Hadar High School for Girls
In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Dan & Liat Bensimon
Your tireless efforts, energy and devotion to building Hadar, as well as the many
Torah institutions in the South Florida community, is inspiring. Having the
privilege of working alongside the two of you since "Year Zero", has shown us
firsthand the tremendous dedication and commitment that you have towards
Klal Yisrael and Jewish education.
On a personal level, we are so grateful and appreciative of our deep and cherished
friendship. Our shared mission has not only strengthened our family's bond, but has
ensured that together we inspire and educate the next generation of Bnos Torah.
We wish you only continued health, happiness, mazel, and nachas from your
beautiful family. May Hashem shower you with much bracha for many years to come!
Mazel Tov!!
Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet
Hadar High School for Girls
In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim & Carla Levine Your passion and excitement in becoming partners with us from the moment that you joined the Hadar family is unparalleled. Thank you for your
commitment and generous support to Hadar High School for Girls.
On both a professional and personal level, we have had the privilege of being
colleagues for so many years. We feel so fortunate that our bonds of friendship
have strengthened even further as we work together to ensure that Hadar
continues to provide a stellar high school experience for the girls of South Florida.
May Hashem continue to bestow on you and your family much bracha, mazel, health and happiness for many years to come! Mazel Tov!! Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet Hadar High School for Girls
Dan & Liat
You have been our partners in chinuch from our very beginning, most tangibly
with the charter papers you drafted that enabled us to officially create "Hadar Inc".
Since those early days, you've not only served as vocal cheerleaders and supporters
of Hadar and its administration, but you both also continually "lead by example".
Through the ideals and principles that govern your daily actions, you are both
well-positioned to serve as exemplary role models to our students,
our parent body, and our community at large.
We are incredibly grateful for the contributions you have made (and will no doubt continue to make) to ensure the success of our students and our school. With much appreciation for your continued partnership, Shlomo Cohen Hadar High School for Girls
Jim & Carla
Mazal Tov on this most deserved honor. Getting to know you has been an absolute privilege. You each have done so
much throughout your lives -- quietly and selflessly, and yet so powerfully and
effectively -- to advance the fundamentals and essentials of Torah education
and Torah living. There is no more meaningful tribute to the incredible legacy
you have established throughout your lives, then to witness all your children
following in your path and footsteps. It is my hope and bracha that your actions and lifelong commitment will continue
to inspire your children, your grandchildren, and so many others in Boca Raton,
Chicago and beyond.
Thank you so much for the generous contributions that have enabled
Hadar and its students and graduates to flourish in so many ways.
With tremendous respect and gratitude, Shlomo Cohen Hadar High School for Girls
Hadar High School for Girls opened its doors in August of 2016. Our mission is to inspire
and educate each student at her level. We strive to develop Bnos Torah with a love of
Israel and a commitment to the greater Jewish people. Hadar is a place where students
learn Torah and learn how to live a life of Torah.
The Hadar faculty and administration are dedicated to excellence in Limudei Kodesh
and General Studies. Our academic program both challenges and supports each one
of our students at her own level. Our classes ensure that each student is positioned
to maximize her individual potential.
Hadar features a variety of extra-curricular programs and clubs that help students
explore and utilize their talents. Inspiring speakers, shabbatonim, Rosh Chodesh
programs, school trips, chessed, Israel advocacy, and student leadership all offer
meaningful and enjoyable outlets for our students to grow throughout
their high school experience.
With your support, we can continue to provide a place of growth and development for
the young women of South Florida for many years to come.
Hadar High School for Girls
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Hadar High School for Girls Annual Journal Dinner. This year's theme, a Purim Gala, speaks to the simcha and joy that this time of year brings to all Klal Yisrael. We would like to express sincere thanks for all of those who have worked so hard to make this special evening come to fruition. Mazal tov to the honorees, Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Liat Bensimon and Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Carla Levine on your well-deserved award. Your devotion to Hadar's success is an inspiration to our entire community. We want to extend a Hakaras Hatov to Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet for their endless determination, and tremendous efforts on behalf of Hadar. Their exemplary leadership is an inspiration to our daughters, our families, and our community at large. We want to also thank the administration, faculty, and staff of Hadar for their support and dedication to the school. Thank you to everyone who has joined us here tonight for the Purim Gala. Your generosity and support of Hadar High School is overwhelming, and a testament to the future growth and success of this great Torah institution for the young women of Boca Raton. Dinner Committee: Chanah Freiden, Sarah Leah Freiden, and Sherry Huffman Journal Committee: Miriam Oppenheimer and Margo Rosman Hadar High School for Girls
Rabbi Moshe and Mrs. Michal Schochet
You are wonderful educators and leaders of our school. Your commitment to each student's
needs and your sensitivity to each family has been incredible to witness. The school's
continued growth is testimony to your success and ability to inspire each and every student.
