We are honored to present the
Kinor David Award to
Rabbi Daniel Freelander
Danny’s love for and support of Zamir spans three decades. Throughout, Danny has guided Zamir’s annual North American Jewish Choral Festival as a lead Coordinator. For almost as long, his presence on the Board of the Zamir Choral Foundation has gently and intelligently helped further its mission. Welcoming and encouraging its youngest vocalists, Danny has stage-managed the annual HaZamir Gala Concert – moving 400 young people on and off the stage in record time, year after year, and yes, with everyone smiling.
Rabbi Freelander served as Senior Vice President of The Union of Reform Judaism and as President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, and was the founding Director of the Reform movement’s Commission on Synagogue Music.  Danny has served as a member of the Board of the Jewish Agency for Israel and as is presently Chair of the Board of the Mary McDowell Friends School in Brooklyn.
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