Todd Haim
Shaare Torah
Todd Haim joined Shaare Torah in 2016 with his wife, Robyn, and kids Leyna and Alec. Since then, Leyna and Alec graduated from Shaare Torah's Early Childhood Center and Todd's family have enjoyed being an active family at Shaare Torah. Todd has gradually increased leadership activities and currently serves as Men's Club Co-President and serves roles on the Board of Trustees and the COVID-19 Task Force. As Men's Club Co-President, Todd helped lead several innovative programs including a COVID expert panel that attracted over 300 registrants, virtual programming such as trivia and poker events that raised money for the Hesed Fund, a Purim Dance, Steak and Bourbon events, etc.
Todd leads training and small business programs for the National Institute on Aging. Todd, who grew up in New Jersey, now lives with his family in Gaithersburg, MD.
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