Aron Sterling
Olam Tikvah

Aron grew up in the Chicago area where he was part of a large synagogue where is his parents were active members and leaders. The family moved to southern California when he was a teen, opening a restaurant and joining a small Conservative synagogue. While learning to run a small business at a young age, Aron was active in the shul where he and his lifelong friends did everything from run the youth group to cut the lawn. Aron was recruited to go to Lee College, now called the American Jewish University. Wanting to become a teacher, Aron went to San Jose State, where he met his wife Gerri while helping lead high holiday service. They both became active members of the Hillel at San Jose State forming friendship that last to this day. Aron and Gerri were married in 1988 and became active in the local shul while starting their career in education. Aron went on to earn his Master’s degree in Organization and Leadership, and an administrative certification, from the University of San Francisco.


In 1995, Aron and Gerri followed some friends and family to the Northern Virginia area. Originally, as a younger couple they attended Adas Israel and then after having their first child went shul shopping where they found Olam Tikvah. As a member of the education community, first in the classroom, and now in the central office at Fairfax County Public Schools, Aron gravitated to helping out on the Olam Tikvah Religious School committee, while at home serving as the president of the home owner’s association. During this time, Aron and Gerri welcomed twins into the family, connecting them to the OT preschool and religious school further.


The formation of a young father’s group, ABBA, at Olam Tikvah, was another chance to participate and volunteer in the synagogue. The group, part of Men’s Club, continue to held several events that Aron helps coordinate. The annual (up until Covid) bowling event is a chance to have fun and bring men of all ages together. Aron also does a presentation connecting the Jewish story to the distilling and alcohol industry during the annual steak dinner. He conducts extensive research into how the Jewish people have been actively involved in the manufacturing, distilling, and distribution of wine and spirits covering everything from tavern keepers to Jewish gangsters. Aron also server as one of the Shammos’s for weekly services and continues to support the religious school.

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