Fred Lewis
B'nai Shalom of Olney
Fred and his wife Jill live in Fulton, MD and have three kids, Rachel, Max, and Natalie. They joined B’nai Shalom of Olney (BSO) in 2009. After signing up for the BSO softball team, he was recruited to be a board member and quickly became a “pillar of the community,” so to speak – a Blue Yarmulke!

Fred grew up in Northeast Philly and graduated the George Washington University in DC with a degree in Finance.  Fred is the founder and CEO of Sentinel Net Lease, a commercial real estate company and the Dominion Group a diversified real estate firm that specializes in affordable residential housing, property management, and national real estate lending and insurance.  Dominion Group also owns and manages about 1,000 single family houses in the Baltimore area.  Fred is also a director at Capital Bank in Rockville.
Fred and Jill are big supporters of the JNF – “Jewish National Fund” and have committed to fund Jewish kids who want to participate in their High School in Israel program, after sending both their daughters through the program. They are sponsoring their first student who will be attending this fall and look forward to sponsoring many more.
At BSO, Fred went from the ballfield to the Board and has served since 2009 with five different positions before recently serving a term as President and another term as co-President (4 years in leading BSO).  Fred’s leadership has helped BSO in many ways including a strong management of its finances, engagement, and moving the Shul into the modern age.
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