Thursday, August 15 at 6:30 PM
The Sephardic Temple
775 Branch Blvd - Cedarhurst, NY 11516
The JCAB Summer Breeze is not your typical synagogue dinner.  While it celebrates the accomplishments of the congregation and its members and raises much-needed funds for the shul, it is also a celebration of the JCAB community.  Members and friends come together to eat, socialize, and reinforce the bonds that unite us in our efforts to strengthen the congregation to be a source of inspired and meaningful Jewish living and soul for the entire Atlantic Beach and beyond. This year, we are thrilled for JCAB to be celebrating our 75th anniversary!
 Please join us, rejoice in our diamond anniversary, support JCAB and have a great time!
Magen David
Laura & Jonathan Heller
Jean Lindenbaum
Diane and Mickey Markovitz
Lauren K & Jacob Merkin
Diana & Ira Riklis
Zena & Martin Cohen
Charles Gros
Ruth Kestenbaum
Gail Propp and family
Ramer Family
Ari & Erynnee Rennert
Debbie & Daniel Schwartz
Barbara and Mark Silber
Linda & Steven Weissman
Bnei Mitzvah
Erica & Michael Distenfeld and Family
Nicole & Avi Lieberman, Michelle & Elliot Pines, Elisa & Alan Pines, Tali & Justin Pines,
Bari and Daniel Erber
The Sholes Family
Yosef & Chavi Fink
Eda & George Frenkel
Gabriella and David Fridman
Esther & Motti Kremer
Deena & Adam Shiff
Evelyn & Avi Spodek
Sue and Arthur Talansky
Tambor Family
Ner Tamid
Deborah & Richard Born
Allison & Michael Bromberg
Jennifer & Saul Burian
Chani Penstein and JJ Hornblass
Suri and Kenny Cohen
Esther and Jeffrey Cooper
Rachel & Barry Cooper
Syvia & Bertrand Fisher
Ira Gober
Jerrold and Marla Goldberg
Sarah and Martin Goldman
Danna Kalter
Jennifer and Michael Kaplan
Amanda & Meir Katz
Rina & Zachary Kestenbaum
Charlene Khaghan
Aliza Herzberg and Jeffrey Klores
Bettina and Allen Kramer
Libin family
Rebecca & Bennet Lindenbaum
Jacqueline & Jeffery Linsenbaum
Jordana & Avi Moche
Dinah & Andrew Ner Tamid
Natan and Arielle Packin
Shira & David Perl
Elizabeth & Michael Pinewski
Elizabeth and Michael Pinewski
Lauren & Mitchell Presser
Katia & Mitchell Rabb
Patricia and Shaul Rabinowitz
Faye & Allen Rosenberg
Debbie and David Sable
Elizabeth and Jonathan Schilowitz
Howard and Louise Schulder
Erica and Rob Schwartz
Sara & Simon Shemia
Michelle and William Spielfogel
Mr & Mrs John Steindecker
David and Randi Sultan
Rita & Morri Weinberg
Deborah & Marc Zimbler
Red Diamond
Jean and Armand Lindenbaum z”l
Ari and Ilana Milstein
Deborah & Mark Cooper
Saul & Dale & Goldberg Family
Jonah, Rachel, JJ, Sammy, Ava Green
Amanda Nussbaum and Daniel Laifer
Yana & Josh Lukeman
Rhonda and Jeffrey Luxenberg
Shoshana and Allen Pilevsky
Helene and Robbie Rothenberg
Jill and Terry Steinberg
Aviva & Marvin Sussman
Taisa and Alex Yusupov
Tikva and Zalmie Jacobs
Judith & Mark Zborowski
Bella and Stephen Brenner
Josh Gelb
Michelle & Ike Hershman
Helene & Helene Kaminski
Chantal & James Katz
Chummie & Solomon Azose
Alison Esses
Robyn & Barry Felder
Georgette & Steven Gross
Jessica and Adam Kaplan
Karan Family
Rosalie & Harry Kleinhaus
Jody and Elie Levine
Fredric and Mindy Miller
Charles D. Hammerman and Nanci B. Freiman
Carla and Jonah Schein
Lisa and Eli Sipzner
Mindi and Yudi Weinberg
Becky & Zvi Wietschner
Jill and Avi Wilensky
Harvey & Deena Wrubel
Julie Yusupov
Friend Tribute
Raphael Amoona
Ariel Lindenbaum Sebag
Robyn & Ira Atlantis Personal Training
Ben Neuberg
Lea & Michael Bernstein
Bruce and segal Blakeman
Ben and Lenore Brachot
Leslie Capobianco
Lois and Isaac Eida
Sam Farber
Nicole & Jeff Fisher
Debra and Barry Frohlinger
Benjamin and Hadasa Gelbtuch
nicole and marc gleitman
Ben Goldberg
Debbie & Howie Goldschmidt
Dr. Ellen Haimoff
Steve & Elly Hammerman
Hilda & Jerome Heller
Steven Heller
Karen and Ari Hirt
Erica & Jeffery Israel
Youth JCAB
Phyllis&Rabbi Herb Jonas&Horowitz
Pia & Menachem Kestenbaum
Mindy Klugmann
Wilma and Stephen Kule
Barbara and Bruce Last
Sarah & Charles Liechtung
Annie and Robert Mendelson
Margalit & Jason Moche
Cheryl & Brian Nacht
Elana Newman
Judith and Joe Packin
Premier Skirting Corp
Marcia and Barry Ringelheim
Rose & Henry Edinger
Larisa & Gregory Safaniev
Gabriella and Saul Safdieh
Blima Safrin
Judi & Marty Schaffer
randy scott
Mark and Shoni Seide
Hinde & Barnet Shulman
Rickie and Jim Singer Peaslee
Bianca & Zachary Slavin
Roz Spodek
Mr & Mrs Corey Steinbock
Simon Fischer Susan Zilberman
The Computer MD, Inc.
Lesley Turkel
Lois Weinstein
Geet & Hersh Wolf
Vendor Page
Jeff and Abe Atlantic Beach Wine and Whisky Boutique
Gerard Foster Boardwalk Bagel & Delicatessen
Chap A Nosh of Cedarhurst
Traditions Eatery
Helene and Jeff Warhit
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