Hadar High School for Girls
In honor of Todd & Naomi Cohn
It seems like it was just yesterday that you attended our first very open house in 2016 before Hadar even opened its doors. Your decision to take a chance on our school (and us) that had not yet existed was truly remarkable. You have not looked back since. We are deeply appreciative of the many occasions both formally and informally where you have served as incredible ambassadors for Hadar. Hadar has been the beneficiary of your positive energy on a constant basis (and the many Cinnaholic drop offs that made every program even better). You have been the school's biggest fans which we can't thank you enough for!
On a personal level, we value the friendship that we have developed with you over many years. The emunah and bitachon that you have displayed throughout the good times and the challenging times has inspired us. We look forward to continuing to grow and learn from you in the years to come.
May Hashem continue to bless you with good health, mazel, bracha, hatzlacha, simcha and much nachas from your beautiful family!
Mazel Tov!! Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet Hadar High School for Girls
In honor of
Dr. Tomer & Shari Haik
Your selfless dedication and tireless commitment to Hadar knows no bounds. It is virtually impossible to imagine our school and any program that has taken place without your personal touch and major involvement. Your generosity is something that you insist we keep quiet, but something that we feel so grateful for. While Shari may officially be the only Haik employed by Hadar, Tomer and the Haik family have played a major role in ensuring that every event, activity and program was and is successful. You have opened your home on so many occasions to our students. The Haik's house has become an extension of Hadar High School. While you may not teach any classes in our school, our students have undoubtedly learned a tremendous amount from you simply by observing the two of you and what it means to put others before themselves.
On a personal note, we feel incredibly close to the two of you and have been inspired as we continue to watch you grow as a family and in your relationship with Hashem. Your unwavering belief in Hashem and commitment to always do things the right way, serves as motivation to all of us to always strive to become better people.
May Hashem continue to bless you with good health, mazel, bracha, hatzlacha, simcha and much nachas from your beautiful family!
Mazel Tov!!Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet Hadar High School for Girls
Todd & Naomi Cohn Dr. Tomer & Shari Haik Getting to know you has been an absolute privilege. You each have done so much throughout your lives -- quietly and selflessly, and yet so powerfully and effectively -- to advance the fundamentals and essentials of Torah education and Torah living. Your partnership with Hadar High School has had a tremendous impact on me personally, the students of Hadar High School and the Boca Raton Jewish community. It is my hope and bracha that your actions and life long commitment will inspire others. May Hashem continue to bestow on you and your family much bracha, mazel, health and happiness for many years to come!
With much appreciation for your continued partnership,
Shlomo Cohen Hadar High School for Girls
Hadar High School for Girls opened its doors in August of 2016. Our mission is to inspire and educate each student at her level. We strive to develop Bnos Torah with a love of Israel and a commitment to the greater Jewish people. Hadar is a place where students learn Torah and learn how to live a life of Torah. The Hadar faculty and administration are dedicated to excellence in Limudei Kodesh and General Studies. Our academic program both challenges and supports each one of our students at her own level. Our classes ensure that each student is positioned to maximize her individual potential. Hadar features a variety of extra-curricular programs and clubs that help students explore and utilize their talents. Inspiring speakers, shabbatonim, Rosh Chodesh programs, school trips, chessed, Israel advocacy, and student leadership all offer meaningful and enjoyable outlets for our students to grow throughout their high school experience. With your support, we can continue to provide a place of growth and development for the young women of South Florida for many years to come. Hadar High School for Girls
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Hadar High School for Girls Annual Journal Dinner. This year's theme, a Purim Gala, speaks to the simcha and joy that this time of year brings to all Klal Yisrael.
We would like to express sincere thanks for all of those who have worked so hard to make this special evening come to fruition. Mazal tov to the honorees, Dr. Tomer and Mrs. Shari Haik and Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Naomi Cohn on your well-deserved award. Your devotion to Hadar's success is an inspiration to our entire community. We want to extend a Hakaras Hatov to Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet for their endless determination, and tremendous efforts on behalf of Hadar. Their exemplary leadership is an inspiration to our daughters, our families, and our community at large. We want to also thank the administration, faculty, and staff of Hadar for their support and dedication to the school. Thank you to everyone who has joined us here tonight for the Purim Gala. Your generosity and support of Hadar High School is overwhelming, and a testament to the future growth and success of this great Torah institution for the young women of Boca Raton.
