Greenburgh Hebrew Center Officers and Trustees
President - Sherry Padva
Exec. Vice-President - Phil Karmel
Treasurer - Brad Goldman [Acting]
Executive Secretary - Lori Sloane
Financial Secretary - Ephriam Baws
Recording Secretary - Andrew Jagoda
V.P. Education - Michael Smith
V.P. Fundraising - Leslie Liss
V.P. Activities/Membership - Judith Calder
V.P. Management - Michael Feinkind
V.P. Religious Affairs - Phil Sassoon
V.P. Youth - Robin Rosenberg
V.P. Senior/Cultural Affairs - Arlene Krawitz
Sisterhood President - Arlene Krawitz
Men's Club President - Morris Cohen
Board of Trustees
Rhonda Baskin Philip Karmel
Ephraim Baws Arlene Krawitz
Judith Calder Leslie Liss
Diane Dolinsky-Pickar Stephanie Luftig
Lynne Ecker Jake Okun
Pat Eisendrath Sherry Padva
Wayne Etlinger Robin Rosenberg
Michael Feinkind Steven Russ
Michele Glick Philp Sassoon
Brad Goldman Andrew Sherman
Mike Goldman Neil Siegel
Andrew Goldstein Lori Sloane
Andrew Jagoda Michael Smith
Deborah Jagoda Pamela Stoller