Diamond Benefactor
Rabbi Jesse, Andrea
& the Olitzky children
A family that makes GOA proud!
Ed Zinbarg
Ruby Benefactor
Mazel tov and thank you to the
honorees, faculty, staff and administration
for your tireless efforts in support of
Jewish education at Golda Och Academy!
Sharon & David Halpern
Ruby Benefactor
Yasher Koach!
Thank you for all you do for GOA
and for our Jewish community.
Dr Lynne B Harrison
Platinum Benefactor
Mazel tov and thank you to the
honorees, faculty, staff and administration
for your tireless efforts in support of
Jewish education at Golda Och Academy!
Murray & Batsheva Halpern
Platinum Benefactor
Mazel Tov Andrea & Jesse
on this very well deserved honor.
Your dedication to our school and the entire community
is incredible and we are so grateful for all that you do.
Thank you to the amazing staff and faculty of
Golda Och Academy for creating such a warm,
inviting and always academically challenging environment
where our kids are learning, growing and thriving daily.
Mindy & Alan Schall
Gold Benefactor
Todah Rabah
to our faculty, staff and administrators
for providing our children with a
strong Jewish foundation.
Avi, Lilach, Yael & Noa Abergel
Gold Benefactor
Todah Rabah to our faculty, staff and
administrators for providing our children
with a strong Jewish foundation.

Gavin, Taryn, Jared, Tyler & Josh Berelowitz
Gold Benefactor

Mazel Tov to the GOA 2024 Spring Gala Honorees!  
Thank you to Mindy and Alan Schall for all you do for GOA!  
Thank you to the faculty, staff and administration 
for all you do to nurture the next generation of Jewish leaders.  

Abbi and Jeremy Halpern
Gold Benefactor
Mazal Tov to Andrea & Rabbi Jesse
on this well deserved honor.
You are both role models and an inspiration to us all.
Your ongoing commitment to our
Golda Och Academy Community is a blessing.

Kol Hakavod!
Lori & Steven Klinghoffer
Gold Benefactor
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Eleanor & Marc Kramer
Gold Benefactor
Golda Och Academy and Beth El --
Two amazing Jewish institutions!
Yasher Koach to the Olitzkys,
for making both places even better.
Michael Och, Susan Och & Brian Kalver
Gold Benefactor
Gold Benefactor
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Julie & Jonathan Schwartz
Gold Benefactor
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Summit Dental Partners
Gold Benefactor
Mazel Tov to
Golda Och Academy
and the
2024 Spring Gala Honorees! 
The Kurson Family
Gold Benefactor

In honor of 2024 Honorees
Andrea & Jesse Olitzky.

We are proud to be GOA grandparents
and to support Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy.
Audrey & Zygi Wilf
Gold Benefactor
Gold Benefactor

Mazel Tov to Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
and a huge thank you 
to our faculty, staff and administrators 
for providing our children
with a strong Jewish foundation.
Jessica & Ari Wise
Gold Benefactor
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Eric & Dayna Zoller
Silver Benefactor
We LOVE the Olitzkys!
Thank you for your incredible leadership and
continuous support of our community.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Scott, Atara, Jonah, Ari & Aliza
Bieber & Jacobson
Silver Benefactor
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Pamela & Jordan Davis
Silver Benefactor
Todah Rabah to our faculty,
staff and administrators for
providing our children with a
strong Jewish foundation.
Terri & Michael Goldberg
Chai Benefactor
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
and thank you to the GOA staff and administrators
for providing our children with a
strong Jewish foundation.
Heather & Zachary Bier
Chai Benefactor
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Robyn & Joseph Bier
Chai Benefactor
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
on your commitment to supporting
GOA's mission!
Brown & Brown
Chai Benefactor
Mazel Tov, Andrea & Jesse!
We are beyond blessed to have you
as part of our community.
Your kindness and dedication to your family,
congregation, school, and the Jewish community
as a whole is an amazing example to us all.
Felix, Lisa, Theo, Marlo & Rae Buber
Chai Benefactor
וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה, הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם וישלח ברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיהם....
And all who are involved faithfully in the needs of the community - may the Holy One, Blessed Is He, pay their reward...
and send blessing and success to all their handiwork....
(from the Siddur)
In honor of our wonderful Rabbi & his wife.

