Thank you for your extraordinary leadership and
guidance in this year of years.
Mara-Lee and Fred Bierman
Ader/Schneider, Baskin, Contract, Fried, Greenberg, Greenwald,
Jagoda,G. Katz, R. & L. Katz, Kravitz, Lazar, Liss, Lutzky, Rabinowitz, Rosenberg/Segall, Salpeter, Smith, Weinstein, Weintraub, Weiss
With our deepest gratitude to you,
for your yeoman service to GHC over the past two years.
We are so fortunate that you were our President
during this unprecedented and challenging time.
Love and best wishes,
Willys & Stephen Kals
"Bless those who devotedly
involve themselves with
the needs of this community"
(Siddur Sim Shalom)
Thank you for
your many years of hard work
and tireless devotion.
You have made a difference.
Yasher Koach,
Jo-Ann & Jay Lutzky
To an incredible leader!
Mazal Tov on a job wonderfully done!! Marcie and Michael
Congratulations, Naomi
Thank you for your decades of service
as a volunteer and especially for
your stewardship
during this turbulent time.
Yasher Koach and Mazal Tov!
Michael Billig and Marcy Berman-Billig
You are a true eshet chayil
A "fein kind" of leader who guided GHC through uncharted waters and kept us strong during unprecedented times.
Nora and Jonathan Contract
We are proud to help honor our sister-in-law,
Naomi Feinkind.
She has always seen people.
She has worked to help former students, friends, and people
in the community improve their lives which she knows
strengthens the greater community.
Greenburgh Hebrew Center is lucky that she has brought
all of these passions and talents to the Congregation
that she has loved for decades.
Even now, during Covid, she has kept people safe,
involved and connected.
With Love and Naches
Lenny, Carla, Mark and Dee
The GHC Board of Trustees
proudly honors our colleague and friend
Naomi Feinkind.
Your commitment, determination
and dedication to
GHC has been inspirational.
Your leadership has enriched our souls and
strengthened our community.
It has been an honor and a privilege working
with Naomi.
Yasher Koach!!!
The Men's Club thanks YOU
for your devotion, integrity and leadership
to the Greenburgh Hebrew Center community.
A thank you to you
For all you've done
You were a wonderful leader
Surpassed by none
You're the reason we came
And a reason we stay
Here's to celebrating you
On your very special day
The Meilman and Glick Families
High School [Tilden] Graduation
What a time to be President and what a President you are.
Not only did you fulfill all Synagogue President duties,
but you also kept us informed
of what we needed to know during this Pandemic.
We cannot thank you enough.
Yasher Koach to you and your family.
We are happy to call you our friend.
Deanna Fried and George Katz
"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Thank you for the amazing job you have done leading GHC into the future.
With much love and appreciation,
Becky Lazar and family
Mrs. Naomi Feinkind
Thank you for your kindness, patience and help over the years.
Your favorite Gorton student,
Robert A. Merante
You have proven that you are a woman of valor;
very strong under extremely difficult circumstances.
Your presidency has taken place through a "wall of fire",
the COVID pandemic.
Through thick and thin, with the help of your Board
and the professionals, you have persevered!
Mazal Tov on an extremely well-done job under fire.
Thank you Michael for sharing Naomi with GHC; for being her husband;
and for being an active participant in the life of GHC in your own right.
Vivian and Norman Milefsky
Judy, Brian and Tyler Sepinski
Thank you--
for all the years that you have devoted to GHC,
for all the work and hours that you put in during these last two crazy years.
With love and thanks, Elyse, Davin, Mitchell, and Zachary Milun n-SUNY at New Paltz
Thank you, Naomi, for all the work and devotion
to the well-being of our congregation
for the last two trying years. There aren't enough words
to describe your total commitment!
With heartfelt thanks, The Neuburger & Torres Families
You set the tone for all of us at GHC.
Your calm and capable leadership enabled us
to come through an unprecedented time
with flying colors.
With thanks to our amazing President,
Cecile D. Singer
Dear Naomi,
We are so grateful and fortunate to have had you at our helm
during these most challenging times.
Thank you for your leadership, compassion, vision,
inventiveness, tenacity and friendship.
We know that you are the first to say
that you did not do this alone, and that "it takes a village",
but every village needs a chief.
Your efforts have allowed us to remain
who we are as a community.
With sincere gratitude and love,
Dorothy and Michael Smith
Congratulations on
your accomplishments over the past
two years. Your work and effort
has resulted in bringing GHC
to the next level.
You are a force to be reckoned with!!
NAOMI - We celebrate you
Rhonda & Howard Baskin
Kol Hakavod, Naomi.
Thank you for
your tremendous leadership.
The Davidowitz Family
We thank you and honor you
for your many years of
selfless service
and devotion to GHC
May you enjoy
many more years
of good health and happiness
Natalie and Marty Frankel
"The pessimist complains about the wind.
The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails."
- J. Maxwell
Naomi: thank you for your steadfast leadership during a most difficult time. With love, Lisa and Mike Goldman
Congratulations ,
Thanks For All You Do.
Myrna & Bernie Holzman
Dear Naomi,
It wasn't the easiest of times
to be President of GHC,
But you made it look easy
with your inspiring Leadership,
Dedication and Hard Work!
Yasher Koach
v'Todah Rabah!
