Congratulations to Marc Klee and Loen Amer
on your well-deserved honors.
We're thrilled to be sharing this evening with you.
Mazal Tov to USY's Class of 2019
Congratulations to our very own USYers
Mikayla, Daryn & Aidan
You inspire us every day with your love
of Judaism, learning and community.
A special thanks to METNY USY for your
commitment to the next generation of Jewish Leaders
Rhonda & Jonathan Golub
Mazel Tov to both the Golub Family and to Loen
for their well-deserved honors.
Thank you to my wife Barbara and my sons,
Robert & Brian, for always encouraging me.
Yishar Koach to all the USYers, donors
and supporters for all they do to enhance
this great organization and to strengthen
Jewish ties for future generations.
With a special thank you to the USY
Scholarship Committee and the Youth Commission who work tirelessly behind the scenes. Marc Klee
Mazel Tov to Marc and Loen
Thank you for all you do
for Metny Alan Reid
Best Wishes and thank you to
USY for the incredible work that you do. Barry Lovell, Ellen Reinheimer, and Shira Lovell
Mazal to the Golub Family
Awesome Parents Outstanding Kids
Thank you for supporting our youth!
With love and appreciation,
Diane & Gary, Yaira, Gidi,
Matan & Hava Katz
Congratulations to
all the honorees
on your well deserved recognition.
Marvin & Ivy Schildkraut
Mazal Tov to
the Golub Family, Marc Klee,
and Loen Amer!
Thank you for all that you do
for USY! Matt Fassler and Mandy Greenfield
Mazal tov to Jonathan and Rhonda
and to your dedicated
and talented children on this honor!
Also congratulations to Marc
and thank you for the good work
we see you do at WJC and to Loen
on your impressive commitment
to Jewish youth.
Danya & Marc Berman
Bet Torah wishes a heartfelt Mazel Tov to
METNY USY and honorees
The Golub Family
Guardian of the Future Award
Mark Klee The Avodah Award
and our own Director of Youth Engagement
Loen Amer The Young Leadership Award
We are so proud of you and grateful for
all of you do to engage and inspire our youth through meaningful learning
and community building experiences.
With our best wishes,
Rabbi Aaron Brusso,
Youth Chairs Lauren Adler and Cara Hiller,
and the Bet Torah community
Mazel Tov to all of the honorees for this
special and well deserved honor and your commitment to our teens and METNY USY.
With a special thank to my good friend Marc Klee for
his tireless efforts for METNY Joel Cutler
Mazal tov to the honorees for
your hard work to help ensure our future Temple Israel of Great Neck
Best Wishes and thank you to USY
for the incredible work that you do.
Callia, Arinn, and Moss Amer
Best Wishes and thank you to USY
for the incredible work that you do.
A special thank you to Marc Klee
for your tireless efforts
on behalf of METNY.
Linda and Howard Sussman
Mazal Tov to all the honorees
on your well deserved recognition
Ross, Jennie, Alexandra,
Caleb and Charlie Zelman
Mazal tov METNY!
Love, The Beermans
Audrey, Hal, & Ari Roy Beerman
Mazel Tov and Yashar Koach to Marc Klee and
Rhonda and Jonathan Golub and Family.
You are all great leaders of our community!!
Tris, Sam, Yali and Kenny Berger
Rhonda and Jonathan Golub and Family
We are so grateful for your commitment to
making our community the best that it can be!
With love,
Jane, Steve, Sam, Sydney, Ally
and Adam Donor
Best Wishes and thank you
to USY for the incredible work
that you do. Jack & Suzanne Berkowitz
In recognition of the Golub Family
and their many actions
as Guardians of the Future Freedman Family
Thank you, Marc, for all that you
have done and continue to do
for "our" children!
Mazal Tov to you and your fellow honorees.
Beverly and Howard Hoffmann
We are so grateful for your commitment
to making our community the best
that it can be!
With love,
Jane + Steve, Sam, Sydney, Ally + Adam
Mazal Tov to
the Golub Family,
Mark Klee
and Loen Amer!
May you each go from strength to strength!
Lois Kohn-Claar and Gary Claar,
Lilly, Ben and Isaac
Congratulations and Mazel Tov to
Jonathan and Rhonda Golub
on your recognition Yana & Josh Lukeman
Mazel tov to Loen Amer on
this lovely honor.
