprecedented expense of opening with strict health protocols and social distancing measures in place, the school’s current fundraising need totals over $1.6 million. 
A MILTON education changes lives. So can you, through your support. Please join us. 
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