We are blessed to be part of the Beth El community.
Joan & Harvey Bucholtz
Chai Benefactor
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support
of Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Cathy & Bert Distelburger
Chai Benefactor
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky!
Kol Hakavod to the class of 2024 & their families
and Todah Rabah to the amazing faculty, staff
& administrators of GOA.
Dr. Matt Askin & Miriam Linver & family
Chai Benefactor
Chai Benefactor
Mazel tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their incredible dedication and generosity
to the Jewish community for so many years.
We are so proud of you!
Rena, Matt, Jojo & Estie Abrams
Sharon & Ken Kaufmann
Chai Benefactor
Todah Rabah
to our faculty, staff and administrators
for providing our children with a
strong Jewish foundation.
Kroll Commercial Realty, LLC
Chai Benefactor
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky!
Lee & Murray Kushner
Chai Benefactor
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Michele & Jeffrey Landau
Chai Benefactor
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education at
Golda Och Academy!
Bill & Amy Lipsey
Chai Benefactor
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Debbie, Steve, Matt & Amanda Nadel
Chai Benefactor
"A day without Torah
is like a day without sunshine."
In honor of Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for all that they do to bring sunshine
into the lives of all those whom they touch.
We love you and we are so proud of you.
Rabbi Kerry and Sheryl Olitzky
and the MinneOs: Rabbi Avi Olitzky, Zoe Stern,
Akiva, Aliza, Miri & Yoni
Chai Benefactor
Todah Rabah to our faculty, staff and
administrators for providing our children
with a strong Jewish foundation.
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky!
Sam & Sheryl Pearlstein
Chai Benefactor
Mazel Tov to our honorees Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for all that you do for our community!
Thank you to all of the GOA faculty and staff
for another wonderful school year!
A huge Mazel Tov to the class of 2024!!
You are a very special group and we know
you will continue to reach for the stars!!!
From one alumni to another,
these are friendships and memories that will last a lifetime!!
Am Yisrael Chai!
Amelia & Cory Perlstein
Chai Benefactor
Mazel Tov to
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky,
and Todah Rabah to our
faculty, staff, and administrators!
Rachel, Joshua,
Benjamin, Samuel & Jacob Reisberg
Chai Benefactor
Todah Rabah to our faculty,
staff and administrators
for providing our children with a
strong Jewish foundation.
Caren & Lazer Rothenberg
Chai Benefactor
Rabbi & Andrea!
No one deserves this honor more than you.
You mean the world to us.
Ann & Mel Schaffer
Chai Benefactor
Mazel Tov Rabbi O & Andrea 
on this well-deserved honor from GOA.
We are blessed to have you as friends
and spiritual leader of our
Congregation Beth El family.
Sharon & Stephen Seiden
Chai Benefactor
In honor of
Andrea &  Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Shari & Mitch Broder
Chai Benefactor
In honor of Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support
of Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Yvette, David, Sam, Isaac & Levi Sharret
Chai Benefactor
Mazel tov Rabbi Jesse & Andrea!
How blessed we feel to have you as beloved
friends of Aliza & Stuart.
How proud we feel that David & Ethan
adore their Rabbi O!
With great admiration,
Rabbi Bob & Deborah Slosberg
Louisville, Kentucky
Chai Benefactor
Todah Rabah to our faculty, staff and
administrators for providing our children
with a strong Jewish foundation,
and Mazel Tov to honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky.
Thank you for all you do for our community!
Elana & Brett Tanzman
Chai Benefactor
Mazel Tov and Thank You to
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for all you do for the 
Jewish People.
Rabbi Matthew D. Gewirtz
Rabbi Karen Glazer Perolman
Cantor Lucy B. Fishbein
Rabbi Leah H. Sternberg
Marc Rothstein, Executive Director
Rena Abrams, Director of Strategic Advancement
Karen Feldman, President
Chai Benefactor
We are beyond grateful
to faculty, staff and administrators
for providing our children with excellent education
and strong Jewish foundation.
Mazel Tov to the Class of 2024!
Yana & Kenneth Weiss
Mazel Tov to Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky!
We are grateful for your leadership
and friendship.
May you continue to go
from strength to strength.
Amy, Jeremy, Aly & Mia Biloon
Mazel Tov to
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky 
Stacey & Gene Davis
Mazel Tov to our Honorees!
Thank you to Golda Och Academy's faculty, staff, and administration
for all you do to nurture and teach our children every day!
We are particularly proud that our school strongly supports Israel
and offers fabulous programs like Neshama and Na'ale, which foster a     lifelong relationship with Israel                                                                 and its people.                                                                                    
From the "Rosh" of our USY on Wheels bus
to a "Rosh" in our community,
we are grateful for Rabbi Jesse Olitzky's leadership!
Mazel Tov to the honorees!
Lisa, Ben, Arielle & Ilana Herzberg
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky!
Jessica, David & Aaron Moss
Mazel Tov to honorees and to all
GOA teachers, staff and administrators
for making GOA a special place!
Rachel Schwarz
and Marc, Daniel & Jesse Schiffman
Mazel Tov to our dear friends and amazing
Jewish Leaders, Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky,  
for their contributions to the
Jewish world and Golda Och Academy.
May you continue to go
from Strength to Strength.
Am Yisrael Chai!
The Brokman Family
Mazel Tov to Jesse & Andrea
on this special honor. We are so proud of all that you do for your community! 
All our love,
Mom & Stephen,
Auntie Martha & Uncle Mark,
Lily, Jason & David,
Rachel, Alex, Celia & Darcy,
Dan, Samara, Ronen & Sadie,
and Allen
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Alison Smith & Dr. Marc Glashofer
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Biebelberg & Martin, LLC 
Mazel Tov
to the Class of 2024
and all your families!
CCS Fundraising
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Melissa & Lawrence Elbaum
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Jacqueline & Barry Levine
Kol HaKavod
to the faculty, staff, administrators
and Golda Och parent and alumni community
for raising the next generation.
Mazel tov to our friends and colleagues
Andrea & Rabbi Olitzky for your leadership!
Rabbi Abigail Treu
Oheb Shalom Congregation
We are so grateful to be a part of the
Golda Och Academy community
and are humbled by this honor.
Thank you to the faculty, staff, and GOA team
for all that you have done to teach and inspire
Cayla, Noah, and Hannah.
With much love and gratitude,
Rabbi Jesse & Andrea Olitzky
Mazel tov to
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
and kol hakavod for GOA's Israel education,
including Neshama
The Bucholtz/Feldman Family
Mazel Tov to the GOA 2024 Honorees
Rabbi Jesse & Andrea Olitzky!

