Morah Malkie Ginsburg
Rabbi Melvin L. Granatstein Educational Leadership Award
Malkie Ginsburg has been an integral faculty member of the Fuchs Mizrachi School for 14 years.  “Morah Malkie”, as we have all come to endearingly know her, initially joining the Lower School team as a learning specialist and within 2 years had become the coordinator of special services for the Lower School.  Malkie’s devoted commitment to tirelessly ensuring that each and every child is cared for and growing is what has made her so successful as our Lower School Principal for the past 8 years. 
Over Malkie’s time in the school she has dedicated herself to enhancing the entire experience of our Lower School students.  From the fundamentals of learning to read and write in both English and Hebrew to computing Math and decoding Chumash, Malkie has strategically developed the Lower School curriculum by continually seeking best practices and providing meaningful professional development for the Lower School team. During her time as principal, Malkie has developed a robust and enriching array of co-curricular programming highlighting our values in Torah learning, middot, and general studies and has used these opportunities to engage parents within classroom learning.  Malkie and her husband, Herzl, are the proud Mizrachi parents of Yonatan (FMS ‘20), Yaakov (12), Yehuda (10), and Lottie (8).
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