Beth Israel - Henry Foxman

Henry Foxman and his wife Roslyn have been members of Beth Israel for 40 years.  After retiring from his full-time job as a teacher, he began volunteering in the synagogue office.  Since that wasn’t enough, he became chairman of the High Holiday seating committee for 18 years. He spent 10 years as a member of the shul Board of Trustees.  He was chairman of the Wellness Committee where he was responsible for outreach to the housebound shul members. He was also co-chair of the Transportation Committee which offered rides to members to medical appointments.  Presently, he is on the Board of Hazak and a member of the Life Long Learning Committee.


As a many many years member of the Beth Israel Brotherhood, he current serves on the board and is active with the kitchen committee.  He has always found his membership and work with the Beth Israel Brotherhood very rewarding.




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