Miriam Oppenheimer and Margo Rosman
Journal Committee Hadar High School for Girls
Board of Directors Letter
Rabbi Moshe and Mrs. Michal Schochet You are wonderful educators and leaders of our school. Your commitment to each student's needs and your sensitivity to each family has been incredible to witness. The school's continued growth is testimony to your success and ability to inspire each and every student. Dr. Hal Levy We are blessed to have you as part of our administrative team. Your ongoing efforts to ensure that the students receive a stellar general studies education is unparalleled. Your professionalism, attention to detail, and passion for your students is remarkable. Thank you for your ongoing dedication to the overall success of Hadar High School. To our teachers and staff We are so grateful for your daily investment on behalf of our students. You challenge and push them to grow to be the best versions of themselves. You approach each day with grace and precision and bring enthusiasm to the classroom. Your expertise will leave a lasting impression on our students and help prepare them for their bright futures.
Thank you!
2023/2024 Board of Directors Hadar High School for Girls
To our Executive Board: Mr. Shlomo Cohen, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Mr. Uri Mond, Mrs. Miriam Oppenheimer, Mrs. Ali Gutfreund, Dr. Daniel Robbin & Mrs. Margo Rosman Your support, encouragement, work ethic, and dedication has been immeasurable and we are so appreciative. We look forward to many more years of partnership in building a wonderful Torah institution for girls serving the ever growing South Florida Jewish Community! Shlomo, Your unwavering commitment and tireless devotion to Hadar High School is nothing short of amazing. The boundless energy and time that you have given to Hadar this year is remarkable. The success of this evening is due to your incredible efforts. May Hashem repay you and Chaya with bracha and nachas for many years to come! May you continue to go מחיל אל חיל!
With tremendous gratitude,
Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet Hadar High School for Girls
In honor of our phenomenal faculty:
Your enthusiasm and commitment to ensuring the academic success of our students knows no bounds. Your professionalism and care has allowed our students to excel. Keep up the great work! We can't thank you enough!
In honor of the one of a kind: Dr. Hal Levy Your attention to detail, care for each student, and willingness to do anything and everything to enhance every aspect of Hadar High School is greatly appreciated. You have been an invaluable addition to our administrative team! In honor of our students and parents: Thank you so much for joining us on this journey. Thank you to our dedicated parents for entrusting us with your daughters. They have given us so much nachas and pride. Your partnership enables us to foster the continued growth of Hadar.
With great admiration,
Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet Hadar High School for Girls
In tribute to the dedicated administration and faculty of Hadar High Schools for Girls:
Rabbi Moshe Schochet, Head of School Mrs. Michal Schochet, Judaic Studies Principal Dr. Hal Levy, General Studies Principal
Administrative Staff
Mrs. Kim Cohen Mrs. Miri Eisenberg Mrs. Shari Haik Mrs. Farrah Weiss Hadar High School for Girls
In tribute to the dedicated administration
and faculty of Hadar High Schools for Girls:
Limudei Kodesh Mrs. Ilana Bendel Mrs. Gita Goldstein Morah Shirly Hanina Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner Morah Shiran Molayev Dr. Ahava Oppenheimer Mrs. Kira Rhine Rabbi Dr. David Shabtai Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Smolarcik Mrs. Ayliana Weiser Hadar High School for Girls
In tribute to the dedicated faculty of Hadar High Schools for Girls:
General Studies
Mrs. Kayla Ahlness
Mr. Scott Bragg
Mr. David Burns Ms. Larissa Farrar Ms. Sally Garnier Mrs. Xiao Kan Mrs. Chani Kanowitz Mrs. Rona Kantor Ms. Paula Mckoy Dr. Louis Nemzer Mrs. Amandalea Noel Mrs. Elisa Rigol Mr. Craig Sheets Mr. Samuel Soto Mrs. Jeannie Terry HONOREES
Dr. Tomer & Shari Haik
Shari and Tomer have been living in Florida for 18 years with the last 10 years in the boca "Circle" community. Although having grown up in more traditional homes, as new parents, Shari and Tomer inherently felt the need to send their children to a Jewish Day School. This served as the catalyst for a complete lifestyle change. They heightened their observance of Torah and pursued a Torah education for their children infused with love for the State of Israel and the Jewish people. With the support and foundation of the "Circle" community, friends, family, and community leaders, the Haiks have found inspiration to continue growing and learning.
