We Salute JKHA/RKYHS for Honoring
Dr. Lori and Doug Zucker 
Outstanding Community Leaders
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
A Visionary Initiative
Henny Bochner
A Beloved Educator
Sherry and Henry Stein
To our dear friends
Lori and Doug
Your time, effort and leadership for more than 30 years
has been incredible! We look forward to the next 30! 
Yasher Koach!
Your vision and philanthropy has propelled and will sustain
the MetroWest Jewish community for generations.
We are fortunate and proud to be your partners.
With admiration and affection,
Robin and Brad
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Shira and David Ashear
We honor

Rabbi Rubin 
and the
Administration and Staff

who work tirelessly on behalf of each student.
Mazal Tov to all of tonight's
Cheryl and Mark Friedman
Mazal Tov to all the
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Henny Bochner


Marci and Jeff Lefkovits

"והודעתם לבניך ולבני בנוך"

"And you shall teach your children and grandchildren." --Deuteronomy 4:9


In memory of 

Zoltan Lefkovits z"l 

Barbara Rosenfield z"l

Richard Rosenfield z"l 


Beloved grandparents of 

Michael, Jonathan, Olivia and Ethan

for setting an example by teaching us the
importance of Jewish education and values.


Marci and Jeff Lefkovits

Mazel Tov to

Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker 
Henny Bochner
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
on this distinguished honor, and
many thanks for all you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
Avivah and Mickey Gottlieb
In honor of
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
For your dedication to JKHA/RKYHS and the greater community.

Mazal Tov to the
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
For your extraordinary commitment to JKHA/RKYHS and the Day School Initiative

Yasher Koach to
Henny Bochner
Thank you for the positive impact you have on JKHA/RKYHS students.

Bat Sheva and Murray Halpern

Mazal Tov and best wishes to the
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
Henny Bochner

Greater MetroWest Day School Council


Gladys Halpern
Mazel Tov to all of tonight's
Thank you for all that you do on behalf
of JKHA/RKYHS and the entire Jewish community. 
May you continue to go from strength to strength!
Lee and Murray Kushner and Family
Congratulations to
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Henny Bochner
on this well deserved recognition.
Waters, McPherson, McNeill, P.C.
"To defend a country, you need an army. But to defend a free society
you need families and an educational system in which ideals are passed
from one generation to the next..." -Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
exemplify the best among the families. 
The Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Henny Bochner
are the forces behind the "educational system" that
makes JKHA/RKYHS the excellent conveyor of our
Jewish "ideals" from generation to generation.

May you all continue to go from strength to strength.
Alice and Jacob Klein
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Susan and Jason Klein
Mazel Tov to all of tonight's
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Debra and Dov Lando
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees
Lori and Doug
You have been quiet and behind the scenes, yet still a force
in the school for decades. We are so happy to see you being honored!
We've always admired your versatility and teaching expertise.
The school is lucky to have you as were our children.
To all associated with the Day School Initiative,
this has been truly innovative and impactful since its inception.

Thank you!

Bobbi and Michael Luxenberg and Family
In great appreciation of 11 years of inspiring,
inculcating and investing in our children.

Thank you to the
Faculty, Administration, Board,
Volunteers and Community

for creating an ideal environment
for growth in all ways.
Ellie and Alex Doctoroff
Metropolitan Dermatology
Mazal Tov to the 
Compliments of 
Esther and William Schulder
Mazel Tov to
Lori and Doug Zucker
Your dedication is truly remarkable and admirable. 
A most well deserved honor. 
Marisa and Richard Stadtmauer
THANK YOU to our friends
Lori and Doug
for your decades of dedication, excellence and inspiration
for all the children AND their parents
AND the educators of our community. 

May you continue to go from strength to strength.
Mazal Tov!

Beth and Marty Statfeld
(And Jenna and Dani who never forgot the lessons
you taught them on and off the basketball court!)
Mazal Tov to all of the 
Your commitment to JKHA/RKYHS
continues to be an inspiration to all of us!
Kol Hakavod!
Deborah and Wayne Zuckerman
Mazel Tov to
Henny Bochner
on this well deserved honor.
Thank you to the 
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Your dedication to and support of JKHA/RKYHS 
are greatly appreciated. 
Thank you to all the
JKHA/RKYHS Teachers, 
Faculty and Administration

who have encouraged and shaped
our daughters over the years. 
Sarah and Michael Diamond
With great appreciation 
for the wonderful Jewish education
our grandchildren 
Brianna, Jasmine and Ashton 
have received.
With love,
Sharon and David Halpern
Mazal Tov to the deserving
With gratitude to the JKHA/RKYHS teachers,
administrators, guards, and everyone who
makes JKHA/RKYHS such an incredible institution
for our kids and family.

