Letter from the President
In the best-selling book Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss, top designer and author Debbie Millman said, “Busy is a decision.  If we use busy as an excuse for not doing something, what we are really saying is that it’s not a priority.  Simply put: You don’t find the time to do something; you make the time to do something.”
I think we can all agree that our honorees tonight are very busy women!  Just reading through their impressive and extensive biographies made me feel simultaneously exhausted, grateful, and awestruck!
These women are powerhouses, plain and simple.  We are so very fortunate that each one of them decided years ago to make GRTWA one of their top priorities in their lives, carving out so many hours of their days and nights to help whenever and wherever they could, in ways big and small (but mostly big!), in order to help make our school run as seamlessly and successfully as possible.  Their dedication to this school is truly extraordinary.

This spring we will celebrate Ariel, Stacey, Jodi, and Jennifer for their deep and steadfast commitments to our school. I hope you will join us at the gala on April 7, 2019 and take a few sparks of their amazing energy home with you.  Let them serve as unofficial mentors to you; their paths are well worth following.
Please join me in taking out an ad in this year’s ad journal and thanking each of our distinguished honorees for brilliantly shining the way forward for our school.  Mazel Tov!
With gratitude,

Joy Sussman
President, Board of Trustees
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