Don & Dottie Wagner   
Mazel Tov to
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky,
and Todah Rabah to our faculty,
staff and administrators!
Lynn & Mark Arian
Mazel tov
Rabbi Jesse & Andrea!
We feel so fortunate to have such history
with you and are so proud of all
 your accomplishments.
Amy & Jason Black
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Merri & Ned Braunstein
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Jennifer Carlin
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Todah Rabah
to our faculty, staff and administrators
for providing our children with a
strong Jewish foundation.
Sharon & Howard Charish
Mazel tov to my colleague Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
on being honored at this year's GOA Gala.
May you & Andrea go from strength to strength.
Yashar Koach to Andrew Talpins and Joey Askin
and the entire senior class on their graduation from GOA.
Ari & Gila Isenberg,
Congregation B'nai Israel Millburn
Rabbi Olitzky & Andrea,
Your leadership and dedication to Jewish education
at GOA and Beth El inspires all of us toward a life of
learning and growing in community.
We are very blessed to have you at the helm
guiding us.
Mazel tov!
Congregation Beth El Board of Trustees & Staff
Mazel Tov to honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky!
We are so lucky to have you both
as part of our community.
Mazal Tov, as well, to the Class of 2024
and your families.
Congregation Beth El Men's Club
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Ada Beth & Chuck Cutler
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts
in support of Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Dobbs Autobody,
Brad & Rochelle Denning
Chizuk to our future
educators and administrators
who are tasked with the
responsibility of educating my
granddaughter and her classmates.
Eric Fremed
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky.
Adie & Dara Garber
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Holly, Lori & Logan Gladstone
Todah Rabah and Kol Hakavod to
Rabbi Jesse Olitzky & Andrea Olitzky
for their leadership in the Beth El and GOA communities.
It's always wonderful and gratifying to see the
proud product of a Jewish day school education
paying it forward!
Mazal Tov!
Heidi Rivkin & Ben Jacobs
and Ari '25 & Marissa '25 Jacobs
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support
of Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Helwani Family
Mazel Tov on this Well Deserved Honor!
From your friends at the Highland Park
Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Emeth
Renee & Stuart Feinblatt
Susan & Mark Green
Leslie Fishbein & Zoltan Kemeny
Randy & Carl Levy
Joan & Stuart Mitnick
Brenda & Roy Tanzman
Linda & Al Tondow
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Elaine & Dan Katz
Mazel Tov to
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky!
Todah Rabah
to our faculty, staff and administrators
for providing our children with a
strong Jewish foundation.
Dr. Hal & Jeri Kimowitz
Todah Rabah to our faculty,
staff and administrators for
providing our children with a
strong Jewish foundation.
Leslie Dannin Rosenthal & 
David Rosenthal
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Steve & Beena Levy
Mazel tov to our friends,
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky.
We love GOA!
Talya Oberfield & Ari Lucas
Mazel Tov
Andrea & Jesse!
Thank you for being the leaders that you are!
Rachel, Noah, Frayda & Moshe Marcus
Mazel Tov to Andrea & Rabbi O
on this well-deserved honor!
As members of the GOA & Beth El communities,
we feel doubly fortunate to have you as leaders in both!
Thank you for your commitment and all that you
do to make our Jewish community so vibrant.
With love,
Stephanie, Jonathan, Isabelle & Gabrielle
The Marks/Zellan Family
Mazel Tov to
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for all they do to make our
community and world a better place!
Emily & Brian Neider