Thank you Loen and all of USY
for your great work and impact. Rebecca and Morty Schaja
Mazal Tov to Marc
and his fellow honorees
Judy and Ed Schwartz
Congratulations to
Bet Torah's own, Loen Amer
and all the honorees!
Joanna & Rich Segal
Congratulations to
Loen Amer
on the well deserved honor! Robin and Barry Simonson
Dear Loen,
Mazel Tov!
We are so proud of all that you do
to build a strong future
for the New York Jewish community.
You are a model for us all!
With love,
Eytan Kurshan and Anna Squires Levine
Mazel Tov to our friends
the Golubs,
for this well-deserved honor!
Congratulations to all the honorees
for your commitment to USY.
Audrey Samers and David Glicksman
Congratulations Loen!
We are so proud of you!
Lots of love,
Aunt Sue and Uncle John
Mazel Tov to the Golub family
and all honorees
on your outstanding dedication
to our community and USY.
Thank you to USY for your commitment to
the future of the Jewish youth.
Julie, Warren, Carolyn, Leah
and Mitchell Breakstone
and Mazel Tov to all the honorees
Robin and Mitch Brill
Best Wishes and thank you
to USY for the incredible work
that you do. Deborah and Ari Burstein
Cousin Loen: You have written yet another chapter
in the wonderful and storied legacy of Mishpachat Amer.
Mishpachat Burton is very proud of you
and your superlative accomplishments
in teaching and leading the next generation
of committed Jews.
We also salute our good friends, the Golubs
(Schechter and PGT) and Mark Klee
(Beth El and Westchester Jewish Council),
for their strong leadership in all things Jewish.
Chazak chazak v'nitchazayk!
Ron, Joc, Ben, Maddie and Zach
Mazel Tov to
Marc Klee
and his fellow honorees
for all of the work that they do
for the community!
Barbara and Bob Cohen
Mazel tov to
Marc Klee
with gratitude for all that you do
From your friends and co-workers
on the Beth El Synagogue
Kiddush Committee
Congratulations to all the honorees on your
well deserved recognition.
Special Mazel Tov to Marc Klee for his years
of commitment & dedication to METNY and our teens. METNY District Council & Advisory Council
Congratulations Loen on this honor and being recognized for the great work that you do.
Barry Durst
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved recognition.
Barbara, Rob, Lee, Hannah
and Sophie Ehudin
"One who seeks out deeds of charity
and kindness will find life,
righteousness and honor."
Proverbs 21:21
Honoring Marc Klee
on your well-deserved recognition.
Jacqueline and Avi Einzig
Shanah, Amotz, Hayden, Zachary and Isaiah
Best Wishes and thank you
to USY for the incredible work
that you do. Russell Fayer
Congratulations to all the honorees
as we all know that USY is the building blocks
that keep the Jewish flame alive for this generation
and generations to come.
Special Shout out the Golub family
who work tirelessly in supporting
worthwhile Jewish causes
in our community.
Walter, Nanci, Lindsay, Melissa, Bradley
& Jessica Goldman Family
Congratulations and Mazel Tov to
Jonathan and Rhonda
on their much deserved honor.
Congratulations to all the other honorees
Nina and Richie Golub
Congratulations to the Golub
family on this amazing honor.
Thank you for all that you do.
Shiri and Andrew Greenberg
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved recognition.
Groner Family
Mazel tov to all the honorees,
with sincere gratitude to our dear friend
Marc Klee
for all he does for our community
Barbara and David Horowitz
and family
Best Wishes and thank you to
USY for the incredible work that you do. Andrew and Karen Jacobson
Congratulations Loen
With love,
Jeremy and Jill Temkin
Congratulations to
the Golub Family
and Honorees
Steven and Lois Kaufman
Jared and Julie Kaufman
and family
Mandi and Scott Dickman and family
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved recognition.
Richard, Randi, Jason & Brandon Klee
Mazal Tov to Loen Amer
and her fellow honorees!
Thank you all for your hard work,
dedication and unending support for USY.
USY, thank you for providing wonderful
Jewish, educational, social
and leadership opportunities
for our youth.
Manda and Lenny Kristal
Ariella, Danielle and Alex
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved recognition.
Lori, Steven, Jonathan,
Lily and Andrew Kurlander
Mazal Tov LOEN!
We are so thrilled
you are being recognized.
Neil and Alisa Rubin Kurshan
Mazel Tov to the entire
Golub family!