Continued - Dr. Tomer & Shari Haik
Originally from Israel, Tomer grew up in New York, and Shari in Toms River, NJ. Their paths merged while Tomer was a dental resident and Shari was completing her bachelor's degree. Soon after getting married they relocated to Florida searching for warmer weather. They have 4 children Bli Ayin hara, Joshua, Naomi, Nava, and Laya, and are grateful to raise them in a most vibrant community.
Having attended Hadar's initial launch event back in 2015, Shari and Tomer saw the potential and the need for an institution and had expressed that it would be the most fitting teaching institution for their daughters. Since then, Hadar has proven to become a lot more than just that. In their home, it is a frequent topic of conversation and excitement, it is an inspiration for chesed projects and a powerhouse of learning.
Continued - Dr. Tomer & Shari Haik
Having joined the Hadar faculty, Shari is now involved with the school while being exposed to unique learning opportunities only available to the students of the school. The nurturing and encouraging atmosphere at Hadar is evident in the growth of their daughter Naomi (class of 25) becoming the best version of her-highschool-self. Their two younger daughters Nava (class of '29) and Laya (Class of '31) are already frequently involved with Hadar, having attended countless Hadar events, Shabbatons and Chagigas, as well as routinely helping to prepare for programs and events. Hadar has really become a second home for the Haik's and the students have become an extension of their family.
Todd & Naomi Cohn
Todd and Naomi both hail from the Heartland. Naomi from the Windy City of Chicago and Todd from the Sunflower State of Kansas.
They moved to Boca Raton in 2009 following 11 wonderful years in Kansas City. At that time, high school education for their young children wasn't even on their radar and they are so pleased with the tremendous growth of the community and institutions like Hadar High School. Being able to walk their daughters to and from school is among the most meaningful and cherished parts of living in the community. This favorite ritual is a chance for the family to catch up and hear about school and with that the funny stories, meaningful interactions and upcoming activities which are part and parcel of a Hadar day. HONOREES
Continued - Todd & Naomi Cohn
The Cohns are deeply appreciative of the wholesome, down-to-earth educational approach of Hadar. Hadar's teachers are role models who have instilled in their daughters a love and excitement for their Judaism and a thirst and passion for learning Torah. The family-like environment has developed deep, meaningful friendships for their daughters. These bonds are a testament to the tight-knit community fostered by Hadar. It's not just a school; it's a supportive family that encourages growth and camaraderie.
The Cohns are immensely proud of their daughters Leora and Tamar, not only academically but also through the numerous leadership opportunities they developed at Hadar. Their Hadar experiences have played a significant role in shaping the remarkable ladies that they have become. From Our Honorees
Todd and Naomi Cohn
We would like to express our appreciation to
the legendary educators and leaders, Rabbi Moshe & Michal Schochet, Dr. Hal Levy
and by extension to the entire Hadar Faculty,
Board of Directors, and Shlomo Cohen.
You are the true pillars upon which our
community stands and thrives.
May Hashem reward you for your selflessness
and dedication and may you continue to light the path of our future leaders. From Our Honorees
Eli, Esther, Leora & Tamar we are so
proud of who you are and how hard you have worked to get where you are.
You have all started to contribute to the
world in your own unique ways and we know that you will continue to be a great source of nachas wherever life takes you.
Mommy and Totty
From Our Honorees
Mazal Tov to our fellow honorees
Dr. and Mrs. Tomer and Shari Haik
on this well deserved honor. We are inspired by your unassuming manner and humility. It's truly a privilege to be honored alongside you.
A Yasher Koach to Margo Rosman and Miriam Oppenheimer for your easy-going-ness and tremendous efforts managing everything!