Mazel tov to Rabbi Jesse & Andrea Olitzky!
Thank you for exemplifying the Mishnah's advice:
והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
Greet each person with kindness.

Rabbi Danny & Lynn Nevins
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their leadership at Golda Och Academy
and throughout the Jewish community. 
Your friends and rabbinical colleagues,
Rabbi Ari Lucas
Rabbi Jason Fruithandler
Rabbi Howard Tillman
Rabbi Adam Baldachin
Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky
רבן גמליאל
אומר: במקום
שאין אנשים
השתדל להיות
After over twenty years of friendship,
we could not be more proud of both of you
and the impact you have at GOA, South Orange, and beyond.
With love,
Josh, Yael, Hannah, Shai & Ella
Congrats to Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
from your friends at Resolution Counseling.
Mazel Tov to our Honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
Gail & Dennis Roth
In honor of Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education at Golda Och Academy!
Henry & Linda Salmon
Mazel tov to GOA for its great success in shaping
the Jewish identities of so many
and deepening their connections to Israel.
Our dear friends Rabbi Jesse & Andrea Olitzky
epitomize the best of what Jewish identity
can look like in the world.
We are blessed to celebrate with them and with you.
Rabbi Craig & Nancy Scheff
Congratulations and best wishes
to Andrea & Rabbi Jesse on this well-deserved honor!
Your leadership and involvement in our community
ensures Jewish continuity to the next generation.
We knew you were capable of great
accomplishments when we met you at age 3!
You do not disappoint!
With love,
Aunt Marcia & Uncle Jeff
With gratitude to Andrea & Jesse Olitzky
for your tremendous leadership at our school
and in our Jewish community. 
Thank you for being role models for us all! 
May you always go from strength to strength!  
Stephanie Bash-Soudry & Michael Soudry
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Jesse & Andrea
on this well deserved honor.
May you go from strength to strength.
Brenda & Roy Tanzman
Mazal Tov to our esteemed honorees
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitsky.
With tremendous Hakarat Hatov, admiration and
respect for your enthusiastic dedication to the success
and welfare of Jewish day school education at GOA.
May your family, friends and our entire extended community
follow in your footsteps to help perpetuate your great work.
Heather, Eugene, Jonas '24, Margot & Vivian Wishnic
Proud to support 
Golda Och Academy
and honor
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky!
In honor of
Andrea & Rabbi Jesse Olitzky
for their tireless efforts in support of
Jewish day school education
at Golda Och Academy!
Rachel & Leeor Zorel
Mazel Tov Listing
Alison Berger & Matthew Derkson
Sari & Rabbi Uri Allen
Dory, Jennifer, Jonah & Rebecca Altmann
Ariele Cohen & Sree Velicheti
Joani & David Ascher
Michelle & Bruce Berger
Ellen & Jonathan Berkowitz
Colton-Max Family
Richard & Janet Conn
Mazel Tov Listing
Daniel Kestin & Elissa Meth Kestin
Rabbi Paula & Jonathan Drill
Abby & Rabbi Mark Finkel, Liora, Eliana & Doron Finkel
Sheldon & Barbara Freidenreich
Erika & Bill Gold
Stacey Sern & Jonathan Greenberg
Laura & Jeffrey Greif
Kitah Aleph Friends & Families
Keren, Aryeh, Mimi, & Caleb Lebeau
Mazel Tov Listing
Herman, Adele, Max & Debbi Lebersfeld
Francine Levine
Louise & Skip Levine
Jackie & Michael Levinson
Judith Lieberman
Liv Breads Artisan Bakery & Coffee Bar
Maple Kosher Meats
Lisa & Glenn Mechanick
Lauren & Mike Morris
Mazel Tov Listing
Rabbi Elliot Goldberg & Rabbi Sheryl Katzman
Joshua & Debra Rednik
Rita Yohalem & family
Elizabeth Rosenkrantz
Sandy Sachs
Susan & Ephraim Schachter
Sarah, Ian, Gabe & Lacey Schwartz
Dina & Etan Wiesen
Sherry Woocher