We appreciate you all! 

Yaffa, Dave,
Talia, Ariella & Elliot Hoffman 
Congratulations to all the
Wishing each of you a well deserved Mazel Tov!
Kim and Jonathan Kushner
Mazel Tov to all the
Linda and Murray Laulicht
Mazel Tov to all the 
May you go from strength to strength!
Daniela and Michael Nisan
Mazal Tov to Lori and Doug Zucker
We are fortunate to count you amongst our friends for so many years.
Thank you for all you do-not only for our school, but our shul and community.
Your tireless efforts and your dedication are greatly appreciated.

Mazal Tov to Henny Bochner
Thank you for caring so much about every student who walks through your
doors. You have touched the lives of so many, including our children,
and gave them the tools to succeed. The school is lucky to have you.

Mazal Tov to the Greater MetroWest Day School Council
What you have done for Kushner Academy over the years is truly remarkable.
Thank you for helping to make sure that our school thrives.

With our warmest and heartfelt wishes,

Dara and David Orbach
Nathan, Benjamin, Max, James, and Annie
Mazel Tov to our good friends
Lori and Doug Zucker
on this well deserved honor.
Your commitment to our school community and the Jewish community
at large is something to be emulated. You constantly amaze us
with your acts of chesed and kindness that enrich so many lives.

Yasher Koach to
Henny Bochner
Our children were the beneficiaries of 
your commitment to educational excellence.
A huge thank you to the
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
who blazed a path and worked tirelessly to make a 
yeshiva education accessible to so many families.

Malkie and Paul Ratzker and Family
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn." -Benjamin Franklin
Kol Hakavod to all of the teachers, administrators and
staff who involve our children and support their learning. 
Mazel Tov to
Henny Bochner 
Educational Excellence Award
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Distinguished Community Leadership Award
Lori and Douglas Zucker
Congratulations to our friends
Lori and Doug Zucker
and all of this year's
Your support is critical to keep JKHA/RKYHS
vibrant and growing. Thank you to all of our leaders
who work to make this dinner such a success. 

Harriet and George Blank
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Shira & Barry Hammerman
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Anna and Dr. Steve Kirshblum
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.

Mali and Steve Schwartz
Lori and Doug Zucker
You have contributed to the growth and success of the Yeshiva
in countless ways over so many years. Your advice is
always appreciated and this honor is well deserved!
Henny Bochner
Thank you for your commitment to your students, including our boys. Your
extensive experience, skill set, and caring manner have had a great impact.
Where would we be without the
Greater MetroWest Day School Council?
Paula and Jerry (z"l ) Gottesman's leadership, supported by
a group of visionary donors, have provided many creative and
critical programs which support our Day Schools and their families.

Mazel Tov and thank you to all the Honorees!

Sharon and Ed Zughaft and Family
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Michelle and Shmuly Lieberman
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Janine and Ross Mondshine
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Leah and Joel Spielman

Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.

Effy and Richard Weisfield
Grandparents of Zachary and Sara
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Nili and Andrew Yolin
To Lori and Doug
Mazal Tov on this most deserving honor! Both of you exemplify selfless devotion and commitment
to our community. You are role models in your leadership and generosity, whether professionally
or personally, and always give in an unassuming way. Together, you inspire us and those around
you to elevate ourselves. We are thrilled to honor you this evening!
To Henny
Mazal Tov on your accomplishments and tonight's honor. We have seen firsthand your
commitment to academic excellence in tandem with your connection to the growth of each
student.  May you continue to guide and educate the RKYHS students for many years to come!
To Greater MetroWest Day School Council
We are privileged to live in a community embodying a strong commitment to Jewish education.
Your innovative and tireless efforts to create comprehensive opportunities for Jewish children
are an inspiration to communities across the country. Thank you for all you give to JKHA/RKYHS!
Sandra and Howard Blank
Jessica, Noam, Adam, Danielle, Joshua, Danielle, Daniel and Tamar
Jonah, Leah, Max, Eitan, Elizabeth, Tali, Henri and Teddy
Mazal Tov to all the
Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
You work tirelessly on behalf of your students,
JKHA, and the Jewish people.
We are so proud of you!
The Bochner Family
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.

