Marvin Spector
Lifetime Achievement Award
Marvin Spector was born and raised in Baltimore, where his family belonged to Temple Oheb Shalom.  As a teenager, he was president of the Temple youth group, went on to serve as vice president of the regional organization, and was an  Assistant Scoutmaster in the Boy Scouts
He was married in 1963, to his wife, Judy.  They have two children, Jonathan and Bryna, and 7 wonderful grandchildren.  The family joined Chizuk Amuno Congregation.  At Chizuk, Marvin has held multiple leadership positions in the congregation and its Brotherhood.  He has served as Gabbai for 50 years and also served on the congregation’s Ritual and Youth committees.  For many years he mentored in the Bar Mitzvah Brotherhood, helped coach the Day School soccer team, and has taught middle school students how to use tefillin for the past 12 years.  He served as the Brotherhood treasurer for eight years, has been involved with running Brotherhood Shabbat for 30 years, and has organized the Lulav and Etrog program for many years.  Marvin has even been a stalwart in the kitchen, assisting in the preparation of Shabbat Kiddushes
In the community he worked on several committees, including the Walk for Israel, Super Sunday Phone Day, and Jerusalem 3000.  He has also been a volunteer at the Jewish Museum. He was a Scoutmaster for seven years, and chaired the first Jewish retreat for the Baltimore Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America.  In short, if there was a Jewish endeavor in Baltimore, you could be certain that Marvin has had a hand in its planning and implementation.
For all his efforts, and the positive influence he has had on so many people, both young and old, Marvin is being given this well deserved Lifetime Achievement Award.
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