Dr. Hal Levy We are blessed to have you as part of our administrative team. Your ongoing efforts to ensure that the students receive a stellar general studies education is unparalleled.
Your professionalism, attention to detail, and passion for your students is remarkable.
Thank you for your ongoing dedication to the overall success of Hadar High School.
To our teachers and staff We are so grateful for your daily investment on behalf of our students. You challenge and push them to grow to be the best versions of themselves. You approach each day with grace and precision and bring enthusiasm to the classroom. Your expertise will leave a lasting impression on our students and help prepare
them for their bright futures.
Thank you!
2022/2023 Board of Directors
Hadar High School for Girls
Thank you to the:
Dinner Chairs, Mrs. Chanah Freiden Mrs. Sarah Leah Freiden Mrs. Sherry Huffman Journal Chairs, Mrs. Miriam Oppenheimer Mrs. Margo Rosman Your hard work has paid off. Your attention to detail, your creativity, your
perseverance, and most importantly your selfless dedication to helping
Hadar in every way has ensured that this event would
be a huge success.
With deep appreciation, Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet Hadar High School for Girls
To our Executive Board:
Mr. Shlomo Cohen, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Mr. Uri Mond, Mrs. Miriam Oppenheimer, Mrs. Dina Raden, Dr. Daniel Robbin & Mrs. Margo Rosman, Your support, encouragement, work ethic, and dedication has been immeasurable and we are
so appreciative. We look forward to many more years of partnership in building a wonderful
Torah institution for girls serving the ever growing South Florida Jewish Community!
Shlomo, You stepped into the role as President seamlessly. Your unwavering commitment and tireless
devotion to Hadar High School is nothing short of amazing. The boundless energy and time
that you have given to Hadar this year is remarkable. The success of this evening is due to
your incredible efforts. May Hashem repay you and Chaya with bracha and
nachas for many years to come!
May you continue to go חיל אל מחיל! With tremendous gratitude, Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet Hadar High School for Girls
In honor of our phenomenal faculty:
Your enthusiasm and commitment to ensuring the academic success of our students knows
no bounds. Your professionalism and care has allowed our students to excel. Keep up the
great work! We can't thank you enough!
In honor of the one of a kind:
Dr. Hal Levy
Your attention to detail, care for each student, and willingness to do anything and everything
to enhance every aspect of Hadar High School is greatly appreciated. You have been
an invaluable addition to our administrative team!
In honor of our students and parents: Thank you so much for joining us on this journey. Thank you to our dedicated parents
for entrusting us with your daughters. They have given us so much nachas and pride.
Your partnership enables us to foster the continued growth of Hadar.
With great admiration, Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet Hadar High School for Girls
In tribute to the dedicated administration
and faculty of Hadar High Schools for Girls:
Rabbi Moshe Schochet, Head of School
Mrs. Michal Schochet, Judaic Studies Principal Dr. Hal Levy, General Studies Principal Administrative Staff Mrs. Shari Haik Mrs. Lorys Stiel Mrs. Farrah Weiss Hadar High School for Girls
In tribute to the dedicated administration
and faculty of Hadar High Schools for Girls:
Limudei Kodesh Mrs. Ilana Bendel Mrs. Breindy Cinner Mrs. Leora Grunhut Morah Shirly Hanina Mrs. Yonina Karmely Morah Shiran Molayev Dr. Ahava Oppenheimer Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Smolarcik Hadar High School for Girls
In tribute to the dedicated faculty of Hadar High Schools for Girls:
General Studies
Mr. Erickson Amundson Ms. Nicole Borden Mr. Scott Bragg Mr. David Burns Ms. Larissa Farir Ms. Paula Mckoy Mrs. Ester Mizrahi Mrs. Minerva Morris Dr. Louis Nemzer Mrs. Amandalea Noel Mrs. Elisa Rigol Mr. Craig Sheets Mr. Samuel Soto Mrs. Jeannie Terry HONOREES
Dan and Liat Bensimon are pillars of the Hadar family and the greater Boca Raton Jewish community at large. After arriving in Boca in 2011, they immediately immersed themselves in building and enabling the growth of Torah institutions throughout the area. As one of the original founding families of Hadar High School, they worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure Hadar's establishment, growth and continued success. As members of the Boca Raton Synagogue, the Bensimons have taken on leadership roles that reach every aspect of Torah life throughout Boca and support the ever-changing needs of a rapidly growing community.