Betsy and Phil Darivoff
Mazal Tov to
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
Terri and Michael Goldberg
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Eric and Yonina Gomberg
Mazal Tov to all the 
Thank you for all you do for the school
and for the Jewish community. 
Nina Taub and Joshua Horowitz
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Rabbi E. Samuel and Dr. Sarah Klibanoff
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.

Ariella and Jeremy Lebewohl
Mazal Tov to
Henny Bochner
a colleague and friend, on a most deserving honor.
Your passion and commitment to each RKYHS student is exemplary.
Thank you to the
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
for the extraordinary work you do to support the
JKHA/RKYHS students and families.

Congratulations to
Lori and Doug Zucker
on receiving the Keter Shem Tov award.
The school community is lucky to have you.

Allison and Seth Lyons

Congratulations to
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
on this well deserved honor.
Your dedication and hard work
over the years is an inspiration to us all.

Mazel Tov to
Henny Bochner
for your years of service to RKYHS. 
Your devotion to the school and
students is greatly appreciated.

Lori and Jeff Moskowitz 
Mazal Tov, Lori and Douglas Zucker
What an amazing couple! An extremely dynamic duo who is there to help anyone.
Nothing is ever too much or too overwhelming. Everything is completed with grace &
love. Thank you for your dedication to JKHA/RKYHS & the entire Jewish community.
Mazal Tov, Greater Metrowest Day School Council
"True Game Changers"
You have led the way to make the day schools the centerpiece of our
MetroWest community. This strategic vision has provided a home for so many more
Jewish children. This work is a true Kiddush Hashem. Each founding 
and new member of the Council is so deserving of this wonderful recognition.
Mazal Tov, Henny Bochner
Thank you for being such an inspiring educator.
Thank You To the most amazing
JKHA/RKYHS Faculty, Administration, and Staff
Lawrence Rein
Congratulations to all the 
Thank you for all you do for JKHA/RKYHS. 
Robbie D. Wood, Inc.
Mazal Tov to
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
Thank you for your dedication and hard work
on behalf of JKHA/RKYHS.
Mazal Tov to
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Thank you to the vision of its founders.
We're so proud to be part of the Council.
Yashar Koach to all the
Randee and Ken Rubenstein
In honor of our father and Zaidy
Rabbi Eli Rubin
who inspires us daily with his dedication to
Jewish education and his family.
And Mazal tov to
on this well deserved award!
Allison and Yitzy Rubin
Mazal Tov to
The Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
Sandra and Norman Samuels
Mazel Tov to the
Thank you to the wonderful
Teachers and Administrators
Rachel and Paul Scherzer
Mazel Tov and thank you to the
Their dedication and hard work
do so much to guarantee the outstanding
success of the school and community. 
Marilyn Smilowitz
Mazel Tov to the 
Your hard work on behalf of JHKA/RKYS is 
so greatly appreciated by the community. 
Chava and Dr. Kevin Sperber
Mazel Tov to
Lori & Doug
on this well deserved honor! Thank you for your ongoing dedication
and commitment to our school and our community. 

Mazel Tov to
Henny Bochner
You exemplify educational excellence and
always lead with kindness and caring.

Thank you to the
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
for all you do for JKHA/RKYHS and Jewish education.

With gratitude,

Sandy and Avi Steiner
Lilly, Sam, and Sophia 
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Shira and Dr. Jonathan Waldstreicher
Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Lori and Douglas Zucker
Thank you for your tireless work
for our school and community.
Helene, Michael, Erika, Perry, Elisheva,
Steven, Samantha and Seth Wengrofsky

Mazal Tov to all the


Thank you for all you do for JKHA/RKYHS 
and the entire Jewish community. 

CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (Alan Sobel)
Congratulations to all the Honorees
Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
A special Mazel Tov to Henny Bochner
Jake, Jordan and Brandon were fortunate to each have you as their teacher.
Your love and dedication to your students are apparent in all that you do.
Your inspiration, guidance and passion in the classrooom know no bounds.
Thank you on behalf of our boys and the entire Kushner community.
 Iva and Dr. Steven Dyckman
Mazel Tov
Lori and Doug
on this well deserved honor.
It ha been a pleasure working with you on different educational
initiatives. I am excited about mentoring my new colleague!
Mazel Tov to the
Greater MetroWest Day school Council
We are fortunate to have such a strong Federation as our partners.
Mazel Tov to a fantastic educator who is passionate about our school
and is talented with the big picture. I am looking forward
to partnering with you on many future initiatives.
Debbie and Rich Finkelstein
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Boni and Martin Moskovitz
Thank you to
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
for consistently demonstrating exceptional dedication
in supporting our school's success.
Thank you
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
for making a significant impact on our school.
Your passion for our students' well-being is deeply appreciated.
Mazal Tov
on a well deserved honor! Your selfless dedication to education
is a shining example for all. Your passion for teaching and
your commitment to each student's success are truly commendable.
Batya and Rabbi Yosef Sharbat
Mazal Tov 
to the
Robyn and Bruce Shoulson
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Francine and Carey Tajfel
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Milana and Myles Volosov
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
The Amster Family
We are delighted to be a part of the best
yeshiva day school in the country!

Thank you for welcoming us so warmly.
Mazal Tov to all the
Alexis and Maccabee Avishur and Family
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
The Babich Family
Mazal Tov to the
Thank you for all you have invested in our children's future.
May your work continue to inspire them and others.
Erica and Eliot Bank
Mazal Tov to
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
Yafitte and David Bendory
Mazal Tov to
Dr. Lori & Douglas Zucker
Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
Sarah and Ilya Bliner
Mazel Tov to all the
To our dear friends
Lori and Douglas
who exemplify characteristics that
all people should emulate:
Kindness, Generosity, Compassion and
Assistance to all in need.
Thank you for all that you do.
Love & Best Wishes
Arlene & Richard Bookbinder
Mazel Tov to all the
Thank you for all you do for our community.
Sara and Roger Braverman
Thank you to our dear friends 
Lori and Doug 
for your boundless energy on behalf of JKHA/RKYHS and the
entire Jewish community (and for your top-notch professional
services). Mazal Tov on this very well deserved honor!
Thank you to
Ms. Bochner
for your commitment to education and excellence
in all you do. We are so grateful that our children
had the opportunity to learn from you.
Mazal Tov!
Yael and Ephi Eisenberg
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.

Daniella and Steven Esses
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
We are so blessed to have you in our lives.
So proud of all you do for so many.
Susie and Kal Fishbein
Yasher Koach to our dear friends
Lori and Douglas Zucker
Our heartfelt thanks for all you do for JKHA/RKYHS
and the Jewish Community.
Alan and Brenda Freeman
Andy and Rebekah Freeman
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Arden and Benjamin Fusman and Family
Mazal Tov 
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
A couple who exemplifies community, dedication,
and care for Klal Yisrael. We are so grateful for
your friendship, your advice, and your example.
Henny Bochner
Your deep grasp of Jewish History and your superb ability to bring
it to life in a classroom are only surpassed by your dedication
and love for your students. Thank you for inspiring our children
and honoring their uniqueness and individuality.
Rachel and Cheskie Ginsberg
Mazal Tov to
Henny Bochner
on this well deserved honor.
You are an inspiration in all that you do.

Greater MetroWest Day School Council
your commitment to the school and the greater
community is unwavering. Thank you for all you do.   
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
for all the wonderful work you do on behalf of the school. 

Aly, Michael, Gabriella and Shaun Greenstein
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Gail and Mark Hausdorff
Lori and Douglas
on this very well deserved honor. We value your friendship and
are always inspired by your wisdom, integrity, immense kindness
and your inability to say no to anyone in need.
Mazel Tov to
Henny Bochner
on receiving the Educational Excellence Award. 
The award is richly deserved and we deeply thank you for all of the
wonderful educational opportunities that you have presented to our children.
Abundant thank-yous to the
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Without your efforts and consistent dedication, none of this would be possible. 
Judy and Doni Israeli and Family
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Alisha and Ariel Jacobs
Mazel Tov to the
Lori & Doug
We are grateful for your friendship and
appreciate your leadership in our community.
May you continue to go from strength to strength.
All Our Best,
Rachel and Josh Joffe
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire
our school and the Jewish community.