Well deserved!
Andrea, David, Jessica
& Zachary Lieberman
Mazal Tov to
the Golub Family, Mark Klee and Loen Amer! On receiving these special awards. You are all amazing people. Linda, Bruce, Josh and Ben Varon Linda, Bruce, Josh and Ben Varon
Congratulations Loen,
We are so Proud of you!
Nancy and Alan Marder
On behalf of the
METNY Youth Commission,
we would like to extend a hearty
Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to the
Golub Family, Marc Klee & Loen Amer.
We appreciate all that each of you contribute
to USY.
Thank you!
Best Wishes and thank you to
USY for the incredible work that you do. Jayne and Darren Peister and Family
Mazel Tov Golub family
on this fantastic honor!
Thank you for your dedication
to Temple Israel Center.
Rabbi Ari Isenberg
and Rabbi Matt Futterman
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved recognition.
Geralynn & David Reifer
Mazel tov to our good friend
and tireless volunteer, Marc! Elise and Barry Richman
Mazel Tov to the Golub Family
and all the honorees
for your tireless efforts
on behalf of USY
Robin, Marty & Michael Epstein
Alyssa & Brian Roney
In Honor of
Marc Klee,
whose work is always a Grand Slam!
Julie Rockowitz
Congratulations to all the honorees
on your well deserved recognition.
Susan & David Schlecker
Thank you to
the Golub Family, Marc Klee
and Loen Amer
for all your work
on behalf of USY.
Mazal Tov!!
Marjorie & Mark Seidenfeld
With love, respect,
and admiration for
Loen Kate Amer...
Mazel Tov from your big fans -
The Seidman Family Contributor
Congratulations to all the honorees
and a special Yasher Koach to Marc Klee
for his tireless efforts on behalf of METNY
Roberta Shapiro
Congratulations to
the Golub family
on your well deserved recognition.
The Jacobs family
"We cannot always build the future for our youth,
but we can build our youth for the future."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
We're so proud of Loen Amer for doing both!
Fill, Judy, Ivy, Eric, Ronni,
Jody, Hannah and Emma
The Peltz Family
Best Wishes and thank you to
USY for the incredible work that you do. Stuart Wallenstein
Congratulations to
the Golub family!
Thanks for all the great work you do.
Jay, Lyn, Herbert
and Sandra Weiss
We love Loen!
Thank you for all you do
and congratulations
on this great honor!
Jay and Lyn Weiss
Ilana Altman
Amy, Andrew, Marley & Alex Horowitz
Ron & Marilyn Arsham
Binger Family
Nina Luban and Scott Bonci
Rebecca, Arthur & Lena Calzontzi
Carly Siegel and Eytan Eilender
Ellen and Brian Chase/Vellensky
Rona Colton (Fromowitz)
Debra and Mark Hoffman
Mindy Edelman
Eric and Shoshana Farbman
Aaron Feinberg
Sheryl and Aaron Fleishaker
Pam, Eric and Julia Goldstein
Judith and Neil Grand
Peter and Phoebe Gross
Pamela Grutman
Samantha and Zachary Hoffman
Iroff & Iroff-Bailey Family
Janice, Craig, Sami, & Eric Wertheim
Amy, Mitchell & Aly Josephs
Rebecca Kane
LisaBeth Kaufman
Michael Heidi Alec and Maya Kremins
Felicia and Benjamin Leeman
Rabbi Joel Levenson
Bonnie & Paul Lewis
Jenny and Josh Mann
Debbie and Adam Mayblum
Judith and Fillmore Peltz
Zoya Raynes
Shery, Howard, Adam, David & Shayna Rosenstein
Barbara and Jonathan Samuels
Sarah Peaceman and Hal Dworkin --Mazel Tov!
Rabbi Craig and Nancy Scheff
Mike and Roni Schiffres
Judy Schmeidler
Charles, Leslie, Alyssa, Jared and Eden Schwartz
Jeff and Julia Shlefstein
Marlene Siegel
Shira Lee & Dan Silver
Avi & Justin Rosen Smolen
Naomi Herman Snider
Liane Reid & Stephen Baer
Sandi and Steven Swerdloff
The Bartell Family
The Shinder Family
Alicia and Hannah Traktman
Giselle, Alan, Lauren, Jack, Nicole Weissman
Esther and Ben Wieder
Debbie and Steven Young