Hadar High School is privileged to recognize two distinguished couples as this year's Gala Dinner honorees, Mr. and Mrs. Todd & Naomi Cohn and Dr. and Mrs. Tomer & Shari Haik.  Each honoree exemplifies enthusiastic dedication and resolute commitment to Hadar High School, and to the greater South Florida Jewish community.
(click on photos below to read more about honorees)
Oz V’Hadar Society
Murray and Basheva Goldberg
Hod V’Hadar Society
Shoshana & Daniel Robbin
Sharvit HaZahav
Ari and Rochel Leah Stern
Ateres Zahav
Dr. Freyda and Donny Cohen
Rabbi Efrem and Yocheved Goldberg
Chaim and Judy Herman
Carla and Jim Levine
Shlomo & Chaya Cohen
Arthur Solomon
T’cheles V’Chur
Duvy and Cheryl Gross
David and Devorah Goldwasser
Judy and Robert Bruckstein
Dani & Miriam Oppenheimer
Yechiel and Margo Rosman
Ezra and Jessica Roth
Avi and David and Ben Zikry Family Spring Footwear
The Grove Kosher Market
Daniel and Ellen Averbook
Dan & Liat Bensimon
Sara & Marc Bienenfeld
Boca Raton Synagogue
Cohn Kids
East Boca Kehila
Mike and Toby Eleff
Moriah & Ovadia Roni Elias
Peretz and Rachel Feit
Eli & Chanah Freiden
Deena and Ayal Frist
Ryan and Bari Girnun
Chaim and Rivka Goldstein
Sara and Zion Haik
Debra and Larry Halperin
Hercules Roofing, LLC
Boca Jewish Center
Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
Katz Hillel Day School
Katz Yeshiva High School
Aryeh & Arielle Kieffer
Ari and Shoshana Krupp
Leah and Uri Mond
Alexandra and Noam Lipshitz
Akiva and Leorah Marcus
Miller Realty South
Moishe Gubin & Optimum Bank
Ahava and Avi Oppenheimer
Oppenheimer Dental and Surgical Group
Gil and Melissa Perl
Diane and Benajmin Saketkhou
Ari and Shoshana Shabat
The Sephardic Kehilah of BRS
Torah Academy of Boca Raton
Avi and Sara Wargon
Ashi & Chava Weisstuch
Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton
Young Israel of Boca Raton
Rebecca and Ranan Amster
Shari and David Gil Bloom DMD PLLC
Montoya Estates Family
Goldenberg Orthodontics
Dan & Sue Kaskel
Penina and Sruly Landa
Debbie Moskowitz
Rabbi Philip and Arielle Moskowitz
Juliana and Elan Rosenblat
ShadowLight & Hate Ends Now
Yitzi & Chaya Suri Weiss and family
WITS Class of '95
Ana Albertini & Elan Kornblum
Daniel & Liora Adler
Dr. Jaimy and Rachel Bensimon
Tomer & Sandrine Cohen
Cohn, Jacobson and Wexler Families
Mrs. Joyce Corcia
Menachem and Sarah Davis
Yoel and Leora Grunhut
Adina and Tod Haller
Alan Berger - IPO Realty Inc
Elana Kaplove
Mike and Mimi Lerman
Shlomi, Arielle, Elinor, David, Gabriel, & Daniel Lugassy
Batsheva and James Medows
Meshi Children's Rehabilitation Center
Yosef & Shainy Raichik
Yisroel Mayer and Naomi Rosenman
Yaakov & Stacey Waldman
Rachel and Akiva Wolk
Yitzchak and Chavie Weissman
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