Dan, originally from Montreal, and Liat, from Mexico City, met in High School in South Florida, and together have a unique appreciation for the stunning development of Torah institutions in the local and surrounding areas. They have seven beautiful children: Abby, Orly, Adina, Haim Moshe, Azriel, Eitan and Tehila whom they are thrilled to be raising in such a wonderful community. Dan and Liat are so appreciative of the impact Hadar has had on their family and are in awe as they watch their daughter Abby (Hadar class of '24), experience the magic of Hadar every day. They look forward to their daughters Orly (Hadar class of '27), Adina (Hadar Class of '29) and Tehila (Hadar class of ??) having the same privilege. HONOREES
James and Carla Levine were very excited to move to Boca Raton from Chicago in 2020 so that their daughter Adina could start as a freshman at Hadar and they could live near their beloved Boca daughters & son-in-laws Rabbi Simmy & Devora Shabtai and Eli & Daniella Jacobs (who has worked and taught at Hadar for the past 2 1/2 years) and adorable grandchildren Avigayil, Elisheva, Ezi and Shoshana, albeit still a plane ride away from their Boston and Ann Arbour sons, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren Dr. David & Elisheva Levine, Drs. Robert & Debra Levine, Michael & Becka Levine, Rafaela, Ami, Orlie, Anna, Sam & Daniel. Jim grew up in Hancock Park, L.A.and subsequently lived in Chicago; Carla was born in New York but moved to South Florida as a teenager-- originally moving to the "circle" in 1992 (and thus experiencing the tremendous growth of the schools and BRS community over the years).
Jim and Carla were ideally hoping for an all girls' school for their daughter Adina, and were so appreciative for the creation of a college preparatory girls' school of the religious and academic caliber of Hadar (not to mention that Carla had taught alongside Rabbi & Mrs. Schochet for over ten years and could instantly trust in their inspirational, spiritual leadership). Jim and Carla take great joy in seeing their daughter and all the wonderful students flourish intellectually and spiritually in the beautiful, elevating atmosphere of Hadar and are dedicated to helping perpetuate Hadar's future, which is so important to the community. From Our Honorees
Thank you to Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet, the Rabbinic Advisory
Committee, the Hadar Faculty, Shlomo Cohen, and the
Board of Directors for your vision, leadership and
endless devotion to Hadar High School.
Thank you to the Hadar student body, who stand out and
represent the school's values with class, dignity and grace.
Finally, thank you to our parents for guiding us and infusing in us
authentic and timeless Jewish values.
To our children: We are so proud of each and every one of you. You
make us better everyday. You are our biggest accomplishment and
source of bracha in our lives! We daven to Hashem and look forward
to seeing you develop into true Bnei Torah. We love you so much!
Mazal Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Carla Levine on this well
deserved honor. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of Hadar!
Dan and Liat Bensimon
From Our Honorees
We would like to express our appreciation...
To Rabbi Moshe & Michal Schochet
For your indefatigable, impassioned, adroit efforts to inspire all of Hadar's beautiful
young women and to provide them with an education and spiritual milieu that is
elevating and will provide them with a meaningful foundation for life.
To the esteemed faculty at Hadar
For your loving mentorship and academic acumen--you are extraordinary
To our Boca children: Rabbi Simmy & Devora Shabtai,
Elijahu and Daniella Jacobs, and Adina
We love you and are so deeply proud of all that you do to
contribute to the Jewish community
Our dear Adina...you are our light and exemplar of chesed and Ahavas Yisrael.
