Susan Ibitz
Human Behavior Hacker | Human Behavior Lab
Some people hack computers. Susan Ibitz hacks people as a human behavior hacker. At the Human Behavior Lab, Susan works on unlocking the science behind human behavior, micro-expression, body language, deception-detection, statement analysis, face reading (physiognomy) and personality types, through research and teaching.
Susan has trained, consulted and worked with people such as journalists, producers, politicians, realtors, lawyers, headhunters, match makers, managers, medical field professionals, sales teams, job seekers, and human resource professionals, as well as in various fields, including political campaigns, law enforcement, market research, insurance fraud, sperm donor selection, couples compatibility, negotiations, hospitality and customer-oriented services.
She completed the Facial Action Coding System Training at Berkeley University, has a certification in Influencing People from the University of Michigan, and a certification from Harvard Law School in Negotiation and Leadership. She is also a guest lecturer in the Criminology department at Loyola University in Chicago.
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