- Todd & Naomi Cohn
From Our Honorees
It is with tremendous gratitude to HaShem, and humility to the South Florida Jewish Community, that we share this Honor with all of you.
אמר להם: צאו וראו איזוהי דרך ישרה שידבק בה האדם. רבי אליעזר אומר: עין
(Pirkei Avot 2-10)
טובה. רבי יהושע אומר: חבר טוב. רבי יוסי אומר: שכן טוב. רבי שמעון אומר: הרואה את הנולד. רבי אלעזר אומר: לב טוב
He [Rabban Yohanan] said unto them: go forth and observe which is the right way to which a man should cleave? Rabbi Eliezer said, a good eye; Rabbi Joshua said, a good companion; Rabbi Yose said, a good neighbor; Rabbi Shimon said, foresight. Rabbi Elazar said, a good heart.
How blessed are we that we merited the Zchut to raise our family in such a community with good companions, good neighbors, with love for one another seeing the good in one another and foreseeing the positive potential in one another.
And to all we extend our dearest gratitude.
From Our Honorees
To Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet
Thank you for your tireless leadership, leading by example, your vision, your endless love for all those around you, your devotion, and your friendship. Your passion and efforts to inspire our daughters at Hadar High School with a profound education and nurturing environment will build their future with a meaningful foundation.
To the esteemed Faculty at Hadar
Your relentless commitment for the betterment of Hadar High School and your inspiration and encouragement for every student is the foundation onto which the school and students continue to thrive and learn and grow. We truly thank you.
From Our Honorees
To Eimma and Aba
Your support, guidance and encouragement throughout our growth as parents and as a family has been monumental in the positive direction we have evolved. We are grateful for the lessons and the love you continue to shower us with as we learn that a parent's job is never finished.
We love you!
To our dear children
As much as we embrace our task of teaching you and guiding you as our children, we cannot dismiss how much you have taught us and continue to teach us every day. It is our love for you and our inherent desire for your growth and success, that empowers us to continue to learn and grow. Your love for Torah fuels the fire within us to continue pursuing opportunities of mitzvot and chesed. Our love and gratitude for each of you is endless. May HaShem bless each of you with a long life full of clarity and strength, health, and success, and continued guidance in your growth in Torah and Mitzvot.
From Our Honorees
To the Rabbinic Advisory
Committee, Hadar Faculty, Shlomo Cohen,
Board of Directors, and Journal Dinner Committee
Thank you for your vision, leadership and endless devotion to Hadar High School.
And to our Co-Honorees, Naomi & Todd Cohn- We are beyond honored for your friendship. We are grateful for your inspiration as iconic figures in our community exemplifying chesed and mitzvot and love for the community.
Shari & Tomer Haik
Oz V’Hadar Society
In tribute to the honorees
Todd & Naomi Cohn
Dr. Tomer & Shari Haik
In recognition of and gratitude to
Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet for their vision and leadership in the academic success and excellence of
Hadar High School
Murray and Basheva Goldberg
Hod V’Hadar Society
In honor of
Naomi & Todd Cohn
Shari & Dr. Tomer Haik
Mazel tov on your
well-deserved honor!
Shoshana, Daniel, Bailey,
Serena, Gaby & Reuvi Robbin
Sharvit HaZahav
Mazal Tov to Hadar High
School for Girls and to all the honorees! Anonymous
Sharvit HaZahav
Mazal Tov to Hadar High
School for Girls and to all the honorees! Ari and Rochel Leah Stern
Ateres Zahav
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your
well-deserved honors.
Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet and the
Hadar faculty for all that you do to educate and enrich the lives of our daughters. Anonymous
Ateres Zahav
Mazal Tov to Todd and Naomi Cohn on your honor and for your continued commitment to the youth of our greater community. May Hashem shower you and your family with continued bracha and mazal.
Mazal Tov to Dr. Tomer and Shari Haik on your honor and EVERYTHING you do for Hadar High School. Your commitment to the students of Hadar and the love and warmth you bring to the school speaks volumes to your very nature and to the special people that you truly are. May Hashem shower you and your family with continued bracha and mazal.
