Kohelet Yeshiva 23rd Annual Gala
May 17, 2023 | 26 Iyar, 5783  6:30 PM
Kohelet Yeshiva Campus
Kohelet Pillar Award
Distinguished Faculty Award
Diamond Sponsor
Debra & David Magerman
Jamie & Scott Seligsohn
Emerald Sponsor
Mill Creek Capital Advisors
Diane & David Zwillenberg
Diane & David Zwillenberg
Sapphire Sponsor
Stacey & Amir Goldman (ad in honor of Lindenbergs / Rothschild)
Stacey & Amir Goldman (ad in honor of the Zwillenbergs)
Eve & Stephen Milstein
Pearl Sponsor
Giti & Jack Bendheim
Gittel & Alan Hilibrand
Shaindy & Noah Lindenberg
Chava Resnick-Paris & Andrew Paris
Rene Rubin & Seth Zwillenberg
Jade Sponsor
Sharon & Tom Baker
Bonnie & Mitchell Benson
Amy & Daniel Erlbaum
Irit & David Goldman
Frani Pollack & Joel Hecker
Cyndilee & David Kosloff
Lisa & Lester Lipschutz
Lori & Leon Salkin
Rachel & Joshua Steinerman
Double Chai Sponsor
Alisha & Jack Abboudi
Naomi & Josh Aronowitz
Brenda & Jonathan Bender
Malka & David Caroline
Carolyn Hochstadter & Adam Dicker
Vicki & Gary Erlbaum
Rebecca & Shalom Goldberg
Rachel & Omid Niknam + Kay, Tabas, Niknam and Didomenico Ophthalmology Associates
McKenzie & Asher Kohn
OmniComp | Suzie & Harvey Mindel
Sima & David Sherman
Sari Miller & Jay Steinberg
Michal & Michael Twersky
Shiran & Jeremy Zwillenberg
Chai Sponsor
Ariella & Moshe Chasky
Ruth & Ronel Elul
Yuliya & Eli Feldman
Jacqueline & Jonathan Gomberg
Yonina & Zev Jacobson
Yehudit & Ben Kandel
Amanda & Mayer Kohn
Menashe Kohn
Rama (Zwillenberg) & Mark Koslowe
Eve & David Kovsky
Rachel & Jon Mann
Ruth & Nachman Mazurek
Miriam & David Morley
Rebecca & Ike Sasson
Maita & Daniel Shinefield
Aviva & Paul Silberberg
Amy & Rabbi Noam Stein
Marilyn & Jerry Stern
Dvasha & Nachum Stollman
Becky & Nachi Troodler
Monique & Stephen Wallace
Garnet Sponsor
Melissa & Seth Schwartz and Family | Montgomery County ENT Institute
Yaella & Natan Aronhime
Janet & Gilad Gevaryahu
Nancy Isserman & Joel Horwitz
Helene & Greg Jaron
Sharon & Shimon Joshowitz
Elisa Kahn & Anatol Krupka
Monica & Daniel Matlis
Holly Cohen & Leib Meadvin
Marlene & Mark Moster
Elana & Amrom Obstfeld
Alise & Kenneth Panitch
Sharon & Charles Primerano
Belinda & Steven Raikin and Family
Schuchman Family
Rachel & David Schwartz
Ronni & Shlomo Troodler
Victoria Werth & Kevin Jon Williams
Jen & Michael Willner
Full Page
Elyse Siskind & Alana Abramson
Hildy & Paul Berlin | Caryn & Zumi Brody | Audrey & Joel Dahan | Neely & Elon Elisha | Melissa & Gershon Klein | Liz & Jeff Liss | Suzie & Jeff Lubin | Jenni & Dore Provda | Sabrina & Aaron Spector
Sherry & Michael Bohm
Nancy & David Brent
Le Vin Cellar
The Berley-Mellits Family
The OSM's Barg, Body, Drabkind, Elisha, Fischman, Greenberg, Gutterman, Hess, Kurlansik, Liss, Lubin, Roller and Sadiky families
Israela & Eliot Friedman
Jewish Federation Greater Philadelphia
Mekor Habracha
Foundation for Jewish Day Schools
Fromhold Jaffe Adams & Jun
Zwillenberg Kids & Grandkids
Rachel & Eric Klein
Ellen Lindenberg
Lisa & Yehudah Lindenberg
Miriam & Ira Parness & Family | Marci & Sammy Fenner & Family
Shifra, Eliana, Meital & Ilan Lindenberg
Marian Frankston & Burton Morris
Politz Day School of Cherry Hill
Congregation Sons of Israel
Phyllis & Charles Parker
Rachel & Arthur Pottash
Yaniv, Ayal & Ava Rothschild
Shari & Stuart Rudoler
Amber & Joey Schwarz
The Merion Shtiebel
Eileen Watts & Daniel Siegel
Dov Simons
Teva Landscaping
U.S. Security Care, Inc.
Lisa Wise & Steven Weiner
Butsie & Jay Weinstein
Arnie Weiss
Half Page
Armanino LLP
Louie Asher
Chana & Rabbi Ben Zion Berliant
Ellen & Michael Braffman
Daphne & David Price | Cheryl & Richie Broth
Law Offices of Debra G. Speyer
Larry Deutsch
Joanne Perryman & Tim Douek
Joy & Brian Goldstein
Harriet & Mervin Hartman
Daniella & Rabbi Aaron Horn
Lynn & Billy Jungreis
Lisa & Brandon Swartz
Gail & Elliot Norry
Pia & Stu Pollack
Karen & Neil Schmerling
Lisa & Roy Schreiber
Naomi & Ira Sved
Quarter Page
Shelly & Jerry Abramson
Gail & Robert Belfer
Chani & Yoni Berliant
Molly & Yaakov Bindell
Lisa & Jordan Booty
Caryn & Zumi Brody
Kasco Construction Co., Inc.
Atara & Rafi Eis
Rhona Gerber Schneiman & Eitan & Erik Schneiman
Rhoda & Mendy Farbowitz
Pearl & Joe Farbowitz
Julia and Shmarya FM-Gasner
Gilya & Len Freedman
Lea Keil Garson & Eliot Garson
Brenda & Stanley Goldstein
Sue & Hal Gordon
Elyse & Aaron Greenberg
Dr. Michael Grossman
Debbie & Barry Hellman
JFS Wealth Advisors
Rachel & Barry Kirzner
Vanessa & Victor Mellul
Estee & Avraham Nadav
RAISE Nonprofit Advisors
Nyer Family
Emilie Passow
Bruce & Scott Pottash & Ferguson Family
Laya & Jay Press
Myra & Gregg Pressman
Ellen Relkin & Alan Rojer
Aaron & Shira Roller
Esty & Itamar Rosensweig
Joan Kleinman & Sam Witten
The Grabell Family
Gail & Marty Twersky
Talia Ben-Jacob & Craig Whitman and Aurora, Zeke, & Asher
Rachel & Rabbi David Wilensky
Renee, Judy & Michael Zwillenberg
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