Wishing a Mazal Tov to Dan & Liat - it has been a joy knowing your wonderful
family for years and wish for you brachos and nachas
With much appreciation to Shlomo Cohen & all those who contributed
and worked so tirelessly on behalf of this dinner and Hadar.
Jim and Carla Levine
Oz V’Hadar Society
In appreciation of the
wonderful Hadar High School administration, teachers, staff and honorees. Anonymous
Oz V’Hadar Society
To Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet, and the entire Hadar Administration,
We thank you for 4 amazing years. We thank you for the well rounded
education and the many transformative extracurricular activities. We
thank you for the warm and nurturing environment you provide for
the students. But most importantly, we thank you for serving as role
models and showing your students what it means to
be a Bas Torah and Baalas Chesed.
To our dear friends Liat and Dan, Mazal Tov on this well deserved
recognition. May you continue to impact and inspire the Boca
community and beyond for many years to come.
To Jim and Carla Levine, Mazal tov on this award. חזק ואמץ!!
Hillel and Chayi Cohen
Oz V’Hadar Society
In tribute to the honorees
Dan and Liat Bensimon and Jim and Carla Levine
In recognition of and gratitude to
Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet for their vision and leadership in the academic success and excellence of Hadar High School
Basheva and Murray Goldberg
Hod V’Hadar Society
Mazel tov
Dan & Liat Bensimon
Jim & Carla Levine
Thank you for demonstrating what
it means to be strong and dynamic leaders!
We are so fortunate to have you as part of the
Hadar family.
Shoshana, Daniel, Bailey, Serena, Gabrielle
& Reuvi Robbin Sharvit HaZahav
Mazel Tov on this beautiful night celebrating the success of Hadar High School. We are so grateful to the administration, faculty, president and board members who work tirelessly to make Hadar the wonderful Makom Torah that it is today. Liat and Dan, Your efforts on behalf of Hadar from its inception and your unwavering commitment to its success are evident in all it is today. The energy and excitement that you bring has enhanced the school in every way. You are role models of building a home and family steeped in Torah values. We love having you as such integral members of our community and of course, as our friends. Carla and Jim, Your leadership and expertise in so many areas have helped build and grow our Boca community. In particular, your wisdom, generosity, dedication and indefatigable spirit have helped to make Hadar such a great Torah and educational institution. You are examples to all of us of how to give of yourselves and get involved. We hope you are "shepping nachas" tonight for all of your contributions as we celebrate our beloved Hadar.
With so much gratitude and love - Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg & family
Sharvit HaZahav
In loving memory of
Francine Solomon z"l
A true Eishes Chayil
A Beloved Wife
Devoted Mother
Adored Grandmother
May her memory be a blessing.
Arthur Solomon
Sharvit HaZahav
Mazal Tov to Hadar High
School for Girls and to all the honorees!
Ari and Rochel Leah Stern
Ateres Zahav
Mazal Tov to
Mr. & Mrs. Dan and Liat Bensimon
Mr. & Mrs. Jim and Carla Levine
on your well-deserved honors.
Thank you to the Hadar High School Faculty and Staff for your dedication and inspiration to all of your students, their families, and the entire community.
Ateres Zahav
Mazal Tov to the most-deserving honorees
Liat & Dan Bensimon
Carla & Jim Levine (proud parents of the best MAZ dancer ever....Adina!)
Thank you for everything you do for Hadar, and as role models and pillars of our Boca Raton Jewish community! With our greatest appreciation,
Chaya & Shlomo Cohen
Ateres Zahav
Mazal Tov to our good friends and honorees,
Dan & Liat Bensimon and Jim & Carla Levine.
The Bensimon's played a major role in the formation of Hadar High School and continue to be pillars of support.
The Levine's have been so generous of their time and resources to Hadar High School. We are incredibly grateful for everything they have done and continue to do for Hadar.
May Hashem shower your familes with bracha and mazal.