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Moshe & Michal Schochet and Board President, Shlomo Cohen, on your continued success in leading Hadar High School. You continue to raise the bar and bring the school to greater heights. We take much pride in your accomplishments and continue to receive much nachas from Hadar.
Dr. Freyda and Donny Cohen
Ateres Zahav
Ateres Zahav
Mazel Tov to all the honorees!
With great Hakaras Hatov to Rabbi and Mrs.
Schochet and the entire Hadar faculty and staff for the excellent chinuch that you provide our granddaughter. You should continue to make an impact on all the girls in good health! Chaim and Judy Herman
Ateres Zahav
Todd and Naomi
Just thinking of you both makes us smile. Your wisdom, dynamic personalities, creative ingenuity, and spiritual depth (not to mention unique sartorial excellence!!) have deepened our community.
Tomer and Shari
Your religious strength and integrity, passion for Jewish education and genuine ahavas yisroel inspire all of us. Shari, your dynamic, uplifting and deeply meaningful programming infused with your ruach and chayn truly elevates our daughters.
We are blessed by the friendship of all our families. Warmly wishing a Mazel Tov to our wonderful honorees; to our incredible and beloved Principals, Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet; and to the wonderful and devoted faculty. We are forever grateful.
With admiration,
Jim, Carla and Adina Levine
Ateres Zahav
In loving memory
Francine Solomon z"l
A true Eishes Chayil
A Beloved Wife
Devoted Mother
Adored Grandmother
May her memory be a blessing.
Arthur Solomon
T’cheles V’Chur
In awe of the leadership of
Shlomo and Chaya Cohen Duvy and Cheryl Gross
Congratulations to all the
honorees on your well-deserved honors. David and Devorah Goldwasser
Mazal Tov to the honorees on this
well-deserved honor.
In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Schochet who
are so devoted, dedicated, and take pride in all their wonderful talmidos, including our granddaughters, Leora, Tamar, Estee and Temima Goldberg.
We are so proud of all of them.
Judy and Robert Bruckstein
Mazel Tov to Todd & Naomi Cohn
Tomer & Shari Haik
on receiving this prestigious honor.
Your dedication to Hadar High School and to
Torah institutions throughout the Boca Raton Jewish community is remarkable.
We are in awe of your endless efforts,
enthusiasm, and commitment to Hadar, and we truly value your friendship.
May Hashem bless you with the strength to
continue to serve and inspire Klal Yisrael. Dani & Miriam Oppenheimer
Mazal tov to our friends:
Todd and Naomi Cohn & Tomer and Shari Haik
Your devotion, generosity and tireless efforts on behalf of
Torah and chesed organizations is
inspirational and impacts so many.
Thank you for the incredible contributions you
have made to Hadar High School for Girls, and the Boca Raton Jewish Community as a whole!
May Hashem bless you and your family with
health, happiness, and hatzlacha!
With much admiration,
Yechiel and Margo Rosman
Congratulations to all the
honorees on your well-deserved honors. Ezra and Jessica Roth
Congratulations to all the
honorees on your well-deserved honors. Avi and David and Ben Zikry Family Spring Footwear
In a
for a
רפואה שלמה for
רחל מליה בת יפה שיינדל
among all the
חולי ישראל Anonymous
Congratulations to all the
honorees on your
well-deserved honors.
Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet and the faculty at Hadar High School for providing an excellent educational experience for our granddaughters.
(Gabriella '21 and Atara '26)
Daniel and Ellen Averbook
Mazal Tov to Dr. Tomer and Shari Haik on this well-deserved honor! Your dedication to Hadar High School and to the Sephardic minyan is an inspiration to us all. Your contributions to the community are remarkable and impactful - all with a seamless smile.
Thank you for your leadership and friendship.
We would also like to wish a big mazal tov to Todd and Naomi Cohn!! Thank you for your contributions to Hadar.
Finally, to the talented staff and administration of Hadar -
We are greatly indebted to you for everything you do to make Hadar such a special & meaningful place for our daughters.
Dan & Liat Bensimon
In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Schochet for
their pioneering work in establishing the Hadar High School.
May we continue to see the beautiful fruits of
their labors.
