Keter Shem TovCrown of a Good Name
The name Sorell Schwartz is synonymous with Har Shalom institutional history and knowledge. Some have speculated that he has committed the entire synagogue Policy Manual and By-laws to memory! In truth, Sorell is an indispensable source of wisdom as a result of his extensive service to the Har Shalom community for over 40 years. Since he and his beloved wife Marsha, of blessed memory, joined Har Shalom in 1976, Sorell has been a member of, or chaired the Religious Affairs, High Holy Days, Adult Education, Bylaws Revision, Hevra Kadisha, Security, Nominating, and Long Range Planning as well as numerous ad hoc committees. He has served over twenty years on the Board of Directors and seven years on the Executive Committee, two of those years (2015-1017) as President of the Congregation. In 2013 Sorell was honored as Hattan Torah on Simhat Torah, recognizing his active participation in the religious life of the synagogue. Most recently, Sorell’s scientific knowledge was critical to the work of the Reopening Task Force, keeping Har Shalom members safe and healthy during the pandemic, when in the building and attending services and events. Sorell can also often be seen behind his camera lens, photographing key moments at Har Shalom, and creating albums, portraits, and supplying pictures for the website.
Sorell and Marsha’s immediate family includes two daughters, Joanne Gladden and Rebecca Perlman; sons-in-law Jason Perlman and Geoeff Brown; five grandsons – Jacob, Jeremy, Evan, Noah, and Ari – and a great-grand daughter, Skylar. He holds a doctorate in pharmacology and is Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology at Georgetown University.