Eternal Light
In honor of Julie, Batsheva
and the women they inspire.
Congratulations JWC Atlanta 
on 10 years of inspiration
and connection!
In honor of Helen Zalik
Michele and David Hirsch
Mazel Tov to JWC 
on your 10 year Anniversary!!
You are a great inspiration to our community!
Helen, we are so proud of you
and the impact you make on Jewish Lives!
We love you,
Lisa, Seth, Max, and Dori
Congratulations to all of the founding women
of JWC Atlanta and its executive directors
for your original vision to create an organization
building a spiritual community
based on Jewish values.
A special shout-out to Faye Lefkoff,
whose selfless love and support
brings spiritual continuity to our family.
Craig Lefkoff, Steven & Anna Lefkoff,
Ryan & Meredith Lefkoff,
and Brad & Julie Fine
So proud of you, Bev and of JWC Atlanta!
Kind of unbelievable - creating a start up
that has become one of Atlanta's most successful
outreach organizations.
A shining example of what can be achieved!
Marc, Alexandra, Rachel,
Sarah, and Rebecca Lewyn!
Congratulations to an amazing wife, 
mom and mimi - we love you!
Yasher Koach to all the amazing Eishet Chayil
being honored this evening.
Thank you all for keeping the flame alive.
 Papa J, Andrew, Chevi, Pearl Chaviva
and Shoshana Adira, Steven, Sherry,
Marin, Lane and Libby and Megan
To the Brasch Family's fearless leader: 
Kol Hakavod for all your hard work
and tireless efforts for our Dunwoody
and the greater Atlanta Jewish community.
We and your extended global family and friends
love you and are very proud of
your accomplishments.
To your fellow Honorees, you are all awesome.
Fred, Ben and Adam Brasch
Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Jeff, Sydney and Robert Goldstein
Congratulations to JWC Atlanta on 10 years
of spreading Jewish knowledge and values
to our community, and to its founding women
for their vision.
A special recognition to Faye Lefkoff
for giving our firm the opportunity
to be a host site for weekly learning.
Faye, you selflessly do so much.
You are so appreciated
by all of us at the firm.
Lefkoff, Rubin, Gleason & Russo, P.C.
Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Sammy Engelman
Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Expedia CruiseShip Centers
Congratulations ladies!
Thank you for taking the first steps
and making JWC what it is today.
Your vision has inspired many on their own path
to higher learning, compassion and understanding.
Wishing all of you a life of health,
happiness, peace and inspiration.
Jodi and Jonathan Ginsberg
In Honor of Robyn, our dear friend,
who inspires us
to be better every day
Kerry and David Greene
Mazel Tov JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Carey & Jason Guggenheim
Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta,
especially our amazing cousin,
Charlotte Marks!
We love you,
The Klugman and Werbin Family
To our wonderful wife and mother:
No matter what you do, you make all of us proud.
You always set a perfect example of how to live
a truly Jewish and meaningful life.
Thank you for setting the highest exemplary standards for us.
And, thank you for your brilliant guidance
in all that matters.
You are the difference in our family.
We love you!
Yosher Koach!
  Harve, Aaron, Leah, Zal,
Erin, Seth, & Beth Linder
Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta!
We can't wait to see what you accomplish
over the next 10 years!
Erin, you are an amazing wife, mother, leader
and role model who is the light of our family
and inspires us every day!
We love you!
Eric, Josh & Kira Mermelstein
Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Thank you Julie and Batsheva for inspiring us,
believing in us, and guiding us
on all of our journeys.
I love you both more than words can express!
Alyza and Justin Milrad
Mazal Tov to our own, special Ashet Chayil,
Robyn Regenbaum,
as well as the amazing founders and volunteers
that make JWCA so important
to Jewish Life in Atlanta.
We are amazed at all the lives you touch
and change every day.
Allan, Ilan, Kelli and Shaun Regenbaum
Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Penina & Bruce Richards
Lori/Mom, Mazel Tov on this honor.
Your dedication, selflessness, and commitment
to JWC Atlanta and women's causes
inspire us.
We're grateful for the example you set
and showing us how to "make it happen."
We love you!
  Herman, Jason, Melissa, Kayla and Mollie Schwarz
Congratulations to JWC Atlanta and their amazing Founders
for serving our Atlanta community for 10 years!!
May the journey forever continue!!
You make us proud and you keep us smiling!!
Siegel & Dolt Comprehensive Dental Care
Harris Siegel and Skip Dolt & our families
In honor of the incredible women 
who gave of their time, talents and love
to give us the gift of JWC Atlanta
and bring us to this day.
Mazal Tov and Yashar Koach.
Tracey & Sammy Grant
Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.
Also to my daughter, Gayle Herman Siegel
and her fellow members who have nurtured
the organization through out the time.
Phyllis Herman

