Welcome to the 2022 Blues Power "MVP" Awards Website
For the first time, we will honor all the Seaboard People of the Year at the same event, on April 10, 2022, at Congregation Chisuk Amuno in Baltimore, Congregation Beth Emeth in Herndon, VA, and Congregation Beth El in Norfolk. 
Why come to this event?
Our honorees have devoted incredible time and energy serving their clubs and communities.  We reserve these occasions to celebrate their achievements and to thank them.  What better way to say thank you than to be there to witness their honor, and to celebrate with them!  Many of our honorees got motivated to serve their communities by attending an earlier Blue Yarmulke.  This honor helped serve as a motivation to contribute. We call this the cycle of service and celebration may it continue forever!
Yes, it is a fund raiser as well as a fun-raiser.
This is the Seaboard Region FJMC’s major source of funding for our programs.  Below please find some of the main uses of our funds:
  • Subsidies for our International Convention and Regional Retreat. where our club and brotherhood leaders receive advanced training and motivation to serve you! This is a Convention Year!  The 2023 FJMC Convention is in planning as a live event, and we are trying to provide the maximum subsidies possible to have a great representation.   
  • Subsidies at the FJMC store.  We provide money to help our clubs with books and other materials such as yads and tefillin to help their activities.
  • Regional trainings.
  • Other philanthropy.  We give to other Jewish causes around the world.
Please join us at this celebration and show your appreciation to your Blue Yarmulke Person of the Year in our Tribute Journal, which will appear on our regional website shortly after you submit it.  You can also support the region itself by being a Team Manager or Coach Contributor. 
See you there!
Dan Moldover, Chair
1st VP Seaboard Region
Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs
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