Donny & Freyda Cohen
Ateres Zahav
In honor of Dan and Liat Bensimon who we have known
for many years and have seen them grow into wonderful
role models and parents
Mazel Tov to Jim and Carla Levine
May Hashem bless you and your beautiful families
with health and happiness and strength
to continue helping Klal Yisroel
Imagine Research - Herman Family
Ateres Zahav
וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה הקב"ה ישלם שכרם...
And all who are involved faithfully in the needs of the community-may the Holy One, blessed is He, pay their reward...and send blessing and success to all their handiwork...
Mazel Tov to this evening's Guests of Honor
Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Liat Bensimon
Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Carla Levine Thank you for the incredible contributions you have made to enhance the quality of
Hadar High School for Girls
And a special thank you to
Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe & Michal Schochet and Mr. Shlomo Cohen Who welcomed our family and made our introduction to Hadar very special!
Thank you for demonstrating what it means to be strong, dynamic and effective leaders!
Ayelet & Philip Trauring and Family Sharon & Charles Trauring T’cheles V’Chur
In Honor of Dan and Liat Bensimon
Mazal Tov on this most deserved award!
Thank you for your leadership
and making sure the next-gen
has the flame of Torah.
Interra Capital Group
T’cheles V’Chur
Mazel Tov to
Dan and Liat Bensimon
Jim and Carla Levine
We admire your dedication to ensuring the success of HADAR. May Hashem continue to grant you the ability to achieve and the strength to persevere. We are so proud to share this special night with you.
Zev and Dina Raden
In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Schochet who
are so devoted, dedicated, and take pride in all their wonderful talmidos, including our granddaughters, Leora, Tamar and Estee Goldberg.
We look forward to our granddaughter
Temima attending Hadar next year and following in her sisters' footsteps.
We are so proud of all of them.
Mazel tov to all the honorees.
Judy and Robert Bruckstein
Congratulations to Dan and Liat Bensimon and
Jim and Carla Levine for all that they do for Hadar High School.
Thank you to the administration and staff for
the warm, inspiring environment you provide for your students every day.
Eli and Orlie Cohen and Family
Mazel Tov DB and Liat!! Daniel, as one of my closest friends and confidants for over a decade, I never stop being amazed by your Middos both in the business world and outside of it. You are truly the epitome of a Ben Torah and someone I want to be like when I grow up. Liat, you epitomize what a Jewish mother and wife should be. You are always smiling, have such grace, are loving and validating - truly the whole package. This honor couldn't be bestowed upon a more deserving couple. May the Aibishter bless you with only shalom bayis, Nachat (Sephardi!), Ashirus, good health and long life.
With tremendous love and admiration,
Avi and Jemina Frohlich and family
Mazel Tov to Dan and Liat Bensimon & Jim and Carla Levine
Thank you for all that you do for Hadar and the Boca Jewish community!
Dan and Liat - Your unwavering devotion to Hadar and the Boca
Raton community is exemplary.
You continue to be role models for us with your many acts of
chesed, and you devotion to Torah, Jewish values,
community and education.
We are truly blessed to have you as our close friends, and we
value all the incredible occasions we have celebrated together.
May Hashem bless you and your amazing family with good health,
happiness, and strength to continue your work on behalf of Hadar High School and the Boca community. Yechiel and Margo Rosman
Dan and Liat, thank you for
being role models in our community and for all that you do.
Mazal Tov to the co-honorees.
Sal and Leslie Abady
Mazel tov to all the honorees on your
well-deserved honors!
Thank you to the Hadar Faculty and Staff for
all you do for our children on a daily basis!
With so much hakaras hatov,
Rebecca and Ranan Amster
ויאמר הי אלקים לא-טוב היות האדם לבדו אעשה -לו עזר כנגדו״ בראשית פרק ב-יח
"Hashem G_D said, It is not good that
man be alone; I will make him his
perfect companion."
Liat and Dan, you complement each other so well that you stand out, you live
with integrity, we are so proud for the beautiful family you are building together. You fill our lives with blessings, your
dreams are filled with blessings yet to come.
We love you
Savta and Zeide
Isaac and Flora Reich
Mazel Tov to the Honorees
We want to wish a special Mazel Tov to
our wonderful neighbors, Dan and Liat Bensimon on this well deserved honor.