As a currently MIA Founding Board Member & Visionary of JWCAtlanta,
it is Mark & my Honor and Privilege to recognize
these 'Sisters', their Dedication, and their Continuing Effort
in bringing G-d's Great Light and Message to THIS world!
So very Proud and Appreciative for ALL of YOU
and for whatever small part I might have played!
For all of you who have come along since... Keep the torch ALIVE! 
 Keep Stepping UP to fill the shoes of those who made
YOUR Journey Possible so that that Journey
may be available to Others!!
Karen and Mark Kaplan
So proud of all the work you have done.
Atlanta is lucky to have
each and every one of you!
Congratulations and Mazel Tov!
Michelle, Rob, Sari and Jeremy Leven
Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Mark & Linda Silberman
She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teachings of kindness
is on her tongue. Thank you to all of the Women of Valor
who give of themselves to better our world. Your energy is
contagious and your efforts are remarkable. You are more
precious than jewels. With Love and Admiration,
Amy and Robert Arogeti

Congratulations to our partner Erin Stone on this great honor
and congratulations to the wonderful women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Bovis Kyle Burch and Medlin, LLC
We are so proud of the dedicated energy you bring to JWC!
Mazal tov on 10 amazing years!
Staci and Matt Brill

Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
  Dr. Marc and Susie Greenberg
Eye Consultants of Atlanta
Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.

חסד ואמת אל-יעזבך קשרים על גרגרותיך כתבם על-לוח לבך.  משלי
Kindness and truth shall not leave you; bind them upon
your neck, inscribe them upon the tablet of your heart. Mishlei
To our dear friend Helen- You continue to inspire us all
with your determination and dedication to your family and faith. 
To Julie our friend and role model - Our family is grateful for
the relationship we share and for years of learning from you.
The Gold Family
Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way
that will lead others to join you ~ RBG
Lori Kagan Schwarz you make us proud
Jill Goldenberg, Jodi Shulimson & Wendy Handler

A Big THANK YOU to our wonderful friends from Trip #3,
Katie Busch, Carrla Goldstein, & Penina Richards & all of the other incredible Founding Members, Honorees & Founding Executive Directors who made JWC Atlanta a reality!
We want to thank you, ALL, for touching so many of our lives!
Mazel Tov,
Margot Alfie, Dara Brenner, Lori Halpern, & Karen Senft
To my energetic friend Robyn Regenbaum,
You never cease to amaze me in the 45 years
of friendship. And to my amazing
my new friend Elaine, Mazel Tov!
Debbie and Howie Margolin & Family

My dear friends  kol ha kavod! Your actions and words
have profoundly impacted our community.
You're an inspiration and we cherish our friendships.
Eva, Steve, Gavriella and Jaren Mendel
Our very best wishes to our friend Elaine Brasch
on this most deserving honor.
Mazel Tov! Keep up the good work!
Bill Neglia Insurance Group

Congratulations to all of the JWC Atlanta founding women
and special thanks to Faye Lefkoff for all you do
to strengthen our community.
Much love,
Amy & Philip Rubin
We are so proud to be friends with such accomplished women!
Kvelling for Charlotte and Robyn!
Mazel tov to you both.
Love, Your Birthday Buddies -
Amanda, Cindy, Nancy and Shelley

Mazal tov to JWC Atlanta founders
& volunteers -Helen, Carrla, Bev, Charlotte,
Robyn & Lori - for 10 years of inspiration and connection.
The Weber School
Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Jill Asrael

Congratulations to the amazing women that founded JWC Atlanta.
Saul Kaufman & Barbara Fleming

Congratulations JWC Atlanta on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.
Beth Intro Photography
Mazel tov Mom. Kol Hakavod to you
and your fellow JWC honorees.
Y'all built something serious from nothing. Amazing.
Benjamin & Adam Brasch

Kol HaKavod to Lori, Charlotte, Julie, Batsheva
and all the amazing founders of JWC Atlanta!
Daniel and Diana Cohen

Mazel Tov to Charlotte and Faye.
You are two amazing women
and we know how much JWC means to both of you.
Ina and Harold Enoch
Mazel Tov JWC Atlanta on 10 years of inspiration
and connection. You ignite our soul!
Bonnie and Ned Fitch

Congrats Lori Kagan Schwarz. You light up the path of others! Love,
Cathy, Stephanie, Ryan & Victoria Goldstein

Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Ilene and Adrian Grant
Mazel Tov to all these amazing women,
especially our very own Gayle Siegel!
We are so proud of you and we love you!!
  Dorene & Alvin Siegel, Robyn & Mark Clark
and Halli & Michael Jones

We and our community are so proud of
these amazing women who have changed the world
Wendy and Rabbi Joshua Heller

Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
In Memory of Mona and Eddie Crook
Congratulations JWC Atlanta on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.
Jeckil Promotions ~ Gayle Siegel

Congratulations to my daughter-in-law Faye Lefkoff.
You are an Aishes Chayil. You make me proud!
Harold Lefkoff

Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Aaron and Leslie Lipson
Gayle Siegel you inspire us everyday!
Mazel Tov on 10-years of JWC connection. We love you!
Amy Sue, Neal, Megan and Jake Maziar

Congratulations to the amazing women that founded JWC Atlanta.
Julie and Michael Rice and Nancy and David Weissmann

Congratulations to the amazing women that founded JWC Atlanta.
Eileen & David Price
LChaim & Love to Gayle Siegel -
A True Woman of Valor!
Darren, Paul, Barbra & Phillip Rosing

Our daughter/sister Faye - You impact our family
with your commitment to Jewish values. We're proud of you!
  Mama and Dad, Michael, Dawn and Sheri Siegel

Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Adrienne Litt and Murray Siegel
Congratulations JWC Atlanta on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.
Siegel Insurance
& Auto-Owners Insurance

L'Chaim to our daughter Charlotte Marks!
We're so proud of all you do to light and inspire a Jewish home
and community.  Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to you
and the women of JWC Atlanta!
Love, Tillie & Albert Tenenbaum

Kol Hakavod Elaine Brasch 
& the amazing women of JWC
With love and pride,
Gail, Butch and The Medwed Family
So proud of Lori and all who founded JWC Atlanta!
We know how much this organization means to you.
Your Shabbaton

Our very best wishes to our friend
Elaine Brasch
on this most deserving honor.
Mazel Tov! Keep up the good work!
Zapken & Loeb LLP

Mazel tov to Helen and the incredible JWCA founders.
Your hard work and dedication has inspired so many.
Amanda Abrams and Ben Dorfman

With gratitude to Elaine Brasch and Bev Lewyn
for inspiring us, our family, friends and community
Zoya and Jack Arbiser

Well deserved Carrla Goldstein!
Bam Travel Adventure
Honoring the Founders for their vision
Allison Beldick

Mazel tov to Elaine Brasch
and all the Honorees on the
10th Anniversary of JWC Atlanta
Stanley, Arlene, Sydney & Ellis Brasch

Congratulations Lori and JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.
Steven and Janet Cadranel
Congratulations to our dear friend, Erin,
who continues to inspire all who know her.
Leora & Abie Cohen

Mazel Tov to the JWC Atlanta founders!!!
Sydne and Neal Cooper

In Honor of Elaine Brasch & her inspiring leadership
& vision that helped JWC Atlanta become
a vibrant organization
Anne and Paul Corwin
We are so proud of our dear friend,
Charlotte, who works tirelessly for JWC
& so many other organizations.
Love, C5

Mazel tov to JWC of Atlanta and our sister,
Gayle Siegel, for an amazing 10 years. We love you!
Jeanne, Jeff, Rachel, Beth & Reuben

Mazal Tov Carrla, Charlotte,
Elaine, Erin, Gail and Robyn
Rabbi Binyomin & Dena Friedman
and Congregation Ariel
Hearty Mazal Tov Rob on a very well deserved honor!
You are an inspiration!
Mark, Lisa, Myrna and Norman xx

Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Yifat and Gil Friedman

Congratulations Lori Kagan-Schwarz
on this well deserved honor!
Laura and George Fuhrman
Congratulations JWC Atlanta on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.
Marla and Jeffrey Gold

Mazel Tov Elaine 
"May you go from strength to strength"
Brenda and Isaac Gozdzik

Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Laurie and Todd Greenberg
Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Junko Rivka
Horvath/Fujiyama Wealth Management

Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Andrea Jaron

Mazel Tov Elaine Brasch
From the
Reingold/Buczyner families
Susan, David, Jason, Jen, Jenn,
Michael, Dan & Monica
Congratulations to the amazing women that founded JWC Atlanta.
Seth and Sheila Jutan

Congratulations to my amazing sister, Lori Kagan Schwarz
who co-founded JWC Atlanta. Couldn't be prouder. XO
Debbie Kagan

Congratulations to Gayle Siegel 
and all the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Betty and Louis Kalish
Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Leanne Kaplan

In honor of Elaine Brasch
and her commitment to the Jewish Community
Love the Kriegels, Rabners, Suricks

