Event Chairs
Sarah and Michael Diamond
Abbi and Jeremy Halpern
Bat Sheva and Murray Halpern
Stephanie and Oren Keiser
Renee and Joshua Nabatian
Dara and David Orbach
Sarah and John Schapiro
Sandy and Avi Steiner
Deborah and Wayne Zuckerman
Journal Chairs
Debra and Dov Lando
Marci and Jeffrey Lefkovits
Bobbi and Michael Luxenberg
Lawrence Rein
Janet and Sheldon Rosenberg
Francine and Carey Tajfel
Dinner Committee
Michelle and Jacob Ansel
Ruth and Alan Bash
Bella and Daniel Baum
Sharon and Joshua Cohn
Leah and Josh Commer
Anya and Eyal Bitansky
Susan Braverman
Debbie and Michael Burack
Michelle and Bennett Degen
Yonit and Dr. Howard Felderman
Beth and Christopher Flippo
Rachel and Yony Fox
Rachel and Cheskie Ginsberg
Avivah and Michael Gottlieb
Lisa and Dr. Michael Gutkin
Shira and Barry Hammerman
Nina Taub and Joshua Horowitz
Debra and Neil Kaplan
Alexandra Rimer and David Katz
Justine and Alwyn Klein
Susan and Jason Klein
Betty and Tzvi Lando
EB Solomont and Philip Levy
Jaci and Henry Mandil
Liat and Jay Matthew
Debbie and Dr. Alex Marcus
Lauren and Dr. Michael Mayer
Jennifer and Keith Mendelson
Cheryl and Jason Munk
Melissa Feldman and Ariel Nelson
Malkie and Dr. Paul Ratzker
Deborah and Seth Rinn
Avra and Tully Rubin
Juliet and Dr. Torin Rutner
Shira and Joshua Stein
Betsy and Joel Yarkony
Nili and Andrew Yolin
Staci and Doron Zeif
Sharon and Ed Zughaft
Honorary Dinner Committee
Robin and Daniel Amster
Sheila and Robert Benrimon
Judith and Daniel Israeli
Robin and Brad Klatt
Alice and Jacob Klein
Linda and David Lewinter
Marisa and Richard Stadtmauer
Sherry and Henry Stein
Ronald and Andrea Sultan
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