In honor of our granddaughter Ariana Kassorla
who benefits from their wisdom, compassion and time. Mike and Toby Eleff
Congratulations to the honorees for your countless hours of dedication to our kehillah, shabbats of announcements, arranging Sunday morning minyan with shakshuka. Thank you for your relentless pursuit of involvement at BRS
and promoting proper etiquette in shul. You all are a beacon of inspiration fostering unity for our community. Natural leaders who have selflessly invested in elevating us by your example. Please continue with your unwavering support and cultivating connection to Hashem with your values and tangible contributions. Ovadia Roni and Moriah Elias Sasson
Mazel Tov to our dear friends
Todd & Naomi Cohn and Dr. Tomer & Shari Haik
"What can be unburdened by what has been."
Thank you for inspiring and uplifting all those around you!
A shoutout to our wonderful mechutanim,
Rabbi Moshe & Michal Schochet
We are honored to call you family!
Wishing Hadar much continued success!
Eli & Chanah Freiden
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on your well
deserved honor.
A heartfelt Yashar Koach to a powerhouse
couple, Shari and Tomer Haik.
Thank you for all that you do for Hadar and
our community.
Your chesed is an inspiration to all who
know you. Deena and Ayal Frist
Mazel Tov to the honorees
Thank you to the Hadar Faculty and staff. Ryan and Bari Girnun
In honor of our esteemed brother-in-law and
dear sister, Todd and Naomi Cohn:
Pillars of the Hadar community
and a constant source of
pride to our family!
Chaim and Rivka Goldstein
Dearest Tomer & Shari, Mazal Tov on this beautiful honor. We are overwhelmed with joy and nachat seeing your participation and involvement in your community. Seeing your wholehearted efforts of chessed to friends and community is uplifting and inspiring and brings us tremendous nachat. Your love for community touches the hearts of everyone around you. We are comforted knowing the example you are providing for your children, who are an extension of the two of you and who project these same values.
אנחנו מלאים גאווה ונחת לראות ולהרגיש את החום והחסד שאתם עושים בכל יום ויום. על כל הלבבות שאתם משמחים ונוגעים. מאחלת לכם שנים של עשיית חסד והשם יתן לכם כלבבם !!בראיית נחת מילדכם
Sara and Zion Haik
Mazel Tov to the honorees
Todd & Naomi Cohn
Dr. Tomer and Shari Haik
on this very beautiful and most well deserved honor.
With special pride to our dear friends,
Rabbi Moshe and Mrs. Michal Schochet
We are so proud of you, Hadar High School, and your important place in our community.
May you continue to inspire us, your beautiful school, and our Jewish world for many years to come!
Debra and Larry Halperin and family
Mazal Tov to the honorees on
this well-deserved honor! Hercules Roofing, LLC
Mazal Tov Tomer & Shashi!!
You are the supreme example of doers and givers, helpers
and partners.
Whether we're in Orlando or Boca, singing Shwekey or ODEKA,
sharing an arak or bourbon- we feel so lucky to call you our dear friends while sharing nachas together from our kids.
We love you so much!
Mazal Tov Todd & Naomi!
Thank you for everything that you have done for our community.
May your generous spirit only continue to grow like our
waistlines after a Cinnaholic run.
We love you!
Aryeh & Arielle Kieffer
Mazel Tov Tomer and Shari and Todd and Naomi on these well-deserved recognitions! Though you do not seek honor, you most certainly deserve it! You are role models in so many ways. Your devotion, dedication, and passion toward Hadar and Boca community at large is a true inspiration. May you have the strength to continue to influence all of us around you. We are grateful for your friendships!
To the administration, teachers and staff of Hadar,
Thank you for enriching our Deena and the girls with values, middos and a love for Torah. Thank you for your hard work, endless efforts, and partnership.
Leah and Uri Mond
Congratulations to all the
honorees on your well-deserved honors. Alexandra and Noam Lipshitz
Mazal tov to our dear friends
Tomer and Shari Haik
Todd and Naomi Cohn
on this most deserved honor!
Thank you for all that you do for Hadar and
the Jewish community at large.
May you go m'chayil el chayil and continue
to be shining examples of
inspiration to us all.
