Paula Gottesman
Community Partner Award
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We are pleased to recognize Paula Gottesman, a long-time community leader and pioneering philanthropist who together with her husband Jerry z”l and our JCF and Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest created groundbreaking models of support for day school education that have helped to transform our school, MetroWest day schools, our Greater MetroWest community and reshaped the national landscape. 
Paula has held many leadership roles in our community, including as the first woman president of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ (JCF), a long-time Federation board member and board member of many Jewish organizations, including NJY Camps, Morristown Jewish Center Beit-Yisrael synagogue, and more. She is currently a member of the Executive Board of the JCF and long-time Chair of the Greater MetroWest Day School Advisory Council.
But by far her most influential community role has been as President of the Paula and Jerry Family Supporting Foundation of our JCF.  Paula, over decades, has steered the considerable resources and influence of the family foundation towards innovative Federation programs that have uplifted our community and touched thousands of lives.
Working in partnership with her beloved husband, Jerry z’l, our Federation and JCF, and inspiring partnerships with other donors at all levels throughout the community, here are some of the programs Paula envisioned and has made possible:
  • Middle income tuition grants to enable families to afford day school education. 
  • Community-wide professional development for more than 700 day school educators at our four denominationally diverse day schools.
  • The groundbreaking development of endowments to support Jewish day school education, as has occurred for generations with private secular schools. 
  • One of national Federation system’s first community-based Jewish Camp programs. 
In 2019. Paula was a recipient of the prestigious Kipnis-Wilson / Friedland award recipient from National Women’s Philanthropy. Paula is truly a leading philanthropist of her generation, both locally and nationally whose impact will be felt for generations to come.   
Paula has four adult daughters, all active in the Jewish life of their communities, and 17 grandchildren. 
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