Your dedication to Hadar High School and to the Boca Raton Jewish
community is an inspiration to everyone.
You are a role model to your children with your devotion to your
family and friends, your acts of chessed to others, and your kindness and hospitality to all.
May Hashem continue to bless you with good health, many simchas
and much nachus from your beautiful family.
Daniel and Ellen Averbook (Meema and Zeide)
We are truly blessed with the tireless dedication of our children
Dan and Liat Bensimon, who are role models as parents, raising their
children imbued with Torah values, derech eretz and chesed.
Their dedication and unassuming leadership
are an inspiration to us all.
We are extremely proud of your devotion to the Jewish community
and the excellence of the chinuch taught to our children.
May Hashem always watch over you and bless you with many simchas.
A special tribute to Jim and Carla Levine
Mazal tov!
With much love
Jaimy and Rachel Bensimon and family
Congratulations to all the
honorees on your well-deserved honors. Elie Z”L, Guila, Yogev, Adi and Eden Berdugo
Boca Jewish Center joins in wishing a hearty
Mazel Tov to this evening's Guests of Honor Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Liat Bensimon and
Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Carla Levine
Thank you for the incredible contributions you have made
to enhance the quality of Hadar High School for Girls,
and The Boca Raton Jewish Community as a whole!
Rabbi Yaakov Gibber
Dr. Yakov Elefant - Abe Grohman - Warren Struhl,
Matthew Hocherman, Executive Director Sasson
Boca Raton Synagogue
Mazel Tov to the well deserved honorees:
Mr. and Mrs. Dan & Liat Bensimon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim & Carla Levine
In recognition of
Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet
for their mesiras nefesh and devotion to our incredible girls!
East Boca Kehilla - Rabbi Noach Light
In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet and all
of Hadar High School Faculty and Staff
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
Seth & Esther Entin and Family
Mazal Tov & Best Wishes to all
the honorees!
We want to express our sincere appreciation to
Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet and the faculty of Hadar High School for all that they have done for their students!
Raffie and Sarah Leah Freiden
Congratulations to Dan and Liat on your
well-deserved honor.
You are pillars of the Boca Raton community and set an
exemplary example with your beautiful family. We love you
so much and are so happy to be here to celebrate with you.
With love,
Jordan, Shani, Daniella, Joshua, and Moshe Herman
In Honor Of
Jim and Carla Levine
on this well deserved honor.
Your devotion, generosity and tireless efforts on behalf of Torah
institutions and chesed organizations is inspirational and impacts so many.
כּל העוסקים בּצרכי ציבּור בּאמונה הקבּ"ה ישׁלם שׂכרם
May Hashem bless you with best of health, happiness, hatzlacha,
siyata diShmaya in all that you do and Jewish nachas from your family.
We have great hakarat hatov for all that you do!!!
Mazal Tov to all of the honorees!
Steve and Odeleya Jacobs
Mazel Tov to the Honorees on this well-deserved honor!
Dan & Liat Bensimon and Jim & Carla Levine
Thank you for all that you do for Hadar, as a staff member at KYHS,
and for our entire community.
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Moshe and Mrs. Michal Schochet and the lay leadership of Hadar Rabbi Avi Levitt, Head of School
Dr. David Lasko, President
Mr. Shimmie Kaminetsky, Executive Director
Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner, Principal
Congratulations to our dear friends
Dan and Liat Besimon
on this well deserved honor.
We're so lucky to have close friends
such as you both.
Wishing you abundant bracha and nachas always.
Thank you Jim and Carla Levine for your support
and involvement in Hadar High School.
Shira and Yitzi Kessock
Congratulations to Liat and Dan Bensimon on
this well deserved honor.
We wish you continued nachas from your
children and success in all your future endeavors.
Penina and Sruly Landa
To our parents and grandparents Carla and Jim Levine,
We are profoundly grateful to be your children and the recipients of your selfless devotion, love, guidance, and role modeling.
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!
We also wish a huge Mazel Tov to Liat and Dan Bensimon!
With much love,
Devora, Simmy, Avigayil, & Shevy
Daniella, Eli, Shoshana, Ezi, & Mimi
David, Eli, Rafaela, Ami, & Orli
Bobby, Debra, & Daniel
Michael, Becka, Anna, & Sam
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors!
