We invite you to celebrate and support our beloved Shul this year and recognize Herbie Mauthner and Michael Rieber, the recipients of the Etz Chaim Community Service Award. It is a special evening during which you will inevitably feel the strength of our wonderful community.
Community is what we all need right now. Israel and Medinat Yisrael are always in our hearts and minds. Etz Chaim is a community of proud Jews and proud Zionists, and together, we can celebrate the greatness of Israel and her people in Eretz Yisrael and in our Etz Chaim community.
Please register to join your community on June 9 as we recognize Herbie and Michael and enjoy a taste of Israel. We also ask that you please place an ad in addition to attending. Your support at this event helps Etz Chaim fund programming throughout the year. 
Click on honoree photos to view bios
Herbie Mauthner
Community Service Award
Community Service Award
Crown Jewel
Brown & Brown
David and Sharon Halpern
Gladys Halpern
Waters, McPherson, McNeill
Bar Mitzvah
Susan and Jason Klein
Abbi and Jeremy Halpern
Batsheva and Murray Halpern
Martin Knecht
Mindy and Alan Schall
Hutton Construction
Shelter Systems
Atlantic Realty
Suzanne and Miles Berger
Pantirer, Pines and Schwartz Families BNE Real Estate Group
Clayton Block
Interiors by Steven G. Inc.
Lasser Hochman
Randi and Robert Gelbard
Terri and Michael Goldberg
Aviya and Alex Halpern
Shelley and Chick Paradis
Tsipie and Lazer Rothenberg
Debbie and Wayne Zuckerman
Miriam and Amir Cohen
Crystal Plaza Group
Jamie, Steven, Max, Sidney, Ian, and Kara Eckstein
Etti and Michael Freedman
Mindy and Stephen Goldman & Sol Eckstein
Avivah & Michael Gottlieb
Marci and Jeff Lefkovits
Jaci and Henry Mandil
Herbie Mauthner & Michael Rieber
Arthur and Sylvia Stark
Jane and Mark Wilf
Jessica and Ari Wise
Yafitte and David Bendory
Adam and Lindsay Berger
Leah and Justin Bergman
Yaron and Suzi Gohar
Ahuva and Martin Gross
Daniella and Ben Hoffer
Sherry Izak
Debbie and Neil Kaplan
Maggie and Cliff Newman
Reubens Glatt Spot
Jill and Eric Sacks
Mitch Knapp Scenic Landscaping
Rachel and Zev Scherl
Harry Stadler
Yana and Kenneth Weiss
Ellen and Roy Bernstein
Barbara and Andrew Hutter
Ben and Liz Klibanoff
Cindy and Jack Plawner
Shana and Avi Shua
Ann Sklar
The Werthenschlag Family
Karen and Cliff Aaron
Michael and Margie Bachner
Barbara Berger
Sharon and Josh Brickman
Ruth Hutter
Jaci and Henry Mandil
Samantha and Gabe Migdal
Daniel and Mairav Pascheles
Marion and Michael Saffer
Susan and Larry Shiff
Frema Sobel
Shari-Beth and Jeff Susskind
Wenig Family
Aliza and Yair Bendory
Brooklyn Family
Custom Care Carriage LLC.
Rose and Morris Handler
Herbie's Sisters
JAG Physical Therapy
Matt and Emily Kaufman
Eliane Levy
Pediatric Potentials
Elizabeth and Jason Plawner
Sima and Benjamin Schall
Yvette and David Sharret
Waldenberg Family
Sheldon and Jeanne Waxman
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