Akiva and Leorah Marcus
With love to two of our
favorite people in the whole wide world Todd and Naomi,
Well deserved!
Moishe and Tira Gubin
& Optimum Bank
Mazal Tov to our wonderful friends and
honorees: Todd and Naomi Cohn and Tomer and Shari Haik.
Your unwavering devotion to Hadar High School
is truly an inspiration.
May you continue to be a source of strength
and leadership to us and the entire community.
With admiration,
Ahava and Avi Oppenheimer
Mazal tov to all the honorees
Todd and Naomi Cohn & Dr. Tomer and Shari Haik
and a special thank you to
Rabbi and Mrs Schochet
for your dedication and commitment to the Torah
education of our daughters.
May you go from strength to strength!
With much admiration and appreciation,
Eli and Jamie Oppenheimer
Mazal tov to our dear friends
Tomer and Shari Haik
on this well deserved honor.
Your selfless devotion to the needs of the
individual and the community are an inspiration to us all.
With love and admiration,
Gil and Melissa Perl
& Family Sasson
Mazal Tov to the Honorees on this well
deserved honor.
To our dear friends, the Haiks,
thank for your selfless, dedicated hard work for our
community and specifically everything you do for the Sephardic minyan.
May Hashem continue to reward you with health,
prosperity, and spiritual growth. Diane and Benajmin Saketkhou
In honor of
Todd and Naomi Cohn A tremendous Mazel Tov on this well deserved recognition. Lifelong friendship like ours is truly a gift. And especially with you guys. You bring joy to the regular, happiness to the mundane, and excitement to the simple. A cup of coffee. A workout. A conversation. Always a theme. Always a show. Always a production. With a smile. You elevate everything in your path with your love, mindset, and next level efforts, all for the goodness of those around you. Hadar is lucky to have you. We are blessed, honored, and truly grateful to Hashem that we get to call you our best friends. May He give you the health and koach to do more and more to positively impact Klal Yisrael, as you have for so many years. We love you always. Shana & Ari, Tali & Ezzy, Shalvi, Aviva and Shimmy Sasson
Dear Tomer and Shari,
Mazal tov and congratulations on your well-deserved honor from Hadar.
The leadership and devotion that you continue to demonstrate at Hadar and
the Sephardic Kehillah of BRS are wonderful models for us all.
Both of you lead by example, with grace, humility, sensitivity and caring
for the wonderful institutions that you are a part of, and to each and every
one of its members and participants.
במקום שאתה מוצא גדולתם אתה מוצא ענותנותן We wish you continued
הצלחה, בריאות ,אושר ועושר
for many years to come.
The Sephardic Kehilah of BRS
To this years honorees:
Mazal Tov on this incredibly well deserved honor!
Shari & Tomer, you guys are true role
models in your dedication to Torah, Mitzvot, Chessed and for being the absolute best neighbors ever!! We feel blessed to have you on our lives!
Naomi & Todd, your commitment to Hadar and
to our community is inspiring.
Thank you for all that you do!
