Mazel Tov
Pat Fingeroth on receiving
The Charles H. Revson Award from the
JTS Center for Pastoral Education
Thank you for your longstanding leadership, dedication,
and unwavering commitment to not only JTS, but to the
local and global Jewish Community.
You are inspiration to us all.
The Geller Family Foundation
Kol Hakavod, Pat Fingeroth and Rabbi Melanie Levav
Pat, your thoughtful leadership inspires us all. Melanie, we honor your spiritual care leadership
at the Shomer Collective.
With Admiration, Judy and Jack Stern
Mazel Tov to the Honourees,
Pat Fingeroth and Rabbi Melanie Levav
We are proud to support the Center in its important work
Harold and Carole Wolfe
Black & White
To Pat,
We celebrate you and love the dedication and generosity
of spirit you bring to the Jewish community.
With love from your Aging and Saging Sisters
Black & White
Mazal tov to the 2024 CPE honorees & in honor of
my dear friend, Judy Stern
Helena Diamant Glass Black & White
Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to our good friend
Pat Fingeroth, for all you do for so many communities,
the Jewish people and the world.
Judy and David Gilberg
Black & White
One woman's candle is a
Light for the many
(adapted from the Talmud, Shabbat)
Mazel Tov
Pat Fingeroth
for your
Commitment and generosity of service
Center for Pastoral Education Nadine Habousha Cohen
Black & White
Thank you, Pat, for your extraordinary contributions
and for being the shining example of leadership
and compassion that we all aspire to emulate.
Mazel tov and much love Donna Jakubovitz Black & White
In honor of Pat Fingeroth and Rabbi Melanie Levav --
thank you for your dedication to the field of
Jewish pastoral care.
In honor of all students, staff, and supporters of the
Center for Pastoral Education.
שתלכו מחיל לחיל May you go from strength to strength! Rabbi Naomi Kalish and Rabbi Rob Scheinberg Black & White
Mazel tov to our wonderful honorees: Pat Fingeroth for her extraordinary commitment and
accomplishments as Chair of the CPE Advisory Board.
Rabbi Melanie Levav for her inspired and groundbreaking
leadership of the fields of pastoral and end of life care.
May you go from strength to strength. Sally Kaplan
Black & White
Pat Fingeroth
Kol Hakavod for all you do on behalf of others
Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition
With admiration and affection,
James & Leah Lieber
Black & White
The world rests on three things: on Torah, on acts of service,
and on loving kindness. (Pirke Avot 1:2)
Our world is made so much better because of your Torah, your
acts of service and your loving kindness. Your leadership and
compassion inspire us. We are so grateful for all your
contributions to our beloved JTS and
its wonderful Pastoral Care program.
With gratitude and Mazel Tov,
Your Park Avenue Synagogue Clergy
Black & White
Mazal tov to Pat and Melanie
on this very well-deserved honor!
Your leadership and vision is inspiring, and we are grateful.
Julie Sissman and Phil Richter Black & White
Pat Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach on this well- deserved honor.
We're so happy to celebrate you today.
CPE is so fortunate to have been the beneficiary of your
leadership, knowledge and passion for the Jewish people.
May you continue to go from strength to strength
for many years to come.
Nan and Howard Black & White
Congratulations to Pat Fingeroth on this well-deserved honor.
Your selfless devotion to the CPE Program is an inspiration.
May you have many more years of helping
the causes you believe in.
Lois and Len Sharzer
Notable Mention
Susan Abramowitz
Arthur Ainsberg
Rabbi Melanie and Hope Levav
Vered Rabia
Suzanne Schecter
Jen Sokol
Sandy and Dan Stoller
Ronald Weiner