Laura and Yehuda Mitch
Mike and Peppy Senders Outstanding Service Award
Upon Mitch and Laura’s return to Cleveland 8 years ago, they jumped right into the Fuchs Mizrachi Community and have not slowed down since. They are the consummate example of parent volunteers — they are not only uniquely interested in every facet of their children’s education, but they are eager to help the school in any way that they can. 
Mitch began his involvement at Fuchs Mizrachi as a board member, has since served as chair of the Finance Committee and treasurer, and currently serves as the chair of our Head of School Support and Evaluation Committee (HOSSEC). Laura has served as a board member, and was co-chair of Parent Council. Laura founded and serves as chair of our Parent-School Liaison Team, which was designed to improve communication between the parents and administration, and was developed out of her participation as a Legacy Heritage OnBoard Fellow. Laura was also instrumental in bringing the Safety Kids program to Mizrachi to help teach kids age-appropriate general safety awareness. 
However, Mitch and Laura’s involvement extends far beyond the school — they are both involved in the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and have served as Super Sunday co-chairs, and volunteer at many other organizations they support quietly and wholeheartedly. Mitch and Laura continue to serve as ambassadors for the Fuchs Mizrachi Community and are true partners with the school in everything that they do. They are always willing to do whatever is asked of them, from hosting events at their home for the school community to volunteering in the classroom. Their quiet and humble contributions are trademarks of Mitch and Laura’s communal involvement.  Mitch and Laura are the proud Mizrachi parents of Avi (7), Jake (5), Noah (2), and Josh (K).
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