Having survived the atrocities of the Holocaust and then fighting on behalf of the Jewish people in the Palmach and then Tzahal, Ernie Goldberger came to California in 1956. Here, he met and married Regina Dorf, and they were blessed with two sons, Yosie and Sam who are both Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy alumni. Ernie is involved in many causes. To name a few, he is actively engaged and supports Shaarei Zadek Hospital, he served as a member of the board of Beth Jacob Congregation and Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy. Currently, Ernie is a trustee of Hillel and also serves on the Board of Young Israel of North Beverly Hills. Ernie is a true example of a Jewish giant, who has given both financially and physically to the Jewish people, and upon whose shoulders our Kehilla was built.
Educator Honoree:
Rabbi Broner serves as the Director of Safety and Security at Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy as well as our celebrated 5th grade rebbe. Rabbi Broner also serves as the Youth Director at Beth Jacob Congregation in Beverly Hills. He and his wife, Talia have 5 children, two of whom are proud Hillel students. As a parent, an educator and a member of the Hillel administration, Rabbi Broner represents our eyes to the future. A  passionate educator with tireless energy, Rabbi Broner stands proud on the shoulders of giants and seeks to ensure our future for years to come.
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