Head of School’s message to Dan & Liat Bensimon
Head of School’s message to Jim & Carla Levine
President’s message to Dan & Liat Bensimon
President’s message to Jim & Carla Levine
Head of School’s message to Dan & Liat Bensimon
In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Dan & Liat Bensimon

 Your tireless efforts, energy and devotion to building Hadar, as well as the many Torah institutions in the South Florida community, is inspiring. Having the privilege of working alongside the two of you since “Year Zero”, has shown us firsthand the tremendous dedication and commitment that you have towards Klal Yisrael and Jewish education.  

 On a personal level, we are so grateful and appreciative of our deep and cherished friendship. Our shared mission has not only strengthened our family's bond, but has ensured that together we inspire and educate the next generation of Bnos Torah.

 We wish you only continued health, happiness, mazel, and nachas from your beautiful family. May Hashem shower you with much bracha for many years to come!

 Mazel Tov!!
Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet

Head of School’s message to Jim & Carla Levine
In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim & Carla Levine
Your passion and excitement in becoming partners with us from the moment
that you joined the Hadar family is unparalleled. Thank you for your commitment and generous support to Hadar High School for Girls.

On both a professional and personal level, we have had the privilege of being colleagues for so many years. We feel so fortunate that our bonds of friendship have strengthened even further as we work together to ensure that Hadar continues to provide a stellar
high school experience for the girls of South Florida.

 May Hashem continue to bestow on you and your family much bracha, mazel,
health and happiness for many years to come!

Mazel Tov!!
 Rabbi Moshe & Mrs. Michal Schochet

President’s message to Dan & Liat Bensimon
Dan & Liat
You have been our partners in chinuch from our very beginning, most tangibly with the charter papers you drafted that enabled us to officially create "Hadar Inc". Since those early days, you've not only served as vocal cheerleaders and supporters of Hadar and its administration, but you both also continually "lead
by example". Through the ideals and principles that govern your daily actions, you are both well-positioned to serve as exemplary role models to our students, our parent body, and our community at large.

We are incredibly grateful for the contributions you have made (and will no doubt
continue to make) to ensure the success of our students and our school.

With much appreciation for your continued partnership,
Shlomo Cohen

President’s message to Jim & Carla Levine
Jim & Carla
Mazal Tov on this most deserved honor.

Getting to know you has been an absolute privilege. You each have done so much throughout your lives -- quietly and selflessly, and yet so powerfully and effectively -- to advance the fundamentals and essentials of Torah education and Torah living. There is no more meaningful tribute to the incredible legacy you have established throughout your lives, then to witness all your children
following in your path and footsteps.

It is my hope and bracha that your actions and lifelong commitment will continue to inspire your children, your grandchildren, and so many others in Boca Raton, Chicago and beyond.

Thank you so much for the generous contributions that have enabled Hadar and
its students and graduates to flourish in so many ways.

With tremendous respect and gratitude,
Shlomo Cohen
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