Mazel Tov to the beautiful souls
who founded JWC Atlanta!
Debbie Kuniansky
Congratulations to the amazing women that founded JWC Atlanta.
Stephanie and Brad Ladden

Thank you to The Founders, Julie, Batsheva,
and Supporters for creating the remarkable JWCA community!
Susie and Jay Lazega

Congratulation Faye Lefkoff!! An honor which is so deserved!
So proud of you and All you've done for JWCA.
Bundi and Larry Lefkoff
Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Alyson, Gabe, Micah,
Noah, Rachel Lembeck

JWC Atlanta ignites our soul.
Eric and Shari Magnus

Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Jodi & Shon Mekyten
Yasher koach lovely girlfriends
igniting Torah's light
Ilene and Jonathan Miller

Congratulations JWC Atlanta on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.
Carol & Ian Ratner

In honor of Robyn Regenbaum
for her devotion to Jewish life & learning
in Atlanta through the JWCA. Mazel tov!
Caron and Sheldon Regenbaum
Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Esty & Daniel Richman

Charlotte and Lori - Two of our favorite community leaders.
Kol HaKavod for all you do.
Judy and Shai Robkin

Congratulations JWC Atlanta on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.
Susan and Jay Rosenheck
In honor of Gayle Siegel and JWC Atlanta
Leslie & Robert Rothberg

Congratulations to the founders of JWC!
Especially FAYE LEFKOFF - you make us all so proud!
Adam and Jaime Russo

In honor of our beautiful daughter, Bev Saltzman Lewyn,
and JWC Atlanta. Mazel Tov!
Resanne and Earl Saltzman
Congratulations to my dear friend
Elaine Nussbaum Brasch
& all those who made JWC Atlanta happen!
Lauren Schoenfeld Racoosin

Congratulations JWC Atlanta
on 10 Years of inspiration
and connection.
Tracy & Brian Seitz

Congratulations JWC Atlanta on 10 Years of inspiration and connection.
Cory and Randy Shaw
Mazel tov to an inspiring duo
Julie and Batsheva & the dedicated women
who make JWC Atlanta happen
Rabbi David Silverman

Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Wendy Solon

Mazel Tov Elaine,
your dedication, kindness & enthusiasm 
inspires everyone you meet!
Shirin & Steven Stein
Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Marcy Steinberg

To the women representing JWC, we appreciate your efforts and inspiration in maintaining Jewish ideals. Mazel Tov!
Robbi & Robert Strauss

Elaine Nussbaum Brasch & Gayle Siegel
Bz and Jay Tanenbaum
Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Esther & Jeffrey Taratoot

Congratulations to the amazing women that founded JWC Atlanta.
Roman & Jennifer Teyf

Congratulations to the amazing women
that founded JWC Atlanta.
Andrea and Neill Videlefsky
Mazel Tov & Kol Hakavod to the amazing founders
who illuminate and inspire the lives of so many
through JWC Atlanta
Reneé and Searle Videlefsky

Congratulations to our amazing friend and founder Elaine!
Wishing JWC Atlanta continued success.
Gail, Andy and Allie Wainer

Helen, you are an amazing woman, inspiring others
in what you do for your Family and Community.
All my love,
Raya Zalik
Kim Aaron
David Bloom
Robert and Lily Bock
Ashli Breen
Jeff and Susan Brickman
Jennifer & Michael Buczyner
Melinda and Gavin Cobb
Jeffrey & Margaret Cohen
Susan & Mark Cohen
Congregation Ariel Sisterhood
Margo and Doug Diamond
Sheryl and Steve Eisenberg
Harriet and David Fisher
Debra Tenenbaum and Fred Spring
Beth & Jared Friedman
Lora Fruchtman
Linda Grobman
Valerie Hartman
Stacey Horwitz
Paul Viner Intelligent Goat
Len Kagan
Marcy Kalnitz
Susan and Bennett Kaplan
Marcie and Barry Koffler
Sheri and Craig Kornblum
Mara and Jeff Lapp
Marlene and Lawrence Laveman
Marvin and Roberta Lew
Lisa Galanti & Hal Rabinowitz
Rita and Marc Lor
Phyllis & Alan Mankoff
Eric and Jody Nathan
Pam and Raoul Nowitz
Howard, Shala, Amy and Daniel Regenbaum
Kelly and Craig Richman
Jill & Ron Segal
Tessa Shaban
Cindy and Greg Silberman
Marianne and Mark Tarica
Terry & Jan Tenenbaum
The Atlanta Jewish Academy
The Franco Four
Aaron & Beth Valenta
Elana Yoels