Ashi & Chava Weisstuch
Mazel Tov to all of the honorees! A special thank you to Mrs. Haik for all you do for the students, on a daily basis. You are a true inspiration. Rebecca and Ranan Amster
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Anonymous
Mazal Tov to Tomer and Shari Haik and Todd and Naomi Cohn on being honored. Well deserved! Chazak U Baruch! Gil and Shari Bloom and your friends at Bloom Dental In honor of Todd & Naomi Cohn Whose dedication to our community, Jewish education, and the Jewish people knows no bounds. Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor. Montoya Estates Family
Goldenberg Orthodontics is proud to support Hadar High School for Girls! Wishing a Special Mazel Tov to Todd and Naomi Cohn & Dr. Tomer and Shari Haik May you continue to be models of growth in our community! With deep admiration, Allie & Mordy Goldenberg Mazel tov to our dear friends, the Cohns and Haiks! May you continue to go from Strength to strength! Dan & Sue Kaskel Sachs Sax Caplan, P.L. Simcha
Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Tomer and Shari Haik, and Todd and Naomi Cohn on your well deserved honors! Thank You to the Hadar Faculty and Staff! Penina and Sruly Landa
In Honor of Shari and Tomer Haik Exemplars of chessed, kindness, and friendship. With gratitude and admiration, Debbie Moskowitz
Mazal Tov to Todd & Naomi and Tomer & Shari. You each are an endless wellspring of kindness, religious inspiration, and compassion. We cherish our friendship. Rabbi Philip and Arielle Moskowitz
Mazel Tov to Shari & Tomer on this well-deserved honor! Wishing you both continued success and endless achievements ahead! Juliana and Elan Rosenblat
Todd & Naomi, Your endless passion, persistence, dedication & VISION have taken Holocaust education to another level. We honor & appreciate you now and always! ShadowLight & Hate Ends Now
To my sister and brother-in-law, Todd and Naomi, who never fail to amaze us in all of the wonderful talents they have in giving over to Klal Yisroel. Mazal Tov to you and our awesome niece Tamar on your graduation from Hadar. Yitzi & Chaya Suri Weiss and family
In honor of Todd and Naomi, our Class President and his First Lady, Mazal Tov on this recognition! Your outstanding contributions to Hadar High School, and Klal Yisrael in general, stand as a shining example to all of us of true dedication and generosity. With much admiration, WITS Class of '95 Orah
Cinnaholic Boca & Great Kosher Restaurants Media Group congratulate Naomi & Todd on this deserving achievement. We applaud your efforts and devotion to family, community and Cinnaholic. Ana Albertini & Elan Kornblum Tomer & Shari and Todd & Naomi, Thank you for all you do for Jewish education. Congrats on your well deserved honor. Daniel & Liora Adler
Mazel Tov to the Cohn and Haik families! Thank you for everything you have done for the South Florida community! Anonymous
Mazal tov to Dr. and Mrs. Haik: For this well deserved recognition of your efforts on behalf of the community Dr. Jaimy and Rachel Bensimon
Congrats to the Haik family! Thank you for all you do for our community and school. With Love Tomer & Sandrine Cohen
Omi & Todd, From sunflowers to sunshine, your leadership shines bright! Mazel tov! Cohn, Jacobson and Wexler Families
To my dear children Todd and Naomi, Mazal Tov to you, the Haiks and our graduate, Tamar. I'm very proud! Love, Mommy Mrs. Joyce Corcia
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor! Menachem and Sarah Davis
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Yoel and Leora Grunhut
Mazal Tov Naomi and Todd on this well deserved honor! We love you guys! Adina and Tod Haller
Mazel Tov to Dr. Tomer & Shari Haik and Todd and Naomi Cohn on being honored by Hadar. No one deserves it more than you! Alan Berger - IPO Realty Inc
In honor of Naomi, Leora and Tamar Cohn. Proudly serving the community! From, Dr. Elana Kaplove, Chiropractor Owner/Director Back In Balance Holistic Collective Orah
Mazel Tov Todd & Naomi. You are treasures of Klal Yisrael. We are so blessed to be your friends. Mike and Mimi Lerman
To Tomer and Shari: A big mazal tov to the most loyal and devoted people! Thank you for all your hard work! Shlomi, Arielle, Elinor, David, Gabriel, & Daniel Lugassy
To Naomi and Todd What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh! Congrats on this well deserved honor! Medows Fam Orah
Mazal Tov Naomi & Todd Cohn. From, Asher Zuravin & Meshi Children's Rehabilitation Center
Mazal Tov Tomer & Shari on this well deserved honor! You are true inspirations! May you continue מחיל אל חיל! Yosef & Shainy Raichik
Mazal Tov to Todd and Naomi Cohn, one of the most amazing couples ever! We love you so much! The Rosenman clan Orah
Mazal Tov to all the honorees. A special thank you to Rabbi & Mrs. Schochet & the entire faculty and staff. Yaakov & Stacey Waldman
Mazel Tov, Haiks! May Hashem continue to bless you with health as you lead our community for many years to come. Rachel and Akiva Wolk
Mazal Tov to a deserving couple, Naomi & Todd! Though we are miles apart, our strong friendship keeps us close! Wishing you gezunt, hatzlacha and nachas. Love, Tammy, Leah, Aviva, Chavie, and Naomi |