Jerry Benesch
Beth Israel Owing Mills
Jerome (Jerry) Benesch has been a member of Beth Israel Congregation since his teens. His first introduction to Beth Israel was in the 1960’s when his parents joined the congregation. During his career, Jerry and his family have always maintained a relationship with Beth Israel. His children became Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Beth Israel. It was when he retired in 2007 that he became a more active member, attending weekly Shabbat services and assisting whenever and wherever possible. On just about any Shabbat, Jerry will be a Gabbai (Floor, Rishon,Sheni), a Torah Reader, or just relaxing as a congregant. He has been on the Beth Israel Shleimut Committee and an active Brotherhood member, participating in many of the Brotherhood activities. Perhaps his greatest contribution is that he supplies Union Craft Beer (including Zadies lager) for Beth Israel events!