Greenburgh Hebrew Center
Professionals, Officers, and Board of Trustees
Rabbi Jay M. Stein, D. D.
Cantor Anna May
Rabbi Emeritus Barry Kenter, D. H. L.
Early Childhood Center Director - Shaatrice Rossi
Religious School Principal - Cantor Marcia Lane
President - Robin Rosenberg
Exec. Vice-President - Deborah Jagoda
Treasurer - Jeffrey Liss
Executive Secretary - Meredith Rusoff
Recording Secretary - Andrew Jagoda
V.P. Education - Shara Sheinberg
V.P. Fundraising - Scott Krady
V.P. Membership - Leslie Liss
V.P. Management - Paul Bialowas
V.P. Religious Affairs - Michael Katz
V.P. Security - Lori Sloane
V.P. Technolgy - Davin Milun
Committee Chair: Financial Liaison - Victor Freeman
Committee Chair: Youth - Nancy Silverman
Committee Chair: Adult Education & Cutural Affairs - Lisa Goldman
Sisterhood Representative - Allyn Salpeter
Men's Club Co-Presidents - David Luftig & Howard Baskin
Board of Trustees
Andrea Anger | David Luftig |
Paul Bialowas | Stephanie Luftig |
Fred Bierman z"l | Ada Menaker |
Victor Freeman | Davin Milun |
Burt Garson | Elyse Milun |
Alen Gershkovich | Craig Mondschein |
Lisa Goldman | Shiran Pasternak |
Andrew Jagoda | Robin Rosenberg |
Inna Kapilevich | Meredith Rusoff |
Michael Katz | Jacki Samolsky |
Scott Krady | Shara Sheinberg |
Jeffrey Liss | Nancy Silverman |
Leslie Liss | Lori Sloane |