Mike Binder
Lifetime Achievement Society

Michael is the Director of the Graduate School USA, Government Audit Training Institute and Federal Financial Management Programs. He is also the Host of WTOP/Federal News Network weekly radio program 1500 AM, “The Search for Accountability”. He served over forty-two years in federal audit positions with GAO, HUD, EPA and as Inspector General of the National Endowment for the Arts. 


Michael has a BBA and MBA in Finance and Economics from the George Washington University, attended Harvard University, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the Federal Executive Institute.  He is a Certified Internal Auditor, a Certified Fraud Examiner, and a former national officer of the Association of Government Accountants.  


Michael has been an adjunct professor/lecturer of management, finance, white collar crime and auditing since 1975 at Salisbury University, George Mason University, University of Michigan, Florida Atlantic University, Federal Air Marshall Academy, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the Council of, Inspectors General Training Academy and the University of Maryland as well as Graduate School USA.


He created The Montgomery Summer Tennis Camps, published several professional articles and course texts, and is a professional orchestra leader/musician including performing at the Kennedy Center and for Presidential Inaugural Balls.


Michael Binder has been the President of Shaare Tefila Men’s Club continuously since 1998, and was a Blue Yarmulke Man of the Year in 2002. He has been a commissioner of the Men’s Club Spring/Summer Softball league.  He created and has been commissioner continuously of both the Men’s Club Fall Softball league since 1998 and the Men’s Club Basketball league since 1996.


Participation in Men’s Club sports leagues effectively serve as a feeder to membership in Men’s Clubs and Brotherhoods as well as encourage sustaining affiliation with respective congregations in Montgomery, Prince George’s and Howard Counties.  Men’s Club weekly sports leagues, during 9 -10 months a year may be the most regularly attended Men’s Club activity. 



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