To our dear friends the Bensimons and the Levines
We wish you a tremendous Yasher Koach on this well-deserved honor. Your unending dedication to doing for others and promoting growth at Hadar and the greater Boca Raton community is truly inspiring. May Hashem shower you with much nachas, bracha, hatzlacha, and the strength to continue to serve the community in the beautiful way that you do.
Yehuda and Michal Marcus
Mazel Tov to our close friends and incredible
neighbors, Dan and Liat!
Your dedication and devotion to Hadar
and the Boca community is admirable.
May you continue to have the strength to be
the role models you are and inspire us all!
Thank you Rabbi and Mrs Schochet and the
wonderful staff of Hadar for all that you do to help our girls grow and succeed. We are so appreciative!
Mazel Tov Jim and Carla on this well deserved recognition!
Leah and Uri Mond
Mazal tov to the honorees
Dan & Liat Bensimon
Jim & Carla Levine
Thank you for your dedication to Hadar High School for Girls and the Boca Raton Jewish community!
Jack and Renee Nussbaum
Congratulations to Hadar High School for another year of stellar community service.
Mazal Tov to tonight's honorees
Dan & Liat Bensimon
Jim & Carla Levine
for your devotion to Hadar High School
Young Israel of Boca Raton
Rabbi Eliyahu & Rebbetzin Ruth Rabovsky
Rabbi Yeshai & Michal Bane
Mr. Danny & Atara Gilbert, President
Mazal Tov to our dear friends and neighbors
Dan and Liat Bensimon
on this well deserved honor!
We are so proud of you and fortunate to have
you as close friends.
Mazal Tov to Jim and Carla Levine on this special honor!
We are inspired by your work and dedication to
Hadar High School.
May you continue going מחיל לחיל!
Avi and Ahava Oppenheimer
Mazel Tov Dan and Liat Bensimon on this
tremendous honor!
Your dedication and support for Hadar High
School and to Torah institutions in our community is remarkable.
We are lucky to be your neighbors and friends!
Mazel Tov to Jim and Carla Levine!
May Hashem bless you all and give you
continued strength and opportunity to inspire Klal Yisrael. Dani & Miriam Oppenheimer
is honored to recognize the outstanding contribution to Jewish education of our dear friends.
Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe and Michal Schochet
and wishes a tremendous mazel tov to
Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Liat Bensimon
on this well-deserved honor. Their involvement in Hadar High School, our Yeshiva, and the Boca Raton community exemplifies extraordinary dedication. Mazel Tov as well to Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Carla Levine on this most deserved honor. May you continue to go from strength to strength! Rabbi Reuven Feinberg, Dean Rabbi Hillel Feuerman, President Sasson
Mazal Tov to Hadar High School for Girls and our colleagues and friends
Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Schochet
on the Hadar Annual Dinner!
We wish you hatzlacha as you continue to inspire and educate
the children of Boca Raton
Mazal Tov to the honorees
Mr. and Mrs. Dan & Liat Bensimon
Mr. and Mrs. Jim & Carla Levine
Rabbi Yigal Abramchik
Rabbi Yehoshua Schloss
Roshei Yeshiva
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In honor of Dan and Liat Bensimon. Mazal Tov to all of the honorees! Continued success to Hadar! Jack and Rhoda Azar
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Avram and Elana Belizon
Simcha Ad
Congratulations Dan & Liat Bensimon on the well-deserved achievement. The honor appropriately reflects the endless hours of commitment you and your family have dedicated to Hadar. Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors + CPAs Mazel Tov to honorees & dear friends Carla & Jim Levine and Liat & Dan Bensimon! Love, Lynn & Jerry Cherney Simcha Ad
Mazel Tov to Carla & Jim You are truly good friends from near and far. We wish you all the best. Love, Lorys & Mitchell Stiel Mona & Alan Fisher Eleanor Ager Realty: (561)866-4140, (561) 702-6662 Mazel Tov to the Honorees and Yasher Koach on your contributions and efforts on behalf of all of our children. Chazak Chazak Ve'Neitchazek! Sincerely, Your Friends Simcha Ad