Stephanie and Oren Keiser
Mazal Tov to
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
Sue and Richard Kelin
Mazal Tov to all the
Thank you for your continuous dedication
and support of the school!
Drs. Dora Zuker and Shimon Korish
Congratulations to all the worthy
for this richly deserved recognition for all that
you do on behalf of the children of our community.
Drs. Helen and Jeff Lichtman
Lichtman & Lichtman Psychoeducational Services
In Honor of 
Lori and Doug Zucker
Your unwavering dedication to JKHA/RKYHS is deeply appreciated. 
You set a remarkable example through your grace, humility, and
boundless enthusiasm, inspiring us all. We feel very fortunate to
have you not only as leaders but also as cherished friends.
Mazel Tov to
Mrs. Henny Bochner
on being honored with the Educational Excellence Award.
Your achievement is truly well deserved, and we are so happy
to see your outstanding contributions acknowledged. Yasher Koach!
May Hashem keep all of Am Yisrael safe, and
grant us the strength to continue elevating and inspiring
each other for a long time to come, in good health.
Jennifer and Keith Mendelson
Mazal Tov to the
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
for your incredible innovation and
bringing Jewish education to so many more children.
Mazel Tov to
Lori and Douglas
for all you do in the community.
You are role models to us all.
Melissa Feldman and Ariel Nelson
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Dr. Wendy and Maurice Rabbenou
Mazel tov to
Lori and Doug
on this well deserved honor. Your kindness, your sensitivity, your
passion and your constant dedication to our community is endless. You
are true role models for all of us! Thank you for your constant devotion!

Mrs. Henny Bochner
Mazel Tov! There is nobody more deserving than you of this honor.
Your brilliance and enthusiasm shine! You truly are one of the
greatest, most inspiring teachers that Kushner has had while
our children were in school. Thank you for always caring about
your students and for being so passionate about educating our children.
Kushner is so lucky to have you on their team.

With great admiration,

Darbie and Robert Rabinowitz
Danielle, Alec, Drew and Zeke
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Janet and Sheldon Rosenberg
Thank you to
Lori and Doug Zucker
for all you do for your friends and our community.
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
You are role models for your chesed, Torah learning,
physical therapy, legal advice and poetry.
With gratitude and admiration,
The Rosenfeld Family
Mazal Tov to
Dr. Lori & Douglas Zucker
and all
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Dalila and Claude Rosenstrauch

Mazel Tov to all our

Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
The Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Henny Bochner

Thank you for your continuous support of JKHA/RKYHS.
You inspire excellence and personify the
ethos and ethics of the JKHA/RKYHS Mission.

Carolyn and Eliezer Rubin
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Juliet and Torin Rutner
Mazal Tov to all of the
on their well deserved recognition!
May you all continue to inspire the children,
school, and the Jewish community. 
Fran Schwartz
Mazel Tov to
Dr. Lori and Doug Zucker
You are pillars of our community and school.
Your never-ending nature to always be there is an inspiration.
Thank you for all that you do every day!
Mazel Tov to
Henny Bochner
Thank you for all of your dedication to our school.
Mazel Tov to all of the
Lisa and Dan Serviss
Mazal Tov to
Dr. Lori & Douglas Zucker
You are wonderful people and
incredibly deserving of this honor!

Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
Talia and Isaac Shmulewitz
Mazel tov to all the Honorees
Special callout to our good friends
Lori and Doug
who are lay leadership role models. We have worked alongside you in various
capacities at SSTC, and appreciate everything you have done there and
here at JKHA/RKYHS. We look forward to celebrating with you.
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
Your work is critical to the future of Jewish education and we are
very grateful for the important role you fulfill.
Mrs. Bochner
You are a beloved RKYHS teacher and the school is lucky
to have you on its faculty. Our son Daniel greatly benefited
from your tutelage, as do countless other students. Enjoy this award.
Ilan and Dina Simon
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Miryam and Dr. Josh Smilow
Mazal Tov to this year's special Honorees
Greater Metrowest Day School Council
for your vision, contributions and support
Lori and Doug Zucker
for your ongoing commitment to our school
Henny Bochner
for your devotion and dedication to the betterment
of our school community. It is my pleasure and honor
to work alongside such a skilled and talented educator.
Davida and Gary Stadtmauer
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
Mazel Tov to two people who give graciously, work tirelessly
and open their hearts and home to everyone.
Every day you embody the spirit inherent in
Mitzvat Ben Adam L'Chavero.
You are a shining light for K'lal Yisrael.
May Hashem watch over you both and your beautiful family.
All our love,
Debby Klein and Jeff Stiel
Alec, Sydney, Eli, Ali, Haley, Jonah and Harry
Mazal Tov to all the 
May you each continue to inspire and support JKHA/RKYHS.
A special Mazal Tov and Thank You to
Henny Bochner
for all you do for the school and students-
what a year to be teaching Jewish History to seniors.
Thank you to RKYHS for the education and care you have
provided Adam ('24) and are providing Bryan ('26).
Rebecca and Hank Strub
Mazal Tov to our dear friends
Lori and Douglas
on this very well deserved honor.
May your good works for the school and community
continue for many years. Kol HaKavod!
Hope and Robert Tafet
To our dear daughter, granddaughter, and sister


We are so proud of you, and your commitment
to Jewish education.
May you and JKHA/RKYHS be blessed
with growth and peace. 
The Tsikhanovski and Rubnich Family
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
You've helped the community for decades
No one deserves this more than you two
You've done it without fanfare or accolades
We are all so proud of you

Dalya, Ari, Reva and Zev
Rebecca, Yishai and Azi
Rachel, Jesse and Sharon too
Daniel, Dale and Robbie
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
James Turetsky
Mazal Tov to all the 
Thank you to the
Greater MetroWest Day School Council
for all that you do to support JKHA/RKYHS
in being the incredible school that we are.
A special Mazal Tov to
Henny Bochner
a colleague and friend, for all that you do to inspire, engage,
and empower our faculty, students, and school as a whole.
Marni and Mitch,
Julie, Brody, and Joey Weinberg
The Weiner Law Group wishes
Lori and Douglas Zucker
a hearty Mazal Tov on being honored with the Keter Shem Tov Award.
We wish JKHA/RKYHS much continued success in providing
educational opportunities to our children.
"Who is wise? One who learns from every man..
Who is strong? One who overpowers his inclinations...
Who is rich? One who is satisfied with his lot...
Who is honorable? One who honors his fellows."
-Ben Zoma, Ethics of the Fathers, 4:1
Wiener Law Group
Congratulations to all the
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Daniella and Scott Wittenberg
Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to
Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
on receiving this wonderful honor.
Thank you for all you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
All our love,
Mom, Marcy, Bruce, Scott, Irene and Family
Congratulations to our granddaughter Emma on your graduation
from RKYHS. May you achieve success in all your future endeavors.
We salute JKHA/RKYHS for the marvelous education that you have given
oour other wonderful grandchildren, Joshua (JKHA '11/RKYHS '15),
Eliana (JKHA '13/RKYHS '17), and Alexandra (JKHA '17/RKYHS '21)
Arthur Degen

Mazal Tov Emma--You made it!
Michelle and Bennett Degen
Josh (JKHA '11/RKYHS '15), Eliana (JKHA '13/RKYHS '17)
and Alexandra (JKHA '17/RKYHS '21)

Mazal Tov to Henny Bochner and all of the Honorees 
Thank you for all that you do for our school
and the Jewish community.
Gabriella and Charlie Larkin

Congratulations to all the Honorees.
May you each continue to inspire our school
and the Jewish community.
Lewinter Wealth Advisors, LLC
Mazal Tov to all the 
Thank you for all you do for JKHA/RKYHS. 
Julie and Howard Plotsker

Mazel tov to Lori and Doug Zucker for all that you for do
for JKHA and the greater Jewish community.
With Love,
The Siegel family
Josh, Nancy and our children
Mazal Tov
Lori and Douglas Zucker
Wendy and Stewart Ashenberg and Family

Congratulations to all the Honorees
May you each continue to inspire our school and the Jewish community.
Rebecca and Ari Berman

Congratulations to all the Honorees
May you each continue to inspire our school and the Jewish community.
Drs. Marni and Arkady Broder
Mazel Tov to Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker
on receiving this great honor and recognition.
Gail, Eric, Hayley, Zach, Sydney and Cooper Cohen

