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Double Chai Sponsor
Doug Segerman
Mazel tov
in this well deserved honor
Agudas Achim Brotherhood
Chai Sponsor
Doug Segerman
"Happy is the man who is rich
in good deeds, for he shall be
honored in life, and shall be
remembered long afterwards
for his goodness."
We feel privileged
to have you
in our lives.
Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.
Stanley & Cory Schneider
Doug Segerman
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Outgoing President Allan Gottesman
Marc Firestone
Leonard Abrams
Andy Alper
Stephen Baum
Mark Berlin
Hal Berkowitz
Gerry Brin
Elliott Davis
Steve Dix
Hersh Garnick
Marty Melnick
Doug Segerman
Jeff Schulman
Sandy Zaremberg
Incoming President Stan Greenspan
International Officers
Regional Officers
Men's Club
Rabbi Charles Simon
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