Mazel Tov to Liat & Dan Bensimon. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to Hadar! May you continue to be an inspiration to us all! Ilana & Evan Landau Mazal Tov Jim and Carla Love Roger & Susan and Family Larry & Karen and Family Simcha Ad
Dearest Liat and Dan I love you and admire you very much. I am so proud of the family you built together. May G"D protect you and keep you safe always. Eva (BOBE) Livovsky
To Dan and Liat Bensimon Mazal tov on this well-deserved honor. Thank you for all you commitment to our community and schools. May Hashem bless you with nachas! Shlomi, Arielle ,Elinor, David ,Gabriel and Daniel Lugassy Simcha Ad
Congratulations to honorees Dan and Liat Bensimon, for always striving for high quality Jewish education for girls. Alex and Chava Mann
Dear Dan and Liat, Congratulations on this very well deserved honor. We are happy to support your efforts and this wonderful school! Sharon and Bob Miller
Simcha Ad
Congratulations to Mr & Mrs. Dan and Liat Bensimon on your well-deserved honors Moises & Dory Mizrahi
Mazel Tov to our dear cousins, Carla and Jim Levine Love, Annie, Bob, Josh, Adam, Ben and Malka Spoont Simcha Ad
Mazal tov to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Thank you to all of the administration and staff for everything you do for the girls every day! Yaakov & Stacey Waldman
Orah Ad
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Daniel & Liora Adler
To Dan and Liat - Mazal tov on this well-deserved honor! Your devotion to Hadar High School and the Boca Raton community is an inspiration! Joseph and Danna Averbook
Mazel Tov on this incredible honor! May HaShem continue to shower you with all of His brachos in good health!! Rabbi Josh Grajower and Mrs. Adina Galbut Grajower Orah Ad
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Debra and Larry Halperin
Mazal Tov to Dan and Liat. We are proud of your efforts on behalf of this institution. Cynthia and Harry Kotowitz
To the esteemed honorees Dan and Liat Bensimon. We admire and respect your dedication to ensuring the success of Hadar. May Hashem continue to grant you the strength to persevere, the ability to achieve and the will to share your success with the community. Mazal Tov! Ely and Sara Levy
Orah Ad
Congratulations to all the honorees on your well-deserved honors. Lisa and George Lintz
In honor of Rabbi Schochet Chaskel Lipschitz
Mazel Tov to our dear friends Carla and Jim Levine on this well deserved honor. Love, Joyce & David Muller Orah Ad
Congratulations Liat and Dan for a wonderful family! You set an example for us all. Puszkar Family
Aviva Reich & Realty Home Advisors join to extend a hearty mazel tov to all our wonderful honorees! Aviva Reich (561)702-1018 avivareich@att.net Aviva Reich
Congratulations Jim and Carla! We miss you terribly but are happy you are now in the land of the free. Arthur & Marcy Rubin
Orah Ad
Mazel Tov to the honorees! In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Schochet for their devotion to Hadar! Devorah, Ira & Esti Rubin
Dan & Liat, Jim & Carla - An honor well deserved for your dedication toward the advancement of Jewish education! Mazel Tov! Sara Margolies Lots of Love and Admiration to Jim and Carla - You Rock! Shulammis and Mordechai, Ramat Bet Shemesh Orah Ad
A well-deserved honor for Carla and Jim Levine. People who exemplify integrity and commitment toward Jewish values. Joseph Schwartz
Mazel tov to Carla and Jim! Gabi Shabtai
Mazel tov Dan and Liat! We are so proud of everything you have done to help build Hadar! The Bensimon Siblings
Orah Ad
Mazel Tov Carla & James! Happy to see that Boca appreciates you as much as we did. We miss you! The DeAngelis Family In honor of the legendary educator Carla Levine & her family, the Bensimon Clan & Rabbi Moshe & Michal Schochet. Rabbi Perry & Miriam Tirschwell
Mazal tov to Dan and Liat Bensimon on this tremendous honor! We are so proud of all that you do for Hadar High School and the Boca Raton community! Avi and Sara Wargon
Orah Ad
Heartfelt Congratulations to Daniel & Liat Bensimon. A role model couple for their children and their community! Bernardo & Sylvia Weininger