Honorees: מזל טוב! JKHA/RKYHS and the community
benefit from your leadership. !כל הכבוד
Hattie & Arthur Dubroff

Congratulations to Lori and Doug and all the Honorees and thank you! 
From our grandchildren,  Chana and Mendel Dobruskin
Shlomit and Dror Frommer
Mazal Tov to our dear friends Lori and Douglas Zucker
on this well deserved honor. "Yasher Koach!"
Elissa and Bernie Gorkowitz

In honor of Lori and Douglas Zucker: You are amazing friends, extremely
generous and kind. We appreciate all you do for our community and beyond!
Justine and Alwyn Klein

May Hashem grant you the strength to continue all that you do
for JKHA and the Community.
Robyn and Scott Krieger
Congratulations to all the Honorees
May you each continue to inspire our school and the Jewish community.
Ariel and Wolf Levenson

Mazal Tov to all the Honorees 
May you go from strength to strength. 
Susan and Dr. Shuli Moskowitz

Mazal Tov to Dr. Lori & Douglas Zucker
Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
Margie and Larry Samuels
Congratulations to all the Honorees
May you each continue to inspire our school and the Jewish community.
Lisa and Barry Schanzer

Congratulations to all the Honorees
May you each continue to inspire our school and the Jewish community.
Rachel Lohr and Adam Sheps

Mazal Tov to Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker and to Henny Bochner.
Thank you for all that you do for JKHA/RKYHS.
Shana, Avi, and Eitan Shua
Congratulations to all the Honorees
May you each continue to inspire our school and the Jewish community.
Karen and Leron Thumim

Congratulations to all the Honorees
May you each continue to inspire our school and the Jewish community.
Elyse and Avi Tuchman

Congratulations to all the Honorees.
May you each continue to inspire our school and the Jewish community.
Heather and Eugene Wishnic
May Rabbi Rubin and the entire JKHA/RKYHS administration, Rabbis,
and teachers each continue their incredible work.
Devora and Effy Zinkin

Tonight, as we honor
Henny Bochner
we celebrate her many achievements and
express our deepest gratitude for her leadership,
inspiring scholarship, and friendship. We admire
her impact that goes far beyond the subjects
she teaches; she shapes lives and builds futures.
The JKHA/RKYHS Administration

Dr. Lori and Douglas Zucker

Congratulations on being recognized and
honored by JKHA/RKYHS. Your unwavering dedication
to JKHA/RKYHS and to the Jewish people has a
profound impact on our school community.
Your wise counsel and meaningful engagement
contribute to the school's vitality and strength.
Thank you for devoting your time and resources
to support JKHA/RKYHS.
JKHA/RKYHS Administration

In recognition
of the generosity of the
Arie and Eva Halpern
Scholarship Fund

providing merit scholarship
awards to our high school students.
recognizes the generosity and vision
of the supporters of the
Forward with Excellence Campaign
for promoting academic excellence 
and capital improvements 
that ensure our students continue to
flourish in a state-of-the-art
learning environment.
לזכר עולם יהיה צדיק
"An everlasting remembrance
will the righteous man remain." Tehillim 112:6
We remember with admiration,
gratitude and respect

Mr. Joseph Kushner, ע"ה
Mrs. Rae Kushner, ע"ה
whose commitment to Jewish education
and the community benefited so many.

recognizes the generosity
and leadership of
The L'Atidenu Society of the
L'Atidenu Financial Assistance
Endowment Campaign

for promoting affordability
in Jewish education.

recognizes the generosity and vision of the

The Dr. Lynne B. Harrison
STEM Fund Grant

for its funding of the innovative and
inspiring STEM program at RKYHS.

In recognition and appreciation of

The Smilowitz Family Foundation
for generously helping to fund the
establishment of the Shorashim program
and their continued sponsorship
of the RIETS Fellowship Program.

The Officers and Trustees of JKHA/RKYHS
acknowledge with gratitude
the generous support of the
Jewish Federation
of Greater MetroWest NJ

and the
Jewish Community Foundation
of Greater MetroWest NJ


Greater MetroWest
Day School Council

Your support and partnership
inspire excellence.

JKHA/RKYHS Administration
תודה רבה
The Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy and
Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School
wish to express their gratitude
and appreciation to

The Entire Parent Body

Without your help and support, we would
never be able to accomplish our goals.