Congratulations to Mychal Springer
The Center for Pastoral Education

on the important and life changing work you do
With gratitude and admiration
Vicki Schonfeld
Vicki, we are thrilled to celebrate 
your remarkable contribution to the
Center for Pastoral Education

Thank you for making this work
a part of our lives

Kol Hakavod ... and Much Love
Judy and Jack
Kol HaKavod
Rabbi Mychal Springer
It is an honor to partner with you
in the extraordinary work you are doing
Joan Goodman, Rachel Hanser, Michele Carlin
Thank you for all you do all year long
Vicki Schonfeld
Congratulations!!!  You are truly an inspiration to all of us
Pat and Jim Fingeroth
Thank you to
Dr. Su Yon Pak
for her dedication to
Clinical Pastoral Education
and for helping seminarians find their place 
to explore a call to action
Lincoln Frank and Molly O'Neil Frank
JTS appreciates the continuous support of 
The Malinsky Family for
The Center for Pastoral Education
Mazel Tov for being a caring,
smart, beautiful and resilient woman
With all my love,
Congratulations to this year's honorees
and gratitude to Mychal Springer
and the welcoming and loving community
at the Center for Pastoral Education

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
                                   Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 
Richard Schloss
Much love,
Betty and Moses
Copper Page
We at the
Kramer Financial Group
are very proud of
Vicki Schonfeld
and the work she has done
for the
Center for Pastoral Education
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V I C K I   V I C K I   V I C K I   V I C K I 
V I C K I   V I C K I   V I C K I   V I C K I
Chagit and Roger                                                       Daphna and Oded
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Black and White Page
Much love to my dear friend
Pat Fingeroth
whose dedication
to this effort is evident in every way

All my love and admiration
are extended to her
Carol Dikman
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Black and White Page
We salute Pat Fingeroth
for her leadership, support
and dedication of 
The Jewish Theological Seminary
and for all the good she and Jim bring to JTS
With our utmost respect and gratitude
Dana, Joseph & Jacob Kekst
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Warmest Mazel Tov
to all of the incredibly deserving
award recipients
Rabbi Lori Koffman
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​Mazal tov
Vicki Schoenfeld
on this well-deserved honor
Brenda Berry and Jon Lopatin
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Dear Vicki,
Our lives have intersected in so many ways
Parents arriving as German immigrants
Meeting your family at the Silvermann seder
Moving up the street
Graduating from Tenafly High School 
Fixing up your brother with my best friend, Liz
A passion for Jewish community
A love of Israel
Unexpected battles
A journey over decades-paths criss crossing
You are a woman of valor, strength, passions and intellect 
you have used all of those talents and more
Mazel Tov on this honor

Ellen & Zion Ozeri
Marion (z"l) & Curt de Jonge
Gabby, Jason & Ethan Grubbs
Chloe, Will & Neely Nassau

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Black and White Page
Mazal Tov to today's honorees

Nan Rubin
Notable Mention
Vicki Abrams
Arline Duker
Marvin Haas
Bob and Linda Marshall
Kathleen Peratis
Harriet and Len Schleifer
Elisabeth and Gary Schonfeld
Judy and Jeffrey Siegel