Har Shalom - Keith Hartman

Keith has lived in the Bethesda/Potomac area since 1983. He has been a member of Congregation Har Shalom since 1984. He and his wife, Linda, ran a multi-generational family truck dealership in Springfield, VA. After selling the business in 2006, Keith has been involved in real estate and property management.

Keith has been involved with Congregation Har Shalom committees for many years. For the last ten years he has served in many functions for the Men’s Club, including treasurer and, most recently, president. Working with the talented and dedicated members of the Men’s Club, he has helped develop and expand Men’s Club activities such as the Purim Carnival, Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations, and various wine and liquor tastings. Keith maintains that channeling volunteer activities with like-minded compatriots through service-based organizations like the Men’s Club is the ideal way of enhancing one’s synagogue and Jewish community.

Recognition by one’s peers and friends is a great honor and is a statement of the camaraderie that is developed through volunteering for a communal cause.

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