Fred Zimmerman
Chizuk Amuno Congregation
Fred Zimmerman has been an active member of the Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood for almost thirty years.  That is as long as the Ravens have played football in Baltimore.  After being recruited to the Brotherhood by Michael Freilich, he has been actively involved in Brotherhood BBQs, Chili Contests, Steak Nights, football tailgates, and the Yom Ha Shoah yellow candle programs.  He is a valued presence at Brotherhood Board meetings.  He was very involved with Club Hatikvah in their dinner planning.  He played a major part for Seaboard Region in organizing the catering for last year’s Blue Yarmulke event.
Fred and his wife Judy are both native Baltimoreans and avid Ravens fans. They have been married for more than 63 years, 3 months, 18 days, 16 hours, and 32 minutes.  They joined Chizuk Amuno Congregation not long after they were married and it did not take long for Reverend Dickstein of blessed memory, to recruit Fred for the evening Minyan.  Fred and Judy are both frequent attendees of Shabbat evening Services and various Adult Education courses.  They are the proud parents of Amy and Mark, the proud grandparents of Connor, Drew, Bear, Remi, and Pebbles.  
Fred served in the Army and then in the Army National Guard for more than 12 years.  He owned Zimmerman’s Junior Shoes, a store in Reisterstown, Maryland; and then worked as a traveling salesman for Art Leather Custom Photo Albums.  Anyone who knows Fred can understand how his friendliness lead to his success in these endeavors.  He can truly talk with anyone.  After retiring he embarked on a new 10 year career as a Crossing Guard and Class Aid at Summit Park Elementary School.  
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