Isaac Bernstein grew up in Chicago.  After spending 2 years learning in Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in the Old City of Jerusalem, he attended Yeshiva University and received a BA in Jewish Philosophy. Isaac is still learning full-time in RIETS, where he is completing his Semicha.
Before joining Etz Chaim, Isaac was the City Director of Teaneck NCSY. Beyond NCSY, he has been involved with many other Jewish institutions, including Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School, Bnei Akiva and Camp Morasha. Aside from working at the shul, Isaac also continues to work closely with NCSY in the Livingston/MetroWest area.
Yael, Isaac's wife, works as a social worker in the Jewish community. They have one incredibly cute daughter, Leba.Both Isaac and Yael are very passionate about their roles in the community and are honored to be a part of the Etz Chaim family.



Jacob and Miryam Schwartz moved to our community from Boston, MA where Jacob was receiving his degree in Comparative Religion from Harvard University before beginning a career in asset management. Miryam recently graduated from Stern College with a degree in neuropsychology and plans to continue her studies and become a nurse.


Together, they have spent the last few years working with youth and teens through NCSY on the West Coast and in the Greater Boston community.


In their spare time, Jacob and Miryam love being outdoors, working on DIY home improvement projects, road trips, and board games. Between the two of them, they have lived in 4 continents, 4 countries, 8 states, and countless cities. Having spent time all over, they truly know the value of an amazing community and can’t wait to contribute to the special community here at Etz Chaim!


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