Message from Rabbi Elie Weinstock
Welcome to the JCAB Summer Breeze 2024!
This year, our beloved Shul turns 75, and we are shining bright like a diamond! This year, instead of celebrating honorees, we will celebrate 75 years of JCAB as the center of vibrant Jewish life, prayer, religious growth, support for Israel, chesed, community, friendship, and inspiring our youth, the next generation. We will look back at all JCAB has accomplished to, please God, propel us forward to an even brighter future.
“V’zacharta et kol ha-derech – Remember the entire journey.” (Bamidbar 8:2)
How did we get here?
It all started in 1922 when Robert Moses had a plan to accommodate thousands of beach goers here. The plan never materialized. In 1923, the village's first developer, Atlantic Beach Associates led by Stephen P. Pettit, had dreams of creating a community that would rival the City of Long Beach. He died just after buying land for 3,500 lots in Atlantic Beach. In 1926, William Austin and Charles N. Talbot Jr. formed Island Park Associates which purchased the land. They completed dredging and shoring work and proceeded to subdivide the property. They installed gas and electricity lines and a sanitary sewer system was installed in 1927. They began selling land and building homes. The homes were all designed with seven rooms, two baths, private detached garages on 48' x 88' lots. The first bridge was opened and dedicated on June 29, 1927. (There were no decals or EZ Pass.) The current bridge was built in 1952. Beach Clubs opened and closed, and the Village incorporated in 1962 to keep the beach reserved for residents only.
In the summer of 1949, a seasonal resident was saying Kaddish. To avoid constant trips over the bridge to Far Rockaway, a minyan was formed. That August, a group of founding officers incorporated Temple Israel of Atlantic Beach.
In 1952, a Building Campaign commenced to construct the current structure. On Tuesday evening, August 19th, there was a groundbreaking ceremony for the “first permanent religious and community structure in Atlantic Beach.” Rabbi Alvin Marcus was the first rabbi. He later was rabbi of the West Orange, NJ community for many years. The building was dedicated the following August. On September 8, 1953, the paperwork was filed to officially rename Temple Israel as Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach.
Back in 1949, the certificate of incorporation stated the synagogue was being formed:
“…to meet together for social, benevolent, and religious purposes, to conduct religious meetings for prayer in the Hebrew faith, to aid and assist each other voluntarily in case of need or distress, to provide religious training and education to the children of members of this corporation, and to do such other and further acts as will tend to make good and useful citizens of its members.”
Religion. Prayer. Faith. Aiding and assisting each other. Educating our children. Being good and useful citizens. This all still rings true today. This is our derech.
Please be a part of our story, celebrate our community, support JCAB, and have a wonderful time together. Enjoy!
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