Arlene and Jesse Krawitz
Arlene & Jesse Krawitz
In word and deed, you have expressed
remembrance, responsibility and love
for the Jewish people.
You have led as a model of devotion
and commitment.
Ruth and Jonathan Lichter
Mazel Tov, Naomi!
Rita and Larry Lieberman m-Beth Bat Mitzvah
Thank you!
You have inspired us
with your leadership, commitment
and care.
Mazel Tov on a job well done.
Martin Stern
NACHAMA It has been a comfort
to have you at the helm.
NAOMI It will always be an honor
to stand beside you.
MAZAL TOV and YASHER KOACH Love, Richard & Judy and Annie
Thank you, Naomi!
Your hard work and dedication
to the community is remarkable.
Ann and Howard Zauberman
Feinkind Family in Israel
Mazel Tov, Naomi!
Thank you for all that you do for GHC.
The Garson Family
Thank you, Naomi!
Lenore Katkin
Marleen Kassel & Paul Kerson
Thank you, Naomi, for all that you have done for GHC. Wishing you luck and happiness in all of your future endeavors. The Kupersmith Family
Thank you for the spectacular job
you have done for all of us at GHC.
Our very best always.
Margo & Jack Maron
Mazel Tov, Naomi, on a job well done.
We wish you all the best always
as you go from strength to strength.
Traci and Craig Mondschein
Gabi, Amanda and Sabrina
152 West 57th Street, 23rd Fl
New York, NY 10019
212.913.9782 general 518.244.8188 fax Thank you for all of your hard work, Naomi! Monica & Jacob Okun and Family
To our dearest Naomi,
Thank you for being a mentor and a friend to the four of us. We continue to be inspired by your devotion and passion. You have put in countless hours into building a thriving and inclusive community and you deserve the gratitude and appreciation of everyone whose lives you touched. Love, Shiran, Stacey, Sabrina, and Julia Pasternak
Thank you for all you have done
during your term as President of GHC.
Your love for this community
and Judaism is an example for everyone to follow.
Yasher Koach!
Jean Schon and Eileen Schon Robin
Best wishes to our good friend Naomi
on this well deserved honor.
You are an incredible role model.
Mazel Tov!
Harriet & David
Thank you
for your dedication & commitment to
the Greenburgh Hebrew Center
Anita & David Schick
Thank you for everything you do for GHC! Julie & Brad Schwartz
To Our Wonderful President,
Naomi Feinkind
Your Leadership Was Inspiring During Trying Times.
The Greenburgh Hebrew Center Is Stronger For Your Efforts.
Todah Rabah! Thank You!
Amy and Michael Taub
Congratulations to Naomi Feinkind
for a job well done!
Mike and Joan Abelson
Thank you, Naomi,
for your dedication
and commitment to the GHC community!
With gratitude, The Belasco/Kaufman Family
With gratitude for your leadership
and all you have done for GHC!!!!
Tina, Steven, Michael & Jonathan Cornell
Thank you for your dedication to GHC
and wishing you the best in your future endeavors. The Karpel Family Elaine, Marcy, Jeff Lewis, Robbie & Leo and Cheryl
Thank You, Naomi,
For Your Extraordinary Leadership.
The Kunstadts
Thank you, Naomi
The Lachs and Barnattan Families
One of the most pleasurable experiences as a Rabbi's wife
was the opportunity to meet new members when they first arrive.
Naomi has made an unforgettable positive impression on me.
I will always be grateful for knowing her.
I can still remember her to this day.
Sylvia Lubliner
Jacksonville Jewish Center, Jacksonville, FL
Mazel Tov, Naomi
Thanks for all your hard work.
The Luftig Family
From Hebrew School to Bar and Bat Mitzvahs,
to membership committee to Empty Nesters,
to GHC Cookbooks to High Holy Days and beyond.
We have shared so many good times together.
Thank you so much for your tireless dedication
and service to our beloved Temple,
Greenburgh Hebrew Center
Sharon, Howard, Neil and Sara Rabinowitz
Three Generations of Feinkinds
Mazel Tov, Naomi
Toby's Jewelry
1 S. Central Park Avenue
Hartsdale, NY 10530
Congratulations to
Naomi Feinkind
for this well deserved honor.
Deanna Weinfeld
Estelle & Richard Abramowitz
Helen Rubel & Neal Allen
Patricia & Rabbi William Berman
Marcia Bernstein
Gayle & Leonard Cutler
Ilana & Robert Finkelstein
Joyce & Victor Freeman
Joan Fuhrman
Miriam & Alan Gallantar
Roberta & Herb Goldberg
Melvin Goldstein
Paul B. Gottbetter
Lois Greenwald
Tracy & Steven Hemmerdinger
Dorothy & David Kamenshine
Koplik Family
Dalia Spektor & Roy Kushner
Ellen Lebofsky
Myra Leib
Adele & Sheldon Lobel
Carol & Bill Lyons
Bernice Malamud
Hope Neuburger
Naomi Rosenberg
Allyn Salpeter
Iris, Craig & Avery Schaefer
Ann & Sam Schaffer
Silverman & Pocius Families
Ellen, Mindy & Shareen Silverstein
Nancy, Brandon & Rachel Sklar
Pam Stoller
Fran & Stan Stone
Bernice Strauss
Dina & Norman Weiner
Erica & Barney Wolff
Gilda Zucker