Shaare Tefila - Ira Kolmaister

As the son of Simon and Ruth Kolmaister, of blessed memory, Shaare Tefila charter members, Ira kept his mother from attending the very first Sisterhood meeting as she was distracted giving birth to him.


Ira enjoys providing support for various Shaare Tefila needs. Over the years, he has provided support on various programs, such as set design and construction on many Purim spiels, help with video projects and, most recently, chaired the committee that developed and implemented the Shaare Tefila TV Channel.  The Shaare Tefila TV Channel streams Shabbat, funeral and other shul services. With the programming help of another member, Jeffery Winkler, the committee was able to fulfill the major requirement of broadcasting Shabbat services without any manual intervention.


Ira is the CEO of Network Alarm Corporation, a cybersecurity service provider and the Internet Global Corp, a technical consulting organization.   Ira credits his wife, Valerie, and sons, Ian and Seth, for his happiness.

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