We want to thank our honorees for their commitment to Hadar High School.
(click on photos below to read more about honorees)
d01 - honoree dan and liat
d02 - honoree - Jim and Carla
From Our Honorees
Dan and Liat Bensimon
Jim and Carla Levine
Oz V’Hadar Society
Hillel and Chayi Cohen
Basheva and Murray Goldberg
Hod V’Hadar Society
Shoshana & Daniel Robbin
Sharvit HaZahav
R. Efrem and Yocheved Goldberg
Arthur Solomon
Ari and Rochel Leah Stern
Ateres Zahav
Chaya & Shlomo Cohen
Donny & Freyda Cohen
Imagine Research - Herman Family
Sharon and Charles Trauring
T’cheles V’Chur
Interra Capital Group
Zev And Dina Raden
Judy and Robert Bruckstein
Eli and Orlie Cohen
Avi and Jemina Frohlich
Yechiel and Margo Rosman
Sal and Leslie Abady
Rebecca and Ranan Amster
Isaac and Flora Reich
Daniel and Ellen Averbook
Dr. Jaimy and Rachel Bensimon
Elie Z”L, Guila, Yogev, Adi and Eden Berdugo
Boca Jewish Center
Boca Raton Synagogue
East Boca Kehilla
Seth and Esther Entin
Eli & Chanah Freiden
Raffie and Sarah Leah Freiden
Jordan & Shani Herman
Steve and Odeleya Jacobs
Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
Katz Hillel Day School of Boca Raton
Katz Yeshiva High School
Shira and Yitzi Kessock
Grove Kosher Market
Penina and Sruly Landa
Children of Jim and Carla Levine
Yehuda and Michal Marcus
Leah and Uri Mond
Jack and Renee Nussbaum
Young Israel of Boca Raton
Avi and Ahava Oppenheimer
Dani & Miriam Oppenheimer
Torah Academy of Boca Raton
Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton
Simcha Ad
Jack and Rhoda Azar
Avram and Elana Belizon
Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors + CPAs
Jerry and Lynn Cherney
Eleanor Ager Realty, Inc.
Your Friends
Ilana and Evan Landau
Roger Levine
Eva (BOBE) Livovsky
Shlomi, Arielle ,Elinor,David ,Gabriel and Daniel Lugassy
Alex and Chava Mann
Sharon and Bob Miller
Moises & Dory Mizrahi
Robert and Ann Spoont
Yaakov & Stacey Waldman
Orah Ad
Daniel & Liora Adler
Joseph and Danna Averbook
Rabbi Josh Grajower and Mrs Adina Galbut Grajower
Debra and Larry Halperin
Cynthia and Harry Kotowitz
Ely and Sara Levy
Lisa and George Lintz
Chaskel Lipschitz
Joyce and David Muller
Puszkar Family
Aviva Reich
Arthur & Marcy Rubin
Devorah, Ira & Esti Rubin
Sarah Margolies
Rabbi Mordechai Saxon
Joseph Schwartz
Gabi Shabtai
The Bensimon Siblings
The DeAngelis Family
Rabbi Perry & Miriam Tirschwell
Avi and Sara Wargon
Bernardo & Sylvia Weininger
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