Dan and Liat Bensimon
Dan and Liat Bensimon are pillars of the Hadar family and the greater Boca Raton Jewish community at large. After arriving in Boca in 2011, they immediately immersed themselves in building and enabling the growth of Torah institutions throughout the area. As one of the original founding families of Hadar High School, they worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure Hadar's establishment, growth and continued success. As members of the Boca Raton Synagogue, the Bensimons have taken on leadership roles that reach every aspect of Torah life throughout Boca and support the ever-changing needs of a rapidly growing community. 
Dan, originally from Montreal, and Liat, from Mexico City, met in High School in South Florida, and together have a unique appreciation for the stunning development of Torah institutions in the local and surrounding areas. They have seven beautiful children: Abby, Orly, Adina, Haim Moshe, Azriel, Eitan and Tehila whom they are thrilled to be raising in such a wonderful community. 
Dan and Liat are so appreciative of the impact Hadar has had on their family and are in awe as they watch their daughter Abby (Hadar class of ‘24), experience the magic of Hadar every day.  They look forward to their daughters Orly (Hadar class of ‘27), Adina (Hadar Class of ‘29) and Tehila (